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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Rourke's finding his groove again. Made some nice throws already...let's go!!!
  2. I took defensive driving when I started driving....highly recommend that everyone be required to take a course. Thing is, this doesn't seem like an issue with driving....more an issue with judgement, impairment, and entitlement. Driving drunk and like he owned the road..
  3. It shows his mindset and feeling of entitlement. Thinking about him and his life when he's just ripped others of theirs. No remorse shown here (although perhaps he did at some point and this just didn't capture it). The big inconvenience to him. Geez, seriously?
  4. Thing is, though. It's ok to indulge and to have a few beer after hockey but plan ahead....know that you'll be drinking and plan on not driving. Have it figured out beforehand. I don't like encouraging people to drink but let's face it, that's here to stay. And we even have a beer emoji here...alcohol's an accepted part of society and so the message is "be responsible" with it. Drinking and driving is not acceptable in any way, shape, or form. No excuses are valid. That's the message. "Have fun, have some drinks if you like. But don't get behind the wheel or you're a selfish ahole".
  5. This one too, ugh. A beautiful moment captured. I've been down at the glass when players go to their wives/children to say hello during warm up. They're not hockey players at that point, they're dads and husbands. I can't shake this one...again, likely because its all so fresh in my mind with the experience this week of watching players up close and personal as they get ready to go back for the season. It's just heartbreaking.
  6. Had a greenhouse at work so grew stuff from seeds: tomatoes, basil, parsley, etc.

    Making homemade pasta sauce right now out of those ingredients (and some). Smells delicious.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      I think the at work, is the part to pay attention too. 😉

      I suppose that depends on your job. 😄

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i'm growing green onions, carrots, beets, lettuce, radishes and parsley. i've got lots of green onions, lettuce, parsley and radishes. beets and carrots roots not develeping. i have a tomato plant i bought. getting lots of tomatoes off it.

      anyone having success with beets and carrots? what am i doing wrong?

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Carrots I'm not sure if it's a nutrient value of the soil. But I remember when my Dad had his gardens basically he just had what looked like baby carrots. I never saw him grow larger type carrots. 



  7. But what about the chemistry 6 and 9 have? Also...skating styles differ in my view between Heinen and Joshua. Joshua's more of a "lugger" (made that up, but hopefully some of you get what I mean by that).and the heavy play is what I love about him. Miller reacts quickly and fires passes off that you have to be ready for...I think Heinen plays a "quicker" game and would be able to receive those bullets. I just see Joshua fitting better elsewhere. FTR, my guess is JT won't change the heavy lifter part as that's just who he is/how he plays.
  8. OK enough grandstanding from me. But I feel so strongly about this. I also feel that everyone should. "Mistakes" are one thing. Getting behind the wheel after drinking is a choice. Leave your damn car at home and fork out $50 to get where you're going.
  9. Further to that up there ^, I feel for veterans who suffer and do have issues upon their return to civilian life. I do. I mean no disrespect to them (or those who suffer from mental health issues). Their service is deeply appreciated. One of my former (RIP Sandy) customers at that same lottery kiosk where I met Millie was a "decorated" veteran who had never spoken of the horrors he'd witnessed. He used to ask me to watch his mobility scooter as he went into the bank and learned to trust me over time. One day he did open up about some of it, tears in his eyes. I know that the wounds are deep. I understand that losing "brothers" and "sisters" in front of your very eyes makes it difficult to cope/forget. Risking your own life and having to be on high alert at every moment or you could suffer the same fate as those who've fallen in front of you. I get it (at a surface level of course). But there are also enough stories from families of victims of drunk drivers and they matter too. Their mental health is forever changed. So it's important to focus on them. They didn't get to make choices...other than just going about their happy lives in that moment that would forever change them. So this matters too (more). These children lost their father and that should never have happened. Gutted over that fact. The children of the guy responsible for that will still get to know him. Let's hope he pulls it together for them, if not for himself. To learn that he let out a heavy, disappointed sigh when he learned he'd be in the can until Thursday? Aw, how inconvenient.
  10. I wouldn't split up Boeser and Miller. They're developing some nice chemistry together.
  11. No excuse, alcohol is not the answer. And if he is using alcohol to cope surely he is aware of the fact that he shouldn't drink and drive. That's common knowledge, even for someone who's messed up. Being "lucky" enough to previously escape one charge for DWI, this man could/should have called an Uber as his past reminds him to do so. Beyond that, passing on the shoulder? So does he blame a screwed up mind for that or is that an impatient/entitled bastard? I know which one I'm leaning toward. There is help out there - alcohol is never excusable as a coping measure and driving while impaired is inexcusable. Period. We're in 2024 not 1959. I'm tired of mental health being thrown out there in criminal acts as some sort of defense. You're well enough to order 5-6 beer, to put your key in the ignition and start your car, to grow impatient of the cars in front of you, to pass and then veer right because you "thought" (showing his isn't a mindless action of someone in distress) the person was trying to block you from passing him. Many of us have trauma inflicted "screwed up minds" for one reason or another. We don't drive drunk/like idiots. That's a choice that's made.
  12. I stopped riding (my usual route) due to these facts. I used to go south on No. 3 Road past Steveston Highway...farmland. No shoulder on the west side of the road (at all)...drops down to a big ditch. They've put speed bumps in but the idiots floor it in between them. Even along the riverside dyke road here - people roller blade with their kids, etc. and now people are trying to use it to bypass traffic and they speed by. They're putting in a new separated bike lane along Steveston Highway and I'm thrilled - I'll be using that. One moment of driver distraction (or an idiot driving drunk) can change things for bike riders and their families.
  13. Reading up there that he had a previous DWI just pisses me off to no end. I don't give a hoot what else he's done in his life, that's the takeaway here for me. Guy didn't learn the first time - rather than considering himself lucky he carries on along the same path. F him.
  14. I know I said that's all from me, but felt a need to chime in here. It was the norm back then....my parents drove drunk too. The rat pack and people had alcohol and cigarettes and it was a way of life. It wasn't taboo or thought of much. The one time I drove under the influence was a very short (slow) drive home from a friend's (who lived a 7 minute walk from my home). Subdivision/back roads...no other cars, stop signs or lights. Just round the corner and I'm there. Except I drove over a wooden marker for the path in our complex and my kids were in the back seat. Never EVER again...that was my wake up call and I stopped drinking right then and there. We've all done things but if we don't learn from them and adjust our behaviour, that's when there's a problem. In this day and age with all we've learned...no one should be getting behind the wheel under the influence.
  15. Today I'm going to a lawyer to fight a man who used to beat me many moons ago and abandoned me and the kids who is now trying to take half the family home that I paid for when he walked out. And I've been consumed with it. It's also my last day of work as I've been laid off and should be job hunting (rather than gathering old receipts). I felt like this was the darkest but this news has cast light on the fact that my problems are small. This family is enduring something that puts my 'troubles' into perspective. It's only money that I stand to lose and my kids are standing beside me in this fight. I am just so saddened over this. Someone else's kids have been ripped away at a time that should be some of their happiest days...now their nightmare. Suddenly my thoughts have shifted and I no longer am wrapped up in a legal appointment. Some people won't have the opportunity to see today through and that's on someone who made a fatally horrible decision. That's all from me. This is just gut wrenching. Let's all be good to one another ... in the name of Johnny Hockey. May he and his brother rest in peace.
  16. That family will be ripped to shreds over this. So unforgivable...this decision by the driver has thrown a family into complete devastation. Their sister's wedding the next day? My good God this is terrible and it's hitting me hard (for some reason). Maybe because I've just spent the last 4 days watching young men who are in the primes of their lives doing what they love. And now these two will be deprived of that because some idiot got behind the wheel and drove like an asshole.
  17. Me too, my friend. It's tough at times - I go to many games with people who drink and have a great time but I drive to the rink and so I ...don't. It's just not worth the risk. On the occasion where I feel like indulging with them, I take skytrain. Which is a pain in the ass for me as I have to wait for a bus on the way home that, at that time of night, runs once an hour. I usually JUST miss the 3 Road bus as I get off the skytrain...I see it leaving. My ex used to drink and drive (idiot) and was charged for it. Problem was - the penalties weren't nearly stiff enough. I ran a little lottery booth awhile back and this sweet lady (about 60-70 years old) used to come in most days and always spent about $60/day on scratch and wins. I started chatting her up as she'd sit there and scratch them...I'd learn that it wasn't the prospect of winning, it was keeping her mind occupied. She lost both of her sons (twins) at the hands of a drunk driver. Imagine how she felt...her boys pleaded with her to ride their bikes down to "the dunes" (now Garry Point) but it was near supper time and she said no. "Pleeeease" finally convinced her and she said "ok, but ride down there and then back for supper". She said she was in the kitchen peeling potatoes when she heard sirens screaming closer and closer. She said her gut churned and she just had a really bad feeling. It was her mother's instinct - both of her boys, gone in a flash, due to someone's selfish negligence. Unbelievably (but true) - she'd lose her husband 4 years later to the same fate. I don't know how she survived after that (except she still had one son who used to drive her to the lottery booth). And any time I hear of some obnoxious person mowing some innocent lives down, I think of Millie.
  18. OMG this is horrifically tragic. I'm floored by this news, my good God...ffs people - don't drink and drive. You irresponsible f'n morons who do!!!!!! Killing innocent people who are just out enjoying their lives. My heartfelt condolences to the Gaudreau family. What a devastating blow that will take a huge toll on this family. I feel sick over it.
  19. What a great 4 days of hockey, I'm set for the season to start now!! It was interesting to see the pace and intensity quicken from Monday to Thursday. Came in full of rust and by yesterday's scrimmage, they were flying. Burroughs was there (not sure if he was all along, hadn't noticed him until yesterday). I took more notice of Heinen who potted a couple of nice goals. I was really impressed with Joshua's willingness to stay and sign stuff for the kids long after everyone else had left the ice and gone to grab their lunch. Stech too - he conducted camps for the kids before his session and did the same....stayed on afterward to "mingle" with the fans/kids and sign stuff. I really am sad he's no longer here...his energy is infectious both during play and also in how he just seems to love the game and want to share that. I think he'll make a great coach one day too. He did a great job with this camp and spent some long days at Minoru..."home".
  20. His Dad lived/lives? here so...who knows. It could be in the cards.Fingers crossed for sure.
  21. I love this event, very casual. Come in, sit wherever. Not very crowded....lots of kids tearing around, having a great time. This is year 2 for me and I'll watch for this every year. Well worth the time to go see these guys jump back in. I love some of the drills they do.
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