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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Great speech... university educated... It's truly a tribute that at no time did he focus on himself.... One captain accepts an award with dignity, while another.... This is right up the Sedins road of humility... We definitely got the right choice as Captain... Hopefully we'll win a cup before they'll need to double his salary.... Way to go Quinn....
  2. The bag lady and some Oiler fan....
  3. It waa kinda how Demko took over the starter position, all be it, he was older... But if management sees a good deal, or perhaps feel they can rely on Demko due to his injury history, or see a deal worth pursuing, just like you say, who knows, if he is in play. Demko is also due a raise soon, so something has got to give somewhere next season.
  4. Have to add though (not to be apologetic towards Benning), if often easier to sign friendly contracts, when the team is doing well.... Nevertheless JR/PA are killing it just now... Get Zad signed and then we only need 1 winger for Petey... and perhaps a tough 4th liner (but that would probably be too much to hope for...
  5. He earned it by breaking Draisaitls ribs.... Good or the Giraffe... Gives Tom time to become a proper player...
  6. Or perhaps Demko... (yeah I know its unlikely)...
  7. Way to go... Allvin is killing it this offseason. Magic.
  8. Its tough to take anything, when you've lost... but its the name of the game... It separates the men from the wimps... integrity and guts... It takes guts to face the music, when you're down, and you lost, what you wanted the most... It's easy to hide....
  9. Rubbish.... Its part of your job as an NHL player...whether you win or lose... He could just have gone out and do what a proper Captain and human being would do... Say thank you, well played and good bye... This way people would respect him, for having the guts to come out and face the music, despite it not going his way... every single one of his team mates would understand that... Especially if he came back in and told the team, that this was only awarded to him because of them... next year we'll take the real prize... They would respect that, instead of him pouting like a spoiled kid...
  10. He could have gone out, taken the trophy and acted like a man... Doesn't mean he's rubbing his team mates faces in it... The level of entitlement makes it even the more sweet, they never won... He disgraced himself and the award by not coming out to receive it... All he had to say was 'Thank you and Good bye"... F him and his whiny childish behaviour... Fun part is, I don't even like Panthers and their "normally" 250 fans... But dislike Oilers more with their entitlement... Best news since we got knocked out, was hearing Myers broke Driedfishs ribs in the second game... arrogant prick...
  11. He wouldn't know, what it means, if it hit him with an iron bar... He is totally devoid of respect for others and sportsmanship my butt...
  12. In a heart beat... 1 year, if it doesn't work problem solved for recap penalty...
  13. Spot on.... I've followed football all my life, and while diving has always been part of it, it was nowhere near as bad, as it is now. Thing is, we are far more likely to see it with the camera actions, and replays. So now we jave better tools to deal with it. I can understand the refs have a tough job, but I've said it before... when they started to hand out retrospective suspensions for diving it took a lot of the diving out of the game. when I see a player holding his face and replays showed he hasn't been touched, he should instantly receive a 3 game suspension. It stops it instantly, as no team wants their players to sit in the press box unnecessarily.
  14. You are spot on SS.... Its ruining the hockey game...It may very well always have been a part of it, but now we can clearly see it, so it should be dealt with... There was a poster saying it should be dealt with from grass root and up, and that is a great idea... Just watch embellishment get worse and worse... Why wouldn't it? Young players sees the superstars go down all the time after absolutely minimal contact, so of course they are going to do it as well... Before these playoffs the NHL stated they were going to clamp down on embellishment... I'm not sure I have seen one single embellishment called yet... Soccer is dying on its feet because of the diving and rolling around on the pitch... Its pathetic to see grown men going head to head, and then after a slight push or clash of heads throw themselves to the ground...
  15. Exactly... hence I don't get some folks want to take a step back and take stock?
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