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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Winning percentage is a guessing game... 6 games ago we were close to the top in the league in winning percentage... better a bird in the hand then 2 in the bush kinda a thing... You'll need to win the games to maintain the standings. With the already discussed tough start to the season, we were always likely to run into a down period. Nevertheless, good write up. I want to hold on to Lekkerimaki as well as Willander, simply because of him being able to enter the team on an ELC, when we pay the piper for OEL... Have a feeling the 1st round pick may be in play this year to improve the D, which is a must at some stage... and we need a bigger rugged forward...
  2. Maybe Aman is being show cased, as 'the sweetener' in a bigger trade...?
  3. Yes this is the Blackhawks... nothing to see here... Get the kid out of that shit house, and bring him back to Vancouver...
  4. I was, indifferent once the pick was made. Thought with that many folks being wild with joy, it would be a good thing. Time will tell, but still ways to go...
  5. Kesler.... Hey, tell your mother, I said hi... He would have had a field day... Poor kid though....
  6. Doubt it... they'll get another top 3 pick in June and will be hoping they have another Toews / Kane combination. They are not going to let go of Bedard.
  7. Think we were many, who were looking towards Boldy... But with Podz dropping, it was a fair chance to take... At some stage Podz was considered a top 3 pick... Don't think any of us expected Podz to fall to us...
  8. Until I see management or Tocchet falls through, they have my full support. The team is playing better than they have in ages, and of course a better squad has helped with that. Nevertheless the pond hockey played under Bruce, while fun and exciting, was not going to win anything, unless they figured out, how to keep the puck out of the net... They are slowly progressing towards that target, and in order to improve, we need another top 3-4 D... This is well documented, and I'm sure they are working on it, or have a plan ready. They just need a partner to tango...
  9. Are you sure you're a hockey player? How can you even ask such a question? They have various plays lined up for face offs. Miller saying which play he is hope to generate should he win the face off. ITS CALLED LEADERSHIP.... The team is far more structured than it has been in a long time. Accountability is being held high, and benching Kuz shows it goes for everyone, not just the foot soldiers.... Its what fans has been crying out for, for ages... scoring is higher than expected, and defense has improved. Aren't you the one, who vanished from the board, when the team kept winning btw?
  10. So when during a coach tenure does the Hawthorne effect take place? I thought it was, when a new coach took over? Tocchet took over last year, so a bit belated if it is a coaching bump... Last year 21 teams averaged 3 or more goals per game over the season... 6 teams scored at 3.5 goals per game So far Canucks has scored 3 or more in 16 games and less than 2 in 1 game only... take the 2 blow outs out of the equation they have still been scoring at 3.5 GPG pace... Take out the 6 games against the 2 'Bottom feeders' (Oilers being one of them) and the team is still scoring at 3.38 GPG pace Last season Canucks over the season scored at 3.29 GPG pace, so pretty much the same, but what has changed is the goals against... So to say the goals only is because of the bottom feeder is simply not true... The team is scoring at a great pace... The team didn't get it done yesterday, and the scoring may drop, but for now they are doing just fine.
  11. THIS How is this so hard to fathom? Lets see if they crap the bed once they start their home stand, but its surprising, how this team is being viewed in such negative views.
  12. Happy Hronek day... PS. Still not sure it was the right thing to do......................................./s
  13. Yep... and they still got at least 2 points out of each of the 4 double headers they've had to play. The only double header that didn't include long distance travelling ie b2b home games they got 3 points in... It's true they haven't totally played teams off the ice recently, but that happens in periods for most teams. They haven't been in this position in a long time, and it takes time and possible a change of mind set to turn up most games to win... But they are slowly getting there.
  14. Holy Batman an overreaction to a defeat (narrow)... What are folks expected from back to back games with travel in between? This is the 4th back to back in the first 22 games, and they have at 2 points in each of these games (3points in the only back to back without travelling). Are folks actually expecting us to go through the season unbeaten? Yes its Sharks and they suck just now, get over it... This team is in general miles better that what we have seen recently...
  15. True... but it is still miles better... At least we don't feel like we are being scored on at every attack, and the Myers down the middle pizzas seems to have been eradicated...
  16. Are you really saying this team is no better than the team under BB?
  17. Its flipping embarrashing to hear anyone moan about Hronek, who is now part of one of the most dynamic D duos in the NHL.. utter garbage journalism. He should be on his hands and knees and suck up to them for being so terrible wrong. What a total goof.
  18. Strange game. I was getting a bit concerned in the 2nd period, as Kraken were all over us, but massive hats off to the team, for turning it around in the 3rd. Bottom 6 finally got the bounces... Joshua and Blueger has had lots of opportunities, but very limited puck luck. That changed and together with the puck hound Garland, they were immense... Massive shout out to Hogs as well... He really got under the skin of the Krakens, destroyed Tanev and stored a goal... Myers was good again, and really thought the D did well. And Miller is just such a war horse... He didn't score but had some really important blocks. Finally, Demko... This is the Demko at his best. Massive saves especially in the 2nd... Without him, I'm not sure they win this game... But it takes a team, and he is part of that... Now lets beat Sharks and end the week on a high.
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