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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. LOL just was wondering the same. I'm supposed to focus somehow? Do stuff? I don't think so. I'm just going to sit here with this big dumb ass smile on my face. Ring my cowbell every now and then as a reminder.
  2. They don't write all this in the foot notes though. Doesn't matter....what matters? A W
  3. They should've just kicked it in. More accurate that way.
  4. The reason they did deserve it? They didn't panic. They stuck with it. But, mostly....they didn't give up. Unlike a good number of people here. It ain't over till it's over.
  5. my good lord this is so excellent yet so hard on the heart
  6. I'm a little emotional and that is cause for concern, BUT.... No chance in hell I'm leaving this game. I walked smack dab in full stride into a very clean glass door yesterday. Was loud and quite an impact. Took the brunt on my forehead, nose, pointer finger (I was looking at something that was in my hand). Nice bruise that's coming up but did all the tests and seemed ok last night. I think. If I die, I hope my team scores the OT winner first. Then I'll watch them win the cup from wherever they send me.
  7. I prayed. To the hockey gods. I stood in front of my TV and I swear to God (hockey God) I willed that puck in. I usually say "do it for (insert other people's names here)" Today I said..."DO IT FOR ME" then they scored. This is my damn religion. I called 4-3....bring it on!!!! GOTTA GO. never doubt my team
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