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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Just keep this winning thing going... just too much fun... 5-2 Nucks....
  2. This... Like it or lump it. Petey will be paid either by us or somebody else. But he will be paid... I'm starting to wonder if he'll do a 3 year deal, and then he'll get paid handsomely once they are past the worst of the OEL penalty. But all the top players gets paid. Anything below 11 will mean Petey left money on the table. Especially with taxes ect... it is, what it is...
  3. Funny that was my first thought as well... Was wondering when the next news was gonna break... However, the 6th round pick is capital, if he wants to make another deal... Cicek is likely just dump... Still good deal...
  4. And thats how it should be.... you are either in, or you're history... Ship in or ship out...
  5. Yes I just love the fact, we now have defenders that doesn't call for cardiac arrest every time they enter the ice... Legit top pair, and I'd suggest a bunch of 4-6 especially when Soucy comes back. But more importantly this is a D core that makes the opposition play with their heads up, instead of taking us for granted... there has already been more punishing hits this season than all of last season combined... I'd like to se players like Le Rat try his bullshit and get away with it this season... This team is going places... As @stawns said they may need another top 4D (rhd) at some stage, but if this D continues to perform like this, they may save themselves a few bobs till its really needed.
  6. Spot on.... The is no I in team... whatever it takes, and it looks like they are all buying into Tocchets plan. Very similar to Schenn here... top notch.
  7. Yes Cole has been a great mentor for Juulsen... Juulsen even himself credits Cole, for guiding him through games... (think the3y said it during commentary a few games ago...)
  8. Been thinking the exact same thing... Maybe just hold on a little longer and see how the horses run.
  9. So is it time to blow it all up and start afresh?........................../s Great game by the Canucks, and Demko having a shut out on Luongo night was very fitting salute to Bobby LU. And man is it great to see us have a defence, that can actually hurt other teams... Cole, Zadorov, Juulsen and Myers all have it in them, and still Soucy to come back. It's been a long time since we looked this strong on the back end. 3rd period the boys took it easy... Fun to see 2/3 of our top line to start the season playing on the 4th line... talk about depth... And Kuz is smiling again. Man, this winning thing is fun....
  10. Posted 11 hours ago 11 hours ago, spook007 said: I'm with you on this one... He bend Canucks over, so for him to come waltzing in and pretend too be a hero of Vancouver... I haven't forgotten his crap, My contract sucks... and his nice little gesture to Panthers, thus screwing us over... as if the NHL screwing wasn't enough. Its definitely with mixed emotions I'll see him tonight... @Haddy Nobody forced management to offer him a monster contract. Nobody knew there'd be such a stuff cap penalty at the time of signing.. and the guy had to retire because he gave his body for this sport and it caught up to him. Played with his heart on his sleeve here. Today's huge for the organization, appreciating the best goaltender to ever play for us. Maybe you guys could suck it up, get over it, and enjoy the induction like the rest of us. ------- Had to copy paste to answer this one as comments section is closed... Who says he wasn't the best goal keeper to play for this organisation? As for retiring because his body gave up... He could have gone to LTIR for the rest of his contract, and Canucks wouldn't have gotten the recap penalty. However, he chose to retire and get 'another' job within the Panthers organisation, so they got of the hook and we carried his cap. Also, Luongo was the player stating his contract sucked, not Canucks... He never had any problems, when he signed it... So before we decide, how he gave his body to the sport, I think there's a lot to be said about who came first for Luongo. What there is no debate about is, that he is by far the best goalie to play for Canucks, and his records speaks for themselves... And as for management being forced, there were no reasons to not give him a contract like that. It was until afterwards, the rules were changed and Vancouver got shafted...again.
  11. I'm with you on this one... He bend Canucks over, so for him to come waltzing in and pretend too be a hero of Vancouver... I haven't forgotten his crap, My contract sucks... and his nice little gesture to Panthers, thus screwing us over... as if the NHL screwing wasn't enough. Its definitely with mixed emotions I'll see him tonight...
  12. Nothing particular special about 10 goal and 4 assists for 26 year old in the Swedish hockey league, is it?
  13. If so the Bo trade gets better and better...
  14. Ultimately the GM makes the decisions and either gets the credits or pays the piper... Its far easier to be a fan with hindsight, as we can always say, I got that wrong, or I didn't see that coming. In saying this Myers was at the time of the signing expected to cost 7M/year, and as such considered a great bit of business, by just about everyone. The last 5 years has shown it was anything but, but I won't hound Benning over that one... However the LE and OEL were players known to have been average at best OEL definitely not playing to his contract, and those were on Benning. I thought, at the time, that OEL would be a good signing, bearing in mind we got rid of 3 unwanted contracts, but in hindsight that was a horrible deal... I guess, I was just sick of seeing doing nothing and these less than average players continue playing on our team, and anything would be better... How wrong was I.... Anyway Benning did give us JT, Brock, Petey, Demko and Hughes.... and you can only wonder, if he had waited 1 more year, instead of signing OEL, if he could have swung a similar deal to PAs Hronek deal, would he still have been in a job... (doubtful). Who cares, we are good now, with a competent management team... But it would have been good not having the OEL cap penalty coming on... The Bobby Lu one was annoying enough....
  15. Agree, and have been saying the same... Benning made some big mistakes that cost him. Making the OEL deal and the Eriksson deal were bad decisions... It can be debated why and how, but in the end the GM makes the deals and stand and falls with them... But he did get us JTM, and drafted fabulously bar OJ and JV... he drafted a top line C, Top pairing D, Top Goalie and a top scoring winger... despite his misses on the two previous players that is decent return for his drafting... Now, where Benning needed help, was from a wily old fox like JR, who could have tempered his panic buys, or definitely have help him... JR/PA walked into a team on the brink. It needed some good contracts and some smart deals to support the team. Started quickly with Mika, and then signed JT to a great deal. How long it'll be a good deal remains to be seen, but he easily outperforming it just now. Kuz got signed for free... let that sink in. Then Soucy and Cole got signed and he also got Laffy for a later pick. Then the traded Bo and used the return to get Hronek, our missing top pairing RHD, and with the rest of the return (Beau), he swung two trades, which gave us a big monster D, that we have been needing like forever. etc etc etc JR/PA has done the team building in next to no time, with the only concern being how we will cope once OEL cap penalty bites the hardest... Amazing job by them, but yes the ground work had already been done under Benning. Whether Benn ing would have been able to swings trades like this we'll never know, and to be frank, who cares... We are finally playing hockey that could lead to proper success... keep it rolling.
  16. That is fair, but that is always the case, when you have superstar players... You then have 2 possibilities pay them to stay, or trade them, if you feel more is needed to win... Big changes will be made by the time QH next contract comes around... definitely as its going to cost big $$$
  17. This is axactly how I see it panning out as well except I think its now and next year and the next 3-4 years once the worst of OEL cap has vanished and the new players have settled properly into this team (likely still on ELCs or the 1st contract after ELCs).
  18. What? Am I misunderstanding you here, as I think Hughes is on a real good contract just now. As for Brock, everyone is happy to see him scoring now, but even Brock wanted out 6 months ago, so don't think you can slam the fans. In the end its about value for dollars, and team building... something has got to give...
  19. Agree... Its more likely there will be two windows... one now, and one in a few years, when Willander, Lekkerimaki etc comes up on their cheap contracts, provided they continue their progress.... Problem will start already this summer with not only Petey and Hronek, but a lot of the support players like Zadorov, Cole, Lafferty, Joshua and DeSmith ready for better deals...
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