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Everything posted by -dlc-

  1. I'd also put Lafferty in there....his goal was huge in grabbing some momentum. He also played a hard game out there and was crashing and banging in puck battles and making it difficult for the Oilers.
  2. Zadorov and Soucy are huge for us (pun intended). Many of us here have known for some time how important it is to have some size and physicality in the line up. Teams aren't so scary when we have a response....as a matter of fact, I'd say teams are a little more scared of us these days. Miller too. That snarly edge is so important in the playoffs. Pushback. Even Myers' game was more tuned in to that last night. It's a fine line because refs tend to really "notice" everything this team does while allowing some other teams a bit more freedom to hack and whack. But the battle level is there and it's refreshing. The "culture" has changed. And Miller really was the one leading the charge in that. No more accepting losses with shoulder shrugs and "oh well's" that give credit to good teams over there. This team is good and that's where the focus is.
  3. What a turd statement. Making excuses for early (in the season) games because they were early on. Like they somehow didn't matter? They don't know if anyone remembers those games....well yes, we do. Even if for some reason the Oilers decide to block them out. Maybe that's part of their problem...they don't take this team seriously. They should. LOL they say this game was about getting ready for the playoffs. Yes, it certainly was. They "expect" to win....their superstar diva attitude is driving their bus. Where as, this team knows it'll be tough and is preparing for that. Those saying we didn't play well at first....the refs were eagle eyed at doling us penalties early on in periods which did give the Oilers some momentum. Too bad they did nothing with it. Funny that they got away with so many crosschecks and interference that the refs "missed" yet somehow the refs were on it from the puck drop when it worked in their favour. Timing is everything. Yes, the Oilers grabbed some momentum....but they didn't score on the pp so that's on them.
  4. I'm really happy for Juice too. I mean, he took this gig and it's really fitting that he gets to feel good about "his" team. And don't ever kid yourself, he's a Canuck at heart and it shows. Eat it, Ron.
  5. Petey did some stuff...not scoring stuff, but he helped.
  6. Awwww, love it! There's Demko waiting to congratulate DeSmith. So great.
  7. LOL "we have some big guys and.....we have the little water bug...Huggy"
  8. Casey is such a beaut. What a positive energy he brings.
  9. I don't want to hear ONE WORD about McDavid not playing from those who don't think it mattered that Demko was out. Don't even try it.
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