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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I had to go to the river to try and release some energy....was WAYYYYYYY TOO WOUND UP. (Still am) LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO
  2. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/i-burn-for-it-canucks-miller-savours-shot-to-step-up-in-playoffs/ "I burn for it": Miller savours shot to step up in the playoffs.
  3. It's NOT mellow when you're in there....the crowd goes nuts. I don't care for U2 but there's no denying the impact that song has on our rink.
  4. JT A no brainer for me. I have Brock Petey Bieksa Burr and about 6 others but it's always the same. #9
  5. I've only ever been to one playoff game (2011). It was such a different feeling...we arrived super early to see all the white towels on the backs of the seats and it was amazing. Then to hear Streets as the team skated out onto the ice....absolute goosebumps. I'm sad that I won't be there this year but I also love to 'watch' the game with everyone here. And listening to Shorty make the calls too. There's something in that that helps ease the pain of not being in the arena. I'm way too wound up and am going to work out on my deck to release some of the pent up energy. Then maybe scream a little. Me right now....
  6. So freakin fantastic....have the time of your life. What an experience you're about to have! SOOOO happy for you and your Dad.
  7. I love this...the get togethers. The shared celebratory feeling of it all. Have a great time! Perfect bbq'ing weather today (at least so far).
  8. I used to dream of getting published....then I read other people's stuff and realized mine was just mostly an outlet. I wasn't good, but I still love it. LOL my first ever "work" was published.....in our elementary school yearbook. A real humdinger called "The Enchanted World" about riding on a seagull high above the earth.
  9. Miller's going to be in beast mode, book it. He's the ultimate competitor and he'll drive this bus. I can hardly wait.
  10. I only remember '82 because I was chasing a boy around and he invited me to watch the playoffs at a friend's. So I watched HIM watching the playoffs.
  11. OK, I'm so nervous. Anxious. Restless. I write to pass the time away and I'm reflecting on it all so here's my two hundred cents. I love this team. I love the playoffs. I love y'all. I remember ‘94 like it was yesterday We were in the cup final and “you know he will play” Province posters arrived each game at the door We collected them all and each game there were more The living room was plastered, everywhere they hung And out on the streets we hugged and we sung This was our team and, to us, this was new How far would they go, how would they do? Along for the ride, we took it all in And game after game, by gosh! they would win! As our team inched closer to the ultimate prize It wasn’t expected, was such a surprise And with window markers the team logo I drew On the front bay window, so everyone knew As they’d drive by our house, they’d honk as they passed For four great series this excitement would last But to our disappointment our team fell just short Just how it is in this cruel world of sport Then in 2011, it would all start again That year I was lucky, many games I’d attend Burr, Juice and Kes were our favourites (though pests) With Luongo in net we had goaltending’s best And again, the buzz grew as the team gathered steam Entered as top dogs, stage was set so it seemed And who could forget when the dragon was slayed? In one of the best games Burr'd ever played Knocked out the champions in a dogpile of glory The team was writing a magnificent story It wouldn’t be easy and again they’d be tested By mean predators and waters shark infested But again they prevailed and pushed through like winners Until they met a team full of dirty f’n sinners Broke every single rule but Daddy was a member Of the NHL brass who were cold as December Cute little punches and goalie stick whacks What a bunch of unruly obnoxious damn hacks (pause, breathe….it still hurts to this day) But they beat us in a game that left us in shock As we counted the seconds tick down on the clock Our fine city fell apart as we watched on TV Seemed so surreal….how on earth could this be? In a few short hours the atmosphere would turn From jubilance and joy to a city that would burn Like a bad nightmare where we couldn’t awaken It felt devastating, like we’d been forsaken That pain really hurt, it stuck for awhile For a long time was hard to muster a smile But looking back that team was worth celebrating And once again, we find ourselves waiting What will our boys do? How will they fare? It’s a nervous time but damn, WE’LL BE THERE! And as diehard fans, for us nothing better Than sunshine and wearing our favourite team’s sweater So enjoy the game folks, please just drink it all in Even if we should lose (screw that WE WILL WIN) One day we’ll look back on our team and this year As a great ride together and to that I say….cheers!
  12. I truly hope that people keep everything in perspective no matter WHAT unfolds. This team's given us reason to be very proud of them. They've earned that. Sky's the limit though because they are very capable of beating anyone when they play the way they can. Only one team will hoist the cup and 31 others will fall short. It's our time.
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