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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. (some people still think shots count as goals, they don't) You miss 100% of the goals that don't go in. Something like that.
  2. Nothing serious by the sound of it. Flu? Someone mentioned him checking his hand/finger out last game? No worries it seems. Be back soon.
  3. Juice ain't wrong the the hunters and the hunted right now. Time to go head hunting. (I know that's not what he meant, but I do)
  4. I gotta do nothing. (I can't) My ex tried to tell me but...that didn't end well. I will never get over the sh reffing until...it gets fixed. Until then, I'm a ticking time bomb ready to go off.
  5. I want someone to just smoke a pred next period. I don't care who...just lights out knock them to tomorrow. They need an attitude adjustment.
  6. This place is soft. We're behind a goal and not "taking it to them" but man.....people are quick to turn. One goal and suddenly things look quite different. Pace yourselves.
  7. That's such bs though in relation to Quinn. He's played bigger than some giants out there....he's been an iron man. This is just a dumb comment. Quinn's played more minutes than most and he's been very stable. Yeah, they're targeting him. Because they're too chickensh to go after others. But he'll be fine.
  8. I don't feel it's like that. They're staying patient and not panicking. It'll come....they'll tie it up. Nashville's not looking so scary...they've been lucky for the most part. And have had help.
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