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Everything posted by spook007

  1. This is so true... Its not a question of whether he can score a lot more than a few of the 4th line players, but if the opposition scores regularly, when he is on the ice, because he drops his assignment, it becomes an issue... They are working with Kuz, to get the best out of him, at that is far more than the mop here would ever do... I see a lot of folk complaining he isn't jin the line up, but wonder if they are the same that complains and jumps on players, when they miss their assignment or get scored on? We are really lucky at the moment, we have so many decent players, we can afford to work with Kuz. As you rightly say, if they can figure it out, we'll get an even better Kuz. If not, he'll be history.... Its Tocchets way or the highway...
  2. Had to stop reading after page 3.... so if some of you good people deserves a or , forgive me, but maybe later... Damn some people, are you only happy, when the sky is grey? After 10 years in darkness, instead of being ecstatic about the team being top of the league, its being mentioned about, which pace we have been playing at the last 20+ games... sometimes words fail me Is Petey the new scape goat? Great game, lost in O/T, it happens... How about the positives? Last game on a 4 game road trip, points in all, 6 out of 8.... Nashville and Dallas are tough teams and the first two being morning games B2B... Get real here... Not to mention top of the league. On a side note, this is the first game of the season, that really had play offs feel to it.... Whistles were not used as much as in other games. Great game to watch..... This team is growing before our eyes and getting better all the time.
  3. Spot on amigo. I lost my dad when he was 67 and my mum 5 years earlier. Its all very well to say get over it and get real, but folks deal with thing differently. And I actually find it had to imagine how tough it must be at the age of 28. There are lots of people, who suffers depressions as a result of loss... and as such maybe go easy on them, instead of putting them down. We all do the best we can under such circumstances, but some cope worse than others.
  4. Big D man, tough and can actually play... he is gonna get paid. If he had stayed in Calgary, he may have struggled to get as good a contract, but coming to Vancouver and showing he can play, was a good move. GMs around the league are watching at this moment in time with open check books. Guddy got $4M several times, and was a pylon compared to Zadorov. Canucks will be daft not to hold on to him. Maybe term and NTC will keep the costs in check, but doubt he'll get less than 4-4.5 with term.
  5. I was definitely not referring to you LL... Top man. Yes its more likely folks, who just won't see positives in, what is happening. We all have ideas, and ways we look at it, and until its tried, and either failed or succeed, nobody knows for sure, who is right or wrong... One thing we can all agree upon or nearly all, is the way this franchise has been turned around in a short space of time, is nothing short of impressive. Where it leads only time will tell, but I'm pleased that we get to give the boys a chance. If they fail and fall flat on their faces, over the next few years, we have some decent assets, that should be traded for a total rebuild, but this is for another day... PS. Can I just add, that the way, they went out and drafted Dmen, in particular RHD last draft showed they are are planing long term as well... So damn pleased.
  6. There definitely are a fair few posters keeping quiet over the last month or two... Maybe sharpening the onives, just in case...
  7. True.... what would point be, if you are trying to win, to trade a potential 30 goal scorer for a player that will be in the press box + a few picks? If anything we need a roster player back, that can help the team going forward ie this season...
  8. Its hard to argue with Tocchets decisions... almost 70% wins...
  9. Absolutely 100% true... And not only Zadorov, but Cole and Juulsen have been laying some pretty good hits too... On top of that, has anyone noticed, how well Myers have been playing since he's been paired with Zadorov as well? That pairing is found money, and with the Cole and Juulsen able to hold their own, the reduction in ice time for Myers has worked wonders. So much to be happy about just now.
  10. Morning amigo... Yes this is just too good to be true... What a game. So flipping impressed with what they have assembled in such a short time.... Looks like Zadorovs arrival was the almost the missing piece needed. The team plays with freedom, no fear, first on the pucks, strong on the pucks, hitting, and some pretty good finishing as well... And yes, this didn't just happen. This is due to hard work, and the structure JR was talking about as soon as he entered the building... I'll be boarding boats with a big smile on my lips in another hour... Maybe even get to see a few sailors from Newfoundland (they are all Canadians supporters), and tell them, the west coast rocks again... Brilliant. just brilliant...
  11. Just wonder if even Tocchet and the entire Management team thought the team would take off like this... This is a time to behold... No let's rebuild some more.............. /s Go for it....
  12. Replying with 2 goals before the announcer gets to say, who scored for the home side is priceless... For everything else there is Master Card...
  13. Feel exactly the same about the management team. They showed it with Bo. And brilliant for showing it quickly, as agents now know, what they got... They'l have a number on their mind and it'll be take it or leave it.
  14. And he can actually play.... Definitely an improvement over Myers. if he can be had for around $4 each year give him 6-7 years... Can and will always be in need of a big physical Dman.
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