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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. It's a little silly to constantly slam the Sedins. They were tough...they just weren't goofs. They played through all kinds of stuff and were excellent players. No need to do that sh. They also didn't lick anyone's face either so maybe you're focusing on the wrong side here. They played the game with integrity and that's ok. They weren't fighters. Oh well.
  2. This league will never adjust because .... they simply do not care/want to. They call things so inconsistently and it's infuriating but...."it is what it is". Imagine if Myers did that? He'd have the book thrown at him. Dirty f'n Preds need to be the Deads tonight. Slam them at every opportunity and knock them right out of these playoffs. Then they can go be tough boys somewhere else. At the golf course. Go knock someone off the first tee - fill your boots fake tough guys. Love how they selectively target that stuff...Big Z should teach them some manners.
  3. Thanks for an amazing GDT (once again)...can hardly wait for you to fill in the blanks. Epic LET'S GO!!!! 7:00 just can't come soon enough. I sure hope that this city behaves WHEN WE WIN TONIGHT!!!!
  4. I'm just all out of whack. How am I supposed to work today? My boss (who I constantly have to update...not only on when the games are on but who wins) is going to the game tonight. Tough because me, the diehardiest homer that ever homed this earth is not. Ah well, hope he has a blast. Wonder if I'll have to update him on who wins because he'll be at the snack bar or will leave early to beat traffic. The women at work too....suddenly they're all hockey experts but never care to talk hockey when there's no hoopla during the season. I hope they become fans because it would be nice to have more buzz generated outside of just the playoffs. Not just fans of the playoff team. Trying not to be jealous. Am so jealous. GO CANUCKS GO....I WILL SCREAM FROM MY LIVING ROOM ONCE MORE So proud of our team. I'm also so glad to have all the real hockey fans here to carry the torch long after playoffs are said and done. You all are the best and I appreciate you/this place a great deal. LET'S GO!!!!!!!
  5. It's like me this morning on the drive in to work. Halford and Brough on the radio. Brough's an idiot, I've known that for awhile. Halford was talking about something entirely different re "tomorrow" and Brough chimed in with something to the effect of "like the Canucks losing". Get behind the team. But no...it's edgier to predict failure...I'm sure he's used to it from his own experience in life. I shut it off.
  6. So send them home, they're not needed. When Petey got thrown to the ice as part of their celebration? If Myers did that he'd be gone for multiple games. The team's battling through it but the Preds are getting away with WAY more than they should be. When you see some of the phantom calls they do make it's head scratching. I love playoff hockey when they put the whistles away but there's a line to be drawn in what's ok and what's not.
  7. 1. We're not losing the series 2. Washing your hands when you sit beside each other and are sweaty, spitting, screaming, etc.?
  8. As much as I wanted someone to KO him, the way we beat them felt like some sort of payback. Like...."go ahead, be idiot goons if that's all you've got". They'll have to go back to the drawing board it seems. I think the Preds thought they'd sealed the deal long before they had. Their fake swagger was a bit much. If that's their MO....to goon up Petey and Quinn, the team'll sneak in the back door and strike. I do still hope Myers or Big Z get a good slam on Lauzon though. But you know....they'll get the book thrown at them. Preds seemed desperate. And now they are. Refs suck and should be addressing the crap that went down with Petey. That is NOT playoff hockey that's bitch hockey. JT knows what's up.
  9. Keep eatin' that elephant one bite at a time.
  10. I love it, I knew it. Tried to call my Dad to celebrate with him....no answer. I had a sneaking suspicion that he'd turned the game off before it was over and went outside. Correct. So when I just called to tell him we won....what an awesome reaction. He was so happy. Giddy happy. Asked if they're replaying the game so he can watch the ending. He shuts the game off for the right reasons...it's hard on his health when we're losing. Especially when Petey and Quinn are getting knocked around....he hates that. But he never slams the team...he's always on board, win and lose. What a great time to be a Canuck fan. I wish I had tickets (Dad just told me he's going to buy me a season ticket for next year)
  11. Why yes I did just quote myself by accident. See "2 ciders"
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