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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I think they are a bit tentative at first and I'm hoping they become acclimatized to it all and can loosen up a bit. Also, just keep blasting shots at every opportunity. I do know they throw it around waiting for lanes to open up but make them open up. And crash the net so greasy goals are plan b.
  2. Thing is, the idiots who get violent during large public gatherings are .... idiots. It changes the vibe and gets ugly real fast. After a loss if you need to set stuff on fire go home and do it. Torch your own kitchen (just please surrender all pets before doing so...it's not their fault they live with neanderthals). I wish people would intervene more (or leave the area to make the morons stand out and easier for cops to nab). Rather than standing around "watching". Video's ok because it does help identify people so they are addressed for lighting up our city in a bad way. How dare they, fools. GTFO
  3. The only reason I rehash this is: This from a guy who also has "played at a high level". It happens. It's not about toxic Miller and his unruly behaviour. It's about showing emotion when a team's frustrated and those who do often are the ones who spark the team and wake them up. Mostly he's great. And when a team's down it is negative and those outwardly expressing it aren't creating the situation they're simply reflecting it. Hockey guys know that and don't take it personally. If they do they really have to toughen up the outter skin.
  4. I feel like they(Preds) have a lot of pressure on them this game. At home after a loss...they'll come out hard but hopefully wear down again. Then we strike. Would be SO fantastic to come back with 2 road wins in our pocket. Just play smart and beat 'em at their own game. 106 shot blocks coming up.
  5. That's the beauty of this team. They're ALL able to contribute and lift others up when needed. Some teams rely on that one superstar....ours is currently off yet we have other players very capable of stepping up. And Petey IS doing things out there, even if the flashy dangles aren't there. He's trying.
  6. You have to go big picture though. You consider what he HAS done (before he made the big bucks) and project what he's likely to do again. To take a snippet when he's obviously "off" isn't fair. And his contract hasn't kicked in yet...time will tell. Just as people were wanting to write JT off down the road....let's see what happens. Petey is his biggest critic and his mental game is likely his biggest hurdle. Experience will help with that. Yes, he needs to do more. And probably will.
  7. I won't look based on your response. I hate people when they'd rather TikTok than intervene in stuff. I can only imagine (but don't want an image that'll stick)
  8. Yes, I loved it. Garland's so awesome. And he was the one who skated between Schenn and Miller so maybe his loyalties weren't with Schenn. Maybe the team wasn't all pointing a finger at Miller and some knew he was important to them.
  9. I bought his practice worn hoodie. I'm going to burn it. (not really) I didn't like him going for Garland. Maybe it's carry over from the mean girls period referred to earlier?
  10. Schenn said something to Miller and pointed at him....they said words of frustration as they skated off the ice. Drama. 5-1 loss and yeah, we don't want guys being "ok" with that. They weren't. Not really anything monumental.
  11. I'd argue that they actually shifted things from complacency and acceptance to one of uneasiness. Stirring of the pot. And that was needed.
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