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Everything posted by spook007

  1. If we lose this game, You better go back to put the opposition down as winners again...
  2. I'm not too concerned with the 1st round pick, but agree that Lekkerimaki and Willander, maybe Brustewich (forgot the spelling) should not be touched, but the rest is 6 and half a dusin. I would like a proper 2nd pairing D man, and still hoping for a proper rough middle 6 winger with a bit of size... but are also aware that beggers can't be choosers. In saying all the above, I think JRs plan was always to push for this window together with next year... Once OELs $4M cap hell kicks in, some nasty choices has to be made, and I hope we are not locked to expenssive contracts, that means we have to pay a heavy price to get cap compliant. IE letting go of stars for nothing, or add our too prospects to cover the costs.. For now though, I say lets run with the horses, and take stock come January/February, when we know, what this team is capable of. Screwed dealings like the signing of Lafferty, would be welcome... and if we are really lucky a rhd or rugged winger can be found miraculously...
  3. Not only Demko... Hughes, Petey, Boeser etc.... the list is long. The first 2 years after the OEL buyout were always targeted as giving it a shot... Maybe one of the reasons Pettersson is reportedly looking at a 3-4 year extension only. It may be hard to keep the core together for more than 2-3 years, so don't wait for the sun to shine, as it may never happen in time.
  4. Miller is the heart beat of this team... He plays on emotions, and he stays in the fight, like no one else on this team does. Hughes is unreal and is skating circles around everyone, but when the tough gets going Miller will be the go to guy. Hard to separate the three amigos, as each one of them brings so much to the table... One thing is for sure though, at this level his contract is a freaking steal...
  5. I said, bar from the game against Sens... (auto correct changed it to Seas) and the Toronto game, I though we played well... I don't think they were decent against Sens... Yes it would be nice to see high danger chances against drop, but its nowhere near as bad as you suggest. We are scoring for fun, and as for PK, we are miles better PKing this year compared to last year. Yes in real terms it may say 3% but in you watch the games, you can surely see the difference... I'll bet you anything that when the season is over this team will have improved its PK at least 5-10% compared to last year, which would be in the middle somewhere. As of now we are 23rd in the league...
  6. Yep... its all part of the learning process of becoming a relevant team...
  7. I don't entirely agree with you assessment. Have we been lights out, no, but bar from the game against the Seas, where the best team probably didn't win, I think we've played decently (except for the Leafs game obviously)... Good teams don't play lights out every game, but they find ways to win, and Canucks has done so.... We lost yesterday, but it was blatantly obvious the boys were out of gas and needed a rest... not just Petey but several of the players. It doesn't always have to be your top line/lines that pull the coals out of the fire... I thought taking Garland of the 3rd line and put him together with Petey was a bad move as the 3rd line had been playing really well recently. Should perhaps have given that line more minutes instead. Beau has played well with Petey before, so maybe that would have been better. Regardless, we were never going to valse through the season, without struggles and losses, so I don't think concerns are warranted just yet. Furthermore, I think folks have to remember, where this team came from. At the start of the season we were arguing over, whether it was a wild card team or not... ie this team is in uncharted territory for themselves as well, and as such, there will be ups and downs along the way, especially when they run out of gas and are having to travel away for a back to back game.
  8. Think folks complaining about the team performance last night are a little over the top... I was expecting a loss although as always hoping for a win... Got 2 points out of a bad scheduled back to back, so that was a positive on its own. Losses happens and there will be more coming in the mail... However, its how the team responds to a loss like this... Think the reason they keep Juulsen in the line up, is the need for some physicality on the back end. With Soucy out, there is only Cole and Myers with a size... We all know, we could be done with at least 1 upgrade on the D, but there is no money for that at the moment... and before people start to chime in, with 'poor cap management' to be the reason for that, would we have preferred to not have Hronek, Cole or Soucy (that's where the money went)? Allvin tried to offload 1 off Boeser/Garland/Beau during the summer, but couldn't, so it is, what it is... at least they've been playing well, so they do represent some value now... Question is, do we want to move Brock or Garland for enforcement on the back end, the way they are playing just now? Onwards and upwards....
  9. It does. but you gotta strike, while the iron is hot... I think, they were concerned that Petey wouldn't re-sign, if they didn't start to win games..... or even worse, have doubts he wants to re-sign at all...
  10. But but but.... Mathews and Nylander.... spot on. Its embarrassing.....
  11. There sure will, but its good problems to have... This is an incredible team just now... Are they lights out every game, no, but they find ways to win... And have to say, the management team has done a fab job, filling in the blanks... I think, they were all aware that it could be no or never with Peteys contract coming, and Demko +Huhges not too far behind, so they are going for broke this season and next, and then hopefully some of the holes but players leaving can be filled by prospects (Lekkerimaki and Willander for starters)... There will definitely be tough decisions to be made, but for now lets enjoy the hockey being played... Its been a long time since the fans have had a team like this to cheer for.
  12. Unreal stats.... absolutely unreal... what a player he is...
  13. Just wait until JR/PA have to re-sign them, and it'll be expensive... then they'll climb back out from under their rocks and start again...
  14. You must be so very young...... Life doesn't end at the late 30ish... Hygiene has nothing to do with your teeth. Go down town, and see if you can find a single NHL player hanging out with out any bird... teeth or no teeth...
  15. $$$$ Helps.... don't think Kuz will ever have any probs finding birds...
  16. Imagine this guy saying that about the fans in Calgary... I don't care about, what fans want to do or not, but I doubt Iginla, would answer a question like that... It's about class, or lack of... He hurt a lot of fans with his comment. I can tell you that for free...
  17. Cheers bud. Yes it does. It was something like that. And yes he was electrict... it was a certain homerun, but I think all the Boston bullying us was still raw in the system. Seem to recall thhat most of us were looking towards Ehlers and Nylander in that draft (at pick no. 6) Top of the tree was Ekblad and Drai... Think he was drafted 9th, so Canucks weren't the only ones to screw it up, but he would have looked amazing in a Canucks jersey.
  18. Cheers Visp. No it wasn't you but something like snyps7 or similar (can't remember too well), but he was constantly making posts about Ehlers, and he sounded like a dream pick up. Actually was really surprises, why they didn't go for him at the time... It was almost a stone wall homerun waiting to happen. So yes I was bitterly disappointed. Oh well, all water under the bridge now, but thank for the heads up.
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