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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. 40 years ago today my favourite made his WWF TV debut.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RawkDrummer


      from Saskatchewan my favourite "Rowdy Roddy Piper"

    3. Ghostsof1915
    4. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      Undertaker forever!

  2. I love the fact that a couple of our players are getting some ice time in together (with Bieksa and others coaching). It's a charity deal for mental health and other NHL players are involved as well. Just shaking off the rust stuff. Liking the bonding process that's coming through this (Joshua, Juulsen, Bains, Heinen, etc.).
  3. Leaving for hockey soon. How am I feeling about that?


    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you better see a doctor, you may shake yourself to pieces.  rather keep you in one piece.cheers big casino.

    2. -dlc-


      Off I go again today, Joe.

      Met Podz yesterday...bittersweet. Such a nice guy...wished him well. "Just not against us"

  4. The struggle is real...yep!
  5. OK, enough from me (besides, it's time to hockey soon)
  6. Wow, this is so weird. Just as I came in here to post this.... Without dragging everyone down, I'm hitting an extremely rough patch. Funny how life goes...you go along and everything's smooth and easy then WHAM. Blindsided. Derailed. In between crying (I'm over it now), I'm working so damn hard and feel beat down and a little broken. Hockey is saving me (once again). This stuff at Minoru is just what the doctor ordered....get my mind off stuff and reset. But yeah, this song was pulled out recently as it reflected how I was feeling. I'm strong/resilient...this won't take me down.
  7. And that's just awesome.
  8. Hey guys. I love hockey. Day ll today and I focused a bit more on Juulsen and have decided that he's also one of my favourite players...works his butt off. I was leaning that way last year anyhow...now confirmed. I'm still a little concerned about Joshua...just his body language after skating hard. Maybe it's nothing, but he looks gassed after each sprint. Probably nothing. He did skate hard in the scrimmage at the end mind you, so I'm not THAT concerned. LOL, there was merging construction traffic on the way to the rink and I cut off two players in a Range Rover who were obviously hurrying to get there and weren't going to let anyone in. They seemingly thought it was funny that I just pushed my way in (saw them laughing in my rear view). Then they pulled in behind me as I parked at the rink. I win. Also, I miss Stech. He's a workhorse who never stops skating and has some nifty moves. NOTE: I was going to call Children's Services...too many children in Oilers' jerseys...those poor neglected souls. Pics later (today's turned out much better). My pictures still suck. I need a new phone.
  9. Really prefer Noel to Liam...whatever their issues are, Liam's got that whiney drawl that gets annoying to me. Noel's my favourite.
  10. Loved it. Hockey's back for me. LMAO...the highlight? Bieksa. So I didn't know (at first) that he'd be available to sign autographs (Stech too). While I'd originally made this thread and planned on going, that was last minute news for me. I pulled my 3 jersey out of retirement...it desperately needs washing and is very much game worn The number and logo are falling off (heavy wear of that baby) and so I hadn't done so for fear of it completely falling apart. Wasn't planning on wearing it again. But...the occasion called for it. Threw it on and off I went. When it was my turn for an autograph I told Juice I'd been waiting a long time to have him sign it (and we both laughed). Clearly, my jersey told that story. Then he saw the logo and number falling off as he signed the back and said "this looks like the jersey I was wearing when I fought Ben Eager". Killed it. He hasn't lost his touch. I also told him I do have a new jersey...Miller's. He liked the choice, said they're friends. (Pics later...they suck. My camera's THE WORST) Only recognized Stech, Bieksa, Podz (sad face) and Joshua (who looked a little gassed at times).
  11. Always liked him. He was never the same after that hit that was ignored by the refs (concussion/back?). Just donated his t shirt to Big Brothers with some clothes I went through. Was a fan. Hope he has success.
  12. Ohhh! I really like this song by them ^
  13. This reminds me of my friend, Rich's, industrial rock band back in the day (Sister Machine Gun)
  14. I saw Neil way back when (Pearl Jam backed him up)
  15. I disagree (not on the play calls), but on the excitement. I love the CFL...so many games go down to the wire and even with 2:00 on the clock, things aren't decided a good deal of the time. Winnipeg started in the toilet and are now storming back. You just never know in the CFL. The Lions are deflating right now (my Dad shares the exact same sentiments as you). I learned in 2011 not to rule teams out and I think they will figure things out. Their tackling has to improve...that's one glaring issue I see. Missed tackles where they should stop a team but allow them the extra yards after a missed tackle and that gets them the first down.
  16. How hard must it be to resume a game after this? I know they're pros and they will, but it's pretty rattling.
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