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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. Gutted, but trying to be optimistic. Maybe the Preds'll be way too over confident thinking this is a huge advantage. Demko is except if the team plays well the team will still win. They're solid and have faced adversity in the past so they're pretty resilient. But damn, what a blow. Wonder if this was it? Bring it.
  2. That's not true. I go to a lot of games and the crowd's usually into it. Maybe a little tentative at the initial puck drop, but things usually pick up a lot. I do think our DJ's gotta go....a big part of it is him lulling us to sleep with his song choices. A mix is nice but not enough music that kickstarts the energy. It can make a bit of a difference for sure.
  3. So true. We're a little spoiled here and have really had some great calls. Even Al Murdoch is the best of the best. I hear other games and my ears bleed or I fall asleep. So glad we have the crew(s) we do.
  4. Well, thing is...I'm driving in to work and put 650 on because I wanted the party to continue. I wanted to hear stuff about my team's awesome win. Nope.
  5. THAT IS JUST AMAZING. I love that we have them....the whole family is awesome. Natalie is a superfan, loves it here and is super down to earth. I love all of them. So cool. I do love that you respected their privacy like that....matters. I mean, these people are just out living their lives. (I would've stuffed him in my trunk and hit the gas)
  6. I recall a comment about coaching/credit to Tocchet but don't want to go back to find it. Was tired/shutting down and didn't respond but my thoughts were that we have a great "team" of coaches and it takes a village to raise a good hockey team. I believe we have personnel in place to address most issues and really fine tune things. Gonchar, Foote, Clark, the Sedins, etc. Also...who the hell is the clown with Kyper on 650 in the morning. Justin Bourne is an idiot. Gave NO credit to the Canucks and talked about their horrible first period where they were outplayed and only registered 4 shots. So yeah...someone maybe checking the stats would think that but anyone with one eyeball who actually watched the game saw us taking it to the Preds. I mean 20 hits? They don't count as doing anything? We were 12/17 in the dot. YES, they only registered 4 sog but they also missed quite a few. This clown should NOT be covering our team...I don't care if he was born here or not. Was he? Who even is he? I hate him already. His slant was SO Preds and he even commented something to the effect of them basically gifting us this game. I shut it off and shook my head. Then banged it against a wall. I will NOT tune in to that bonehead again. He should be fired...his take was hot garbage. Did he go to the Ron McLean school of hockey observation?
  7. One of my favourite moments in the game was Myers punching (?) the Nashville player to the ice. Like "gtfoutta here, this game's ours". He was so engaged and THAT'S the Myers who does great things for us. Beast mode was activated....by the entire team. They're likely sick of not being taken seriously. It's time to take them seriously.
  8. I love that Petey posted this on his Instagram. Chills.
  9. This just says it all, thanks for posting this @Smashian Kassian. I've watched it 10 times already...what a feel good moment that was captured. So good! I am so happy for this team no matter what unfolds. They're getting rewarded and enjoying some success. They're proving themselves and have stuck together and their chemistry is obvious. JT signing here long term was a nod to this team .... he believed in them and now they do too. He's vocal and passionate and didn't slink away. Quinn is leading the way on the ice. Once Petey gets his mojo back look out world. I love what JT said about Joshua not knowing how good he is. There's no ego on this team and that's huge. Garland's also really provided us with a motor that helps drive this team. What a great win that was...feeling so good today. I think that was my reaction too up there when the time ticked off the clock. Cheers everyone!
  10. He's usually pretty low key and has a "we don't really notice" (chants, cheers, etc.) But he was clearly wow'd by the atmosphere tonight. Great job by the fans at the game (wish I was there). They really brought it. A lot of pent up energy being released tonight....this city is hungry for post season.
  11. WTH?? JT was talking lady...excuse me. HOW RUDE
  12. I'm honestly getting sick of their schtick. Go away already. Go fishing. Play badminton. Crochet. Read. Just don't rain on our parade. They give up SO easily on this team. I mean, one goal games and they're all over it like we're done. Chime in as soon as we're behind. Crawl out of the woodwork. HAVE. SOME. FAITH. This team has earned it.
  13. I really like when Myers is nasty. He wasn't taking any guff tonight....love it.
  14. I loved that clip of Garland and Joshua on the bench. This team's chemistry is undeniable. #winners
  15. Quinn can hardly contain his joy. I love it.
  16. Joshua 1st star: 2 goals, an assist and 6 hits.
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