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Everything posted by spook007

  1. It great to open up you laptop each day wondering what happens next
  2. My first thought as well.... Nevertheless great idea @Rocket-68... I can't be there, but boy would I have loved to share a few pints with fellow Canucks and posters on CDC... Hope you'll have few turn up at least, and look forward to read about it afterwards here on CFF... Enjoy boys and gals
  3. Absolutely... yet there's a difference between having an opinion be it positive or negative towards the team/coach/management and just repeating totally baseless accusations about how poor the team/coach is... It smells of trolling... big time.
  4. A lot of talk about the Canucks starting on fire, and have settled for a while into a .500 team... It has been mentioned, AHL'ers being inserted into the line up as cover for injuries, and Petey's reduction in production, as reasons for this, but could it also be, that at the same time, other teams slowly got up to speed? Remember the staff/coaches indirectly appealing to the players, to turn up in mint condition to start the season, thus maybe having an early advantage over some of the other teams...? The few roster moves made should also help keeping the team on its toes, and improve the results slightly, but zero doubt that the boys buying into the plans in the off season, has had a positive effect on the season start.
  5. He's got the speed too... They can all move... baby steps, but looking good so far...
  6. 2 statements that is very unlikely to happen... and as they say, 2 wrongs doesn't make a right. How about you come back with your drivel, once this team goes below .500...
  7. Think it was said, Tocchet has the best winning % of any Canucks coach after this amount of games in his tenure...
  8. At least neither will have to answer the bell with players like Z on the ice, if they are being targeted... Having a few big brothers on the team always helps.
  9. I like to see them bully Vegas, next time they are in town... Nail Eichel, March or Stone, and make them play with their heads up for a change... Can't wait to see Zadorov crush them, while clearing the crease in front of Demko... Anyway, as you rightly say, he needs time to get settled...
  10. Credit to the boy for taking ownership... now rectify it for next game...
  11. I'm not feeling sorry for him neither, but he did a few good things... as you said, he'll never GM in this league again.
  12. That is true... but it's called fandom... When people expect easy wins, pushovers, and they don't materialise, they get frustrated and lashes out. I said before the Sharks game, that it might not be easy, and never to count your chickens till the eggs are hatched... No game in the NHL is straight forward. We should know that, cause when we sucked, we also pulled a few rabbits out of the hat. Folks gets frustrated during the games, and say things in the heat of the battle, yet most of them are very level headed during post game discussions. Myers getting a lot of stick, but that is mainly due to him being paid 6M and likely not playing up to his contract. It was the same with LE and also OEL... Nothing new in that though. Burrows got slaughtered for his contract, so did Bieksa, Elder, Booth, Hansen, Gudbranson, Nate Schmidt, Beagle etc just to name a few... Fans all think they know best, or at least have a good idea about what players are worth... As for Juuls, he is not a problem money wise, and is ok as a 7th-8th D man.. might even be ok on the bottom pairing, if he get settled... But I'm not sure he would be a mainstay on the bottom 6 on a contending team. However after watching Hutton play for Vegas, and Chartfield play for Canes, who knows. Thing is, we all have the joy of hindsight.... As for supporting the team, because they are contenders... I've been getting up between midnight and 3am on countless occasions to watch this team, while dragging around the less fun end of the league, so I think, I can safely say, I'm not a fan, because they are real contenders. I'm a fan come thick and thin, and it's also the reason, I stood by Benning for so long, without feeling the need to shit all over him. In hindsight, seeing how JR/PA has changed the team around in no time, I might have been wrong, but I am still great full for him picking Petey, QH and Demko, while trading for Miller...
  13. Yep, They definitely have been missing Soucy... Interesting to see if Zadorov can help us out... and especially how the D will be when Soucy gets back. They still during their poor run of form, has found a way to go 6-6-0, so that is a plus. And they are still scoring at an average pace of over 3 goals/game.. Sosort the D out, continue to improve on the structured play, and maybe just maybe, we can do some damage...
  14. Well you know its true Gurn, that some folks only show up, when they are losing... Agree or disagree is perfectly good... its a board for discussions. But if ones sole purpose in life is to slag everything of with the team, without being constructive what so ever, then there is a case of trolling... The coach suck, the coach can't teach defence, bla bla bla... During the game, of course we get frustrated, when they play poorly or suck, but it's hardly the reason to burn it to the ground in the PGT?
  15. ok i'll bite... You do know, that vegas won the cup, with almost the same team, and was close the seasons before that... It takes time to get to the level of vegas... power, size and strength... throughout the team... However, its a process. you don't just come from bottom feeder to champ without hick ups... you do realise that? There are almost 60 more games to play, and that should help the team to improve in structure and tactics, of how to beat a power house like vegas. Plenty of games to ensure a play offs berth, while getting better all the time. Have you noticed by any chance, how the team has been changed in the short period of time Allvin has been GM? Is it possible, that more changes are coming, if the play doesn't improve? Give it time ffs... Benning had 8 years, and we were never in this position during his tenure, so relax, have a beer and enjoy the ride... Its much better for you health, unless you really just are a troll trying to stir up shit, which is definitely seems like. Enjoy your day
  16. All your negative posts after a piss poor game is a loser mentality. You just show up, when the team is losing, and I have a hard time believing you are actually a Canucks fan. I don't remember ever seeing a positive post from you. Not sure why, and I may be wrong, but thats how you 500 posts here in the PGT feels.
  17. Cheers amigo. Couldn't find a scarier one , and yes the waters around Mexico are beautiful.
  18. This I don't understand Stawns. I think, I'm fairly open minded, but yes probably leaning towards beingp positive, and calling out negative posters. I don't get, how I am trashing the actual players? Last night they laid an egg, no doubt about it, but it happens. If poster said some players were poor its fair, cause they collectively were. And yes, they have not had the same kind of jump, as they did from the start of the season, but from there to totally slag off the coach and the management is a joke. Its the coach job to rectify this, but it doesn't take 5 minutes.... Last night looked like some of the days under Bruce with lazy back tracking, players running into one another, passing to nobody amd in general very little structure... to me at least it looked like a few of the, unfortunately, core players reverted to their old ways. It's correct, that it is the coach job to rectify this, but he is changing the mindset of them, and it obviously takes time. Maybe in the long run, the players we have, can't play the kind of hockey Tocchet want, and heads may roll, but we haven't been as bad as yesterdday during the spell of average hockey. And I have noticed a fair few posters crawling out from under their rocks to start posting, slagging of the team, the coaching staff or senior management. Posters that never posts after a win. That suggests to me, they are waiting for the team to fail, and I can only speculate, as to why that is. I personally think its because they either don't like the management, the coaching staff or are blatant trolls, enjoying the misery of a very loyal and tired fan base. A few people here are still unhappy with Horvat been the guy traded away instead of Miller, but they should all remember, that Horvat was offered a deal after Millers deal, but he said no and moved on. I am very greatful, we didn't sign Bo to the deal he got with Islanders, and I am also in general happy with Miller and his contract, as he is often the driver of this train. The only question slowly developing for me is if Peteys start was a flash in the pan, and he now have found his natural level, or something else is wrong. He is a shadow of himself just now with little to no confidence. This matters, when the future of this team and his contract is being looked upon. Team was easily man handled yesterday, and lost all over the ice. However, it happens... The fact, we looked like, we were in dire need of a bigger rugged player(s) up front, that could play on either of the two top lines, was nothing new and has been discussed several times here. Now it remains to be seen if Petey and Co. Can roll up their sleeves and get back to winning in these sort of games. Otherwise JR/PA won't hessitate making changes. Nevertheless they need to be given time to prove if they can hack it or not. Again it was one game in which they looked really bad. Fun fact, I remember the team under AV going through the same issues, and there were several Fire AV threads at the time, together with trade the Sedins for chopped liver, Burrows do we need him, Hansen suck, and Fire Gilles... Baby steps and maybe give them some leeway before jumping over the cliff edge or giving them all the knife. That how I see it, but thats just me... Maybe a blind fan, but a fan nevertheless...
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