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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Don't think they are giving up on Kuz, just like they didn't give up on Boeser or Garland or most of the players... However, that is not to say, if a deal came along, which they thought would improve the team going forward, they wouldn't pull the trigger... A low cost upcoming RHD (with some term), or a rugged forward, who plays Tocchet style hockey, may be of interest going forward...
  2. Why on earth would they fire Tocchet, Heffy?
  3. yes exactly this... Hence the window is larger... JR/PA are (maybe) a few pieces away from having a contender builts far quicker than the 2011 team. The team is responding to Tocchet, just like the team was under AV. If Tocchet falls flat on his face, which nothing suggests atm, then it can be discussed, who should be in charge... I clearly remember a fair few 'Fire AV' posts in the old CDC... guess you do too? How would that have looked later on? Again, as I said earlier, if JR/PA who has more knowledge about, what it takes to win the SC thinks Tocchet has, what it takes, maybe let him run with it... Another poster asked, who you would have wanted to lead this team instead? Bearing in mind JR/PA sacked Bruce for not playing structured enough...
  4. Agree on all counts... Until he came to Vancouver he was playing around .5 maybe a bit higher point wise through his career, but he really took off here... And so absolute he is the player that will take the game by the scruff of the neck, when the Chips are down... He will do if Physically and verbally (while still p[laying to a high standard of hockey), where as Petey and QH does it with skills...
  5. Absolutely love, what he brings to the team... I was on the fence, as I liked Bo too... I felt he earned the right to be here, after having had to suffer through the previous 8 years of misery... But I was also voting with my heart... That was the advantage of a clean out of management... No sentiments, but cool cash, for what we think you bring... If was a slap in the face of Bo (team captain) to be offered less than JTM, who at times was a bit of a loose canon, and didn't always seem to have his heart in it... However, JR/PA made their minds up quickly, and by the look of it, they definitely made the right choice. The fact Tocchet seemed to find the switch that turned Miller in to a great player, has just made this a brilliant decision. $8M for a 200ft Centre, who is at the top (about) in the NHL scoring and brings a level of tenacity to his game, that Bo didn't, is a flipping steal... One of the concerns amongst fans, were how Miller would look at the end of his contract, and it may end up stinging us, but for now let us all enjoy it... I'm sure we will be reminded by a fair few posters, should he fall over the cliff edge, like the Sedins did in a couple of years, but for now its great business... And yes, his passion in infectious... I bet his team mates love him too....
  6. There really isn't that much difference between AV's NHL coaching history prior to coming to Canucks, than that of Tocchets: Alain Vigneault MTL 1997–98 82 37 32 13 — 87 4th in Northeast 4 6 .400 Lost in Conference Semifinals (BUF) MTL 1998–99 82 32 39 11 — 75 5th in Northeast — — — Missed playoffs MTL 1999–00 82 35 34 9 4 83 4th in Northeast — — — Missed playoffs MTL 2000–01 20 5 13 2 0 (12) (fired) — — — — MTL total 266 109 118 35 4 4 6 .400 1 playoff appearance Rick Tocchet TBL 2008–09 66 19 33 14 (52) 5th in Southeast — — — Missed playoffs TBL 2009–10 82 34 36 12 80 4th in Southeast — — — Missed playoffs ARI 2017–18 82 29 41 12 70 8th in Pacific — — — Missed playoffs ARI 2018–19 82 39 35 8 86 4th in Pacific — — — Missed playoffs ARI 2019–20 70* 33 29 8 74 5th in Pacific 4 5 .444 Lost in First Round (COL) ARI 2020–21 56 24 26 6 54 5th in West — — — Missed playoffs VAN 2022–23 36 20 12 4 (44) 6th in Pacific — — — Missed playoffs Total 474 198 212 64 4 5 .444 1 playoff appearance If you liked AV as a coach in Vancouver, why not Tocchet? They both came into a team with potential, while being rebuilt... There are as you say so many similarities between the two, and the fact that this teams window is now, should not detract us from believing Tocchet has it him to win with this team... If anything Tocchet has more NHL experience than AV had. The fact our window is now, doesn't mean we can continue to be dominant , and maybe also continue to grow. In JR/PA we believe, and if they think Tocchet can lead this team, so should we......
  7. It is almost as if Miller is on a mission to show, how good a player he is... This is really good value for money just now...
  8. This is true, however credit should maybe be directed at JR/PA, who knows what kind of coach it takes to mould a team into a contender/ maybe even a cup winner... If they this Tocchet has, what it takes, maybe so should we until he badly drops the ball... JR has done it before...several times.
  9. Well, nothing wrong with criticism... we all do at times... Cheers
  10. More importantly, so do Tocchet, which is bad news for Kuz...
  11. Are you the real @CanuckFanForever?... The positivity from you is catchy... keep it up...
  12. Yeah lets see what they can do with Zadorov... He has brought something we've been missing like forever. And he has done fine on the ice as well... Cole I agree upon, but he may get better offers same as Schenn... As for Poolman, yes let's see. Regardless until they know, they can put themselves in a corner and get the same Cap issues that they had under Benning.
  13. Yes we definitely will and should they decide to extend Zadorov, they may decide to play Soucy on the rhd 4D... Think Cole will be gone, but they may extend him, if he wants to play ball. Also, still have to keep room for Poolman for 1 more season, in case he comes off LTIR... Finally, who knows how well/quickly Baer recovers from his injury. Baer would be fine on a cheap 1 year show me deal, but that would be it for me.
  14. So happy with PA not getting involved in a bidding war, and give us cap issues for next year, as term is likely, what Baer wants, if not an overpayment 1 year deal. PA knows, what he wants, and I think they save some cash for the offseason to get us another D man, if needed. Also like them to keep a few $ available, should a big rugged top 6 winger suddenly become avaiable, even as loan signing. Like Baer, nice kid, and good team mate, but we have an abundance of depth D and not sure Baer will be much better than Myers in the 4rhd spot.
  15. 5th in the league, but the coach suck... yes we got it... Bar for 1 game, you only turn up after defeats... Did you by any chance play Junior B, as there used to be an arrogant arse, who thought he was far superior to the rest of the board, cause (as he said) he had played Jr. B. Luckily there are lots of ex-players up to a certain standard on these boards, so he was eventually shot down... Opinions are like arseholes... we all have one. This is good, as it gives us something to discuss. Hearing others points of views are how we broaden our horizon. However there is a destinct difference between bringing something to a discussion, and goating fellow posters. Enjoy the game...
  16. Yes they did, and they rang the iron as well... Canucks played really well after a really poor start.
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