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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I'd just love a Miller drive to the net while one arming guys away from him for a goal. That would lift my spirits and give me hope.
  2. Coming home with it tied up isn't the worst case scenario. But still enough time for this one too. Don't count this team out until the clock runs down.
  3. I have a feeling it's because they don't want to risk any suspensions...with goaltenders dropping like flies it's all hands on deck. I, too, wish they would though. Just to send a message that they're not as awesome as they think they are.
  4. You've been wrong more than right but...sure ok. Done for the season. Gotcha. Thanks for coming out to set us all straight and have a feel good moment at the team's expense. This team isn't done until THEY say so, not you. Miller didn't bolt. The refs DO suck. Myers has been awful at times. - you've been wrong before.
  5. Well we were...it was a one goal game and it's silly to suggest that's unsurmountable. Some are writing us off. Again. Still.
  6. You know things are serious. I'm about to crack open my second cider. Please just ignore me it's about to get crazy.
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