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  1. Any Canuck fans going to games in Nashville? Would love to meet up if u are. DM or comment here!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dlc-


      If they are banning sales from outside the area the NHL should step in. Or all teams should do it.

    3. icesk8er333


      Can confirm they have a regional ticket sale restriction in place and it even extends to States outside of the Nashville viewing area.  I live ~2 hours away though and would also love to meet up with a fellow fan!  Are you in town for both games?  Plan at the moment is to buy myself a solo ticket for the game on Sunday and go alone.

    4. NHLer


      @icesk8er333 likely do one or both. I’m New York so would fly in! What price range ya thinking? DM me if easier! 

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