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Everything posted by spook007

  1. I'll help the lost souls with Tom Walker.... leave a light on https://youtu.be/nqnkBdExjws?si=Yn2dgCFASCFER9I6
  2. They got beat all over the ice.... tonight... Tonight....
  3. They've been waiting forever with sharpened knives... They either don't like the Tocchet over Bruce hire, or the they traded away 'my Bo Horvat'.... Several posters hardly ever post after a win... must be hard to be this miserable... Alternatively, there are a few trolls...
  4. Step away from the ledge folks... its 1 game...
  5. Spot on.... If they play their back up goalie, that is their choice... if it annoys them, chase him next time instead of whining.
  6. If this is a statement game, it doesn't look good... They are being beaten in every single puck battle... Struggle to set one another up or even find one another... the 3-0 just about flatters Canucks... Pick it up...
  7. Hanging in there, just.... Need to up their game, as Vegas is stifling them too easy... Hopefully wake up in the 2nd...
  8. Wonder if JR or PA have some dodgy pictures of Flames management... What a freaking trade. Can't believe how quickly he acts, when the opportunity arises... PA... 'Do we need a tough top 4 D?'.... Hold my beer... Somewhere over in Russia Tryamkin is sitting with big eyes watching Canucks building a mini Russia here in Vancouver... Brilliant move. If it doesn't work out, he is gone in the summer...risk free...
  9. They don't want to tell the story... if there is a story, it will likely come out at some stage... thing always does. As for Bedard, they did the right tjing in killing the story instantly, or almost instantly. They can ill afford another scandal anyway.
  10. The story is dead, and they should leave it be dead. I'd like to think, I have an IQ over 80, (though with the life I've lived, it may not be any more ), but stranger thing than this story has happened, so I wouldn't slander ordinary folks, for raising their eyebrows... The Blackhawks organisation did, what they were supposed to do and killed any speculation. Nevertheless, by being secretive in the first place, they left the opportunity open to some dick, to spread those malicious rumours... The only persons I feel sorry for is the kid and his family....
  11. Yes agree on that... The club killed it off, as they should. She stays well clear of this...
  12. True Hronek was not part of the trade, but the 1st used to get him was. I still believe he meant, what I said he meant. They may have thought higher of Beau (anybody's guess), who knows, but the fact is, he was a 1st round pick. It doesn't really matter much though, as we now have Hronek, Raty and a 5th + Cap space from the trade... That's a massive win. We can, if we can find a dance partner, upgrade our RHD with the cap space (maybe with a swap of a few players/picks) but we are in a position to strike. Even if its only for a rental (depends on their future plans), but a deal will be far easier, if they don't have to swap players to become cap compliant.
  13. Doesn't matter what I say, its what Allvin said? But how else would you slice, what he said? Are you suggesting he lied to the fans? I didn't say Beau had the 'value' of a first round pick. I said he IS a first round pick... Just like Juolevi and Virtanen were.... and Petey and Brock etc... Raty has the value of a late fist round pick (or so management seems to think, and Hronek definitely have the value of a first round pick.
  14. Interesting prospect... I wonder if they could make the $ add up cap wise... Wouldn't be much point if we can't afford them... but yes interesting.
  15. Yep, good question. Hence the reason it was so important to push on, while they have them all on manageable contracts... Big decisions to be made... Luckily JR has been in this position many times...
  16. Good to see Mika back on the ice...
  17. Allvin is JRs child... they work well together and think the game the same way... Proper management team
  18. Hope so for Beau as he is a good guy, just on the wrong team... We don't have room for him on our team... simples...
  19. Yep that's true... but they wanted changes, and they didn't want to stand pat. Glad they got Mika, and the OEL is going to sting, but if they think its the way forward, its the right thing to do (I think )... So far I like the smell from the kitchen. They have a little window here, and didn't want to waste any more of Peteys and QH contracts by running down other contracts while hoping for improvements... Thank god for that.
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