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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Looking at the worst case scenario = gloom and doom in my opinion Half empty vs half full but either way could pan out so why panic? I get being prepared but before we stockpile anything let's just finish the season and see what gives. We're not looking to replace Demko just yet.....
  2. Also...I just love how the Preds SM is gung ho on making this one win so earth shattering. Like we've beat you 5 out of the last 6 times we've played you but sure.
  3. Gotta rush home after work and come sliding in the house sideways for this one. The boys will take this one. They deserved the last one and will adjust. Nashville won't be able to keep up the pace of blocking shots without it taking a toll.
  4. Facts ^ You're pretty much saying he's done. Fact is players get hurt and speculating that his career will be cut short or he won't be healthy is getting a little ahead of ourselves here. Anyhow, time will tell I guess. We don't even have the facts about what's going on with him yet so that would be step one in determining his future.
  5. For some. Thing is, younger guys can party all night and still show up and play but if that's the lifestyle as you age, it can catch up over time and take a toll. But Miller's not one of those guys and could very well still perform at a high level over the next few years. There's NO reason to think he won't unless injuries start to take a toll (knocking on wood). His game is very much opportunistic and he sets others up nicely because he sees the game well as it unfolds. He's often thinking ahead of the play.. He doesn't have to be the fastest out there - he reacts quickly. I don't think he'll lose the mental edge that drives him to succeed. I mean, he's not 80 and he's just hitting his stride by all accounts and purposes. Some are just stuck on that narrative....that it's a given that he'll decline and also that a younger guy ("asset") will just automatically produce at a high level. Both are uncertainties. And those assets can become liabilities just as easily as Miller could.
  6. You talk in certainties that are just ideas you have but they're not facts. He would be aging isn't really too relevant with guys in their 30's who, in this day and age of hockey, are often in their best shape ever. Miller's lifestyle is one very focused on nutrition and fitness and a good family life. Matters. Also "getting assets that would be hitting their prime" is also an unknown. You can't pencil in success for people just as you can't pencil in decline. We KNOW what we have in Miller. You're predicting he won't be a great player and that others will be (assets). That's you fixing the narrative to fit your own skewed version of events. People who are still arguing that he doesn't fit don't realize if we didn't have him Petey would likely be gone soon. Quinn might want out. Etc. And being upset over the fact that they built around Miller rather than Bo? It's turning out to be the right decision. The culture IS changing. Miller drives this bus and the team around him realizes that. So assets may not want to be here if the team starts looking different.
  7. That's on you though. No reason to believe he won't. Gloom and doom is a mindset. Injuries happen to many players but it doesn't mean "they're done". They're young athletes in great shape with access to the best resources for treatment and recovery. He very well could be done for the season but until we know, we don't.
  8. LOL I'll laugh if we have more people in our building watching an away game on the screen than the Deadators do in their building for a live performance.
  9. Good on Motter. I'll always cheer for him* *except if we're playing him
  10. Good. Serves them right for not allowing our fans in the building. F 'em.
  11. I don't know why we have to compare our players and pit them against each other. Petey's in a funk, there is NO denying that. Yes, he does still contribute but not how we need him to. Miller contributes as we need him to most games. It's no secret we likely wouldn't be IN the playoffs without him. But when Petey's on, he's our best and we shouldn't give up on him. Whatever is throwing him off won't last forever and we should just get behind him. I mean, last year people were ready to toss Miller....we need to learn to exercise some patience with players who are worth it. Petey's worth it. It's a team game and good teams have players who can step up and fill in these gaps when their best are struggling (or out/injured).
  12. ^ Ha, I just listened to that (the day we played LA). Love that song. Montreal has some good music.
  13. I get the criticism, sure. Whatever. But damn it, this team is not "done" as some here proclaim. We've heard it before/earlier in the year yet....they're still here. So no, pace yourselves. There are some adjustments to be made, sure. But there's nothing to think they won't be. Love this team and they outplayed those bas-turds last night. Blocking shots was their MO and...yes, it worked. They had 16 shots so it's not like they outplayed us - they didn't. One thing I did notice was that they have a guy in the slot ready to shot and when it gets to him, BANG/GONE. It's obviously a set play that they were effective at. Be more ready for that and don't let it happen. That's my "never played before" limited observation. We may lose the series. WE MAY NOT...that's the beauty of it all. No one can "predict" based on one game. And, if that were the case....predict based on game one not just game two. Those who really believe it's over wouldn't be here watching between cracks in their fingers. GO CANUCKS GO
  14. Preds won't be able to keep up the shot blocking pace without suffering some casualties. F them We looked better but had zero puck luck. We will take them this series...no doubt in my mind.
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