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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Merry Christmas fellow Canucks fans. May your bellies be full and glasses never empty....
  2. +1.... Points in the bag always better than maybe this or that... There's a reason the games are played.
  3. He hit Zetterlund in the mid rib section and can't remember, who it was at the end of the game. But he looked well up for it... Yes we finally have a D, that the opponent will 'feel' during and after the game.
  4. This is very true. I will add, a bit of luck is needed as well. There were definitely a few times, where Benning didn't have the luck required. Flat cap from covid being one of them... I mention this, as I can see some folks already calculating with severely rising cap for salaries to players. While that is very likely, we never know, what is around the corner. We can easily be caught out, and we do not want to be over paying players. Petey is unique in many ways, but we have two players, who can both center a top line. If we have to find a 2C inorder to stay cap prudent, so be it... there are way too many unknowns and possibilities to blow the entire budget on one player. JR has been around the block a few times, and I am sure, he knows exactly how much he has available for each line.
  5. Well it is only for 2 years its nearly $5M... after 3 years its back to around $2M again. Anyway, If Petey is looking for $16M /year, then let him go.... especially, if somebody would make an offer sheet of 4 first, take it. Petey is fantastic, but thank god JR is not being taken for a fool, which previous negotiations has shown. Benning may have been pulled around by the nose, but I doubt very much JR/PA will be in the same boat.
  6. On point as usual James. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well
  7. 5-2 Canucks Miller gwg Boeser with last goal of the season
  8. Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you. May you bellies be full and glasses never empty. Enjoy the festive season
  9. This.... is where the dog is buried. He gives up on plays, or hopes for a turn over so he has a head start, but he definitely doesn't race back as hard as others, if he loses possession....
  10. That true... I think it may come down to numbers. Not sure we can afford to keep Cole, and then Juulsen is an adquate step in for 1 more season until Willander hopefullyis ready.
  11. Agree, provided they are happy to play either Soucy or Cole on their off side... One thing is certain, he has been growing in confidence and his game as a result of it... Don't think neither Wolarin nor Brisbois is ahead of him anymore. Both lefties too of course so....
  12. I just try to be diplomatic... I've had the discussion with him before. Fact is, that's how he sees it... I called him out for being a troll before, but he denies and says he's been a fan for god knows how long, so if that is his opinion, then that is his opinion. I don't have to share his point of view, but its an open forum, where we all are allowed to voice our opinions, bio matter how odd they may be. You know, I don't have to fight every battle that presents itself. Life is too short and Christmas is around. Merry Christmas to you too.
  13. That's a fair way of looking at it... I'd still say, if you manage to get your team to the top of the league standings, you must be doing something right. And more right than wrong. Imagine they change the coach and it goes pear shaped, then what? If they can't keep it up, then by all means have a go at him, but I'd argue, he has earned the right to coach his team, as he likes.
  14. What has Tocchet done, that makes you think,he can't get it done? I'd suggest, he has done a decent job so far, and that the players seems to like playing for him? Just curious...
  15. Great to hear JR speak... He is just so relaxed and level headed.... long may it continue.
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