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Everything posted by spook007

  1. True, and if could find his scoring touch, he could be our Ovi playing with Petey. However, if Laine can't find his scoring touch, he offers nothing. If that is the case we may as well kiss this window good bye. We can't afford nearly $9M in the press box. We need to rid ourselves of a couple of high earners, and get a better D established. We have decent firepower already, just need to get the D stronger and we will have a good opportunity to do damage. Over the next two years. The way Garland is playing is offering hope, that he could be part of a deal to bring in the D we ate looking for. Especially if he continues his rich form of play. If Kuz doesn't find his scoring touch ( sure he will) but he can leave and open up cap space as well. Brock has value again. There will be plenty of options to improve the team, in departments that needs improved. Its always hard to say godbye to loved ones, but its far harder if they play poorly...
  2. We just have had a LE contract for 6 years of which the 4 totally sucked. We have just bought out a $7.2M reclamation project, that didn't get better, and now folks are thinking a $8.7M contract for the next 2 years+ as a new reclamation contract is a good idea? How many though Eriksson would be great together with the Sedins? yeah right... No way should we ever entertain the idea of having a floater like Laine on this team. The entire team seems to have bought into Tocchet hockey, were everyone competes, defends and plays structured... so lets bring in Laine, who is the total opposite of, what Tocchet want from his players.... lol... not gonna happen.
  3. 5-2 Canucks Miller Canucks PS. Shout out to @smithers joe for making the sacrifice for the greater good. Cheers good man
  4. So we are getting rid of our top line player for a 3rd line player, who maybe will figure it out? And instead put Hogs on the top line although he has struggled to stay in the line up? I like Hogs, and he is a terrific guy, but I don't really fancy making a push for the play offs, by giving up on a player that was capable of scoring 39 goals last year, and replacing him with a project... I would not be surprised, if either Boeser or Kuzmenko get the hook a some stage, but I would fully expect it to be a Dman that would be the target, should they decide to get Hogs on to the top line... I think, it's more likely in that scenario, they put Beau on the top line again as he did produce there.
  5. Nah just a figure of speech amigo... I find it embarrashing, if players wives are acting like trash... its classless in my humble opinion. Leave the fighting and the actions to the boys on the ice...
  6. Just gonna chip in with my 5cents from last nights game. I thought that beside the obvious Hughes and Hronek pairing, both Myers and Juulsen played really well last night. They both held their own and laid the body, without making any stupid plays. Myers to me is the most improved Dman this season... not reaching for the stars, but good solid hockey at both ends of the rink. if he keeps controlling his inner desire to play like Hughes, he is a welcome addition to this D core. You can't teach size, and he was our toughest D man during the bubble run. If he can continue like this, he'll be valuable come play offs.... This doesn't mean we don't need another top 4 Dman, but it take a bit of the pressure of getting one, away. Besides this Miller and the 3rd line stood out. Boeser is no speed demon, but he fights his corner and probably been our most improved forward. Lets hope they can continue this...
  7. Cheers, yeah it cynical, but if I had been a detective, I would have said, I don't believe coincidence... Now, I'm not a detective, and coincidence do happen, but for Leafs, it is a very convenient time, he gets this maybe career ending injury...
  8. Was thinking that exact same thing.... Maybe he got a call from the godfather...
  9. Glad you didn't tell us, how you really feel ... But yes that kind of my dad is bigger than your dad arguments are junk... and to be honest, not sure how fans are supposed to behave at games, if the players wives behave like trailer trash... so yes they deserve one another... Have a feeling this won't have been the first time... And if this is all true, I hope he pays the penalty for it... No time for any man hitting a woman.
  10. Sounds like the perfect match.... How many times have you seen couples like this stirring trouble in town.... Often these couples have domestic violent issues, where most debates are sorted with a fist. Have zero respect for wife beaters or any man hitting women. (Guess it goes both ways). If your partnership is so bad, that disagreements is sorted with the fist, you should break away... imidiately or at least after the second breech... Will never understand this. In saying this, too many false allegations are being made, so lets see, but there can be zero room for hitting your partner.
  11. All good, and so they should, still can't stand him, and even if he spends every night helping old ladies across the road in front of the hospital, I likely never will... To be honest, its a product of the league... could care less if he soft punched Sedin in the face, but its all the garbage dirty plays he has gotten away with throughout his career...
  12. Thank god we never got involved with the Lucic circus... In saying that, Bostons problems will be buried like the rest of the shit that happened in that club. Marchand being able to still play hockey, Chara hitting the player into the stanchion, Rome a lofe time ban ( almost) for a hit a split second late, numpty breaking Raymonds back etc etc... it'll all be burried and forgotten... like Chigaco and rapist coach, so for Boston to have anything to deal with, I don't see much problems for them.
  13. Again agree... as I said earlier we gotta give something to get... and we need cap space. So yes I wouldn't be surprised if the do make a move like that. During the summer most of us were considering one of the wingers to be moved to make room for another RHD... Brock has made him self a player of interest now, and Kuz is not rotten fruit neither... Beau is gone in the summer regardless (pay part of for Peteys and Hroneks new contracts. So it would make sense and not be a huge surprise, if one of the remaining 3 top wingers not named Miller, is being part of a trade. I trust JR/PA to do the right thing.... They've earned the right to be trusted.
  14. Absolutely, and if we can get another player like that for a 1st and 2nd, deal me in, however I still hope we could get a player cost controlled for 2-3 years. Hronek is going to cost to extend, and not much point in using 1st and 2nd, if it is for a loan only... But if we can get 2 top 4 rhd in a similar deal, I am interested, big time... it is severely needed. If we have an injury to Hronek, I seriously fear for our D.
  15. Think he meant Brzustewicz as part of a deal... like with the 1st, roster player for cap reason, maybe another prospect and a 3rd... If not, they will be out bid. Don't think Calgary will do a deal with Canucks regardless...
  16. Is Juulsen really the best rhd, we can muster, after Myers... If so we need to make a trade, badly. Soucy is missed on the D, that much is blatantly obvious... On the game itself, after a decent start, they got out worked by Seattle, and the better team on the night won. Lers hope they turn it around against Sharks, as they don't want to lose the wind in their sails, and their swagger with it. Onwards and upwards... PS. @smithers joe, tine for you to start put the other teams down as winners in PTSC...
  17. We can't make trades, if we aren't prepared to give up on anything... there are some decent prospects thats for sure, but you gotta a give to get. Don't like giving up on them neither, but we need a rhd... badly... The Juelsen project is over for me... and Myers ice time as well as the Hughes Hronek pairing needs to be reduced. Somethings have got to give.
  18. Well if we could swing a deal like that, not costing us our top prospects or the 1st it would be ideal, but fear the costs to get those players from a divisional rival would cost more...
  19. Maybe he needed to given the chance to be part of the go to group... It really looks like he is striving in the role of playing with a bit of an edge, with Petey the finesse player and Quinn Hughes is just unreal... But the fact Tocchet has gotten a hold of him seems to have changed him... he looks far more invested than ever before. Like a real leader... Would love a few more Millers or Miller lights....
  20. I agree, but the deal they swung for Hronek would look good once again, although I'd prefer a slightly lesser player with a longer term contract at less $... I won't name anyone, but a no4 rhd on a 3 year deal not too expensive, would look great just about now. If we can't do it over the next 2-3 years, a rebuild of some sort may be happening regardless, and we may be able to recoup the draft pick. Don't get me wrong, i want 1st round picks as well, but (hopefully) we'll be picking middle to late twentieth at worst, so the value of that pick is not end all be all...
  21. just out of curiosity, does the time spent in the swedish league as a professional count towards that? Petey is 25, so with him starting in Sweden at 18, this should make him a 7 year pro?
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