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Everything posted by spook007

  1. if Allvin sees a deal he wants, nobody is safe... the fact he pulled the trigger on Horvat shows that. And Schenn for 3rd. And that's the way it should be... they are professionals and although is seems tough at times (and it is for the individual that gets trade etc), but its a business. Allvin may have spoken to Gradin about Petey, but don't think he has discussed Petey with Dahlen.... no idea though, but I think they quickly identified, how they wanted to run the organisation. JR and PA ran the Penguins, so I think they know exactly how to deal with everything. I've said it before, the most important thing, or what seems to be the most important thing, while ciewibg from the sidelines, is the fact they all pull in the same direction. POH/GM/AssGM/Coach/AssCoach/AHL coach etc. Enjoy the snow
  2. He did not try to stifle the Canucks... and yes he did a lot of stupid things and a few good things. I honestly think Allvin has been taken aback at how good Petey really is... As for Linden, he will always be a hero... nobody will ever take that away from him... Have a good evening in Sweden
  3. What rubbish bud.... Sorry, but while Benning did a lot of stupid things, I would like you to show one bit of evidence, that he was using Canucks for his own purposes. What has gained at all by the garbage that happen over an 8 year span... He may have totally mismanaged the club, but to call him corrupt or purposely trying to use Canucks for own gains is nothing short of total fabrication and baloney... In case you aren't aware, Virtanen was rated around the position he was drafted by lots of scouts... As for installing coaches, I have a feeling a lot more money is being spent on coaches, that Benning ever were able to spend. But not because of Benning, but because this likely were one of the conditions, on which JR accepted to take the job on in the first place. Ultimately the man, who owns the club decides. who manages the club, not you or me... Its not a question about a little thing about Dahlen, I could care less about Dahlen,, but that's when you started to hound Benning like a dog in heat. Again, I could care less about Benning as well, as his legacy will be the same as that of Nonis... I'm a huge fan of what Allvin has achieved in a short span of time... mind you it's easier to find support players than core players... And even he didn't seem to realise, how good some of the players were, when he came to Vancouver (We don't have a superstar!)... Finally the bashing of Linden? By whom? Linden was Bennings boss. No more, no less. He should have sacked Benning, if he thought, he was a lame duck. Linden is an incredible likeable guy, a hero in Vancouver (Mr Canuck) and has done lots for hockey players after his pro career. However, it doesn't look much like he was the POH Canucks needed after Gillis... or the should have found another GM at the time.... This was a discussion about Virtanen. But I ask you again, who is that talking shit about Linden...
  4. I wanted Ehlers... badly... However, I understand, why they wanted Jake... We had just been murdered by Boston, and had zero prospect with beef on them. It speaks volume of your hatred towards Benning, that you attack the man at every opportunity... A big physical player that scores goals.... guess who that is?... I was disappointed, when I heard, we picked Virtanen, as I was sure Ehlers was out man... Can't remember the name of the poster, who kept banging the drum for Ehlers, but he sold him to me. Nevertheless, while progressing slowly, and he did progress every year, he obviously never reached the heights that could have been, however McCann did, and he didn't do it over night neither. Talk about dumb... on the night he was drafted 'it is what it is', was what he mustered. It took him 4 teams to figure it out. Not all drafted players becomes stars within 4-5 years, and Jake was really young. Too young probably... Lost the plot... btw Jake was not the only one who didn't make it in top 6...
  5. Yes all very true. Fact is everything in any club is for sale, if the price is right, as you say... If a difference maker becomes available, that management thinks, would turn the team into a contender, you bever know, but I doubt there is much of a need to let promissing prospects go. Especially rhd's that are so hard to get in the first place. They are like gold. PS. Still amazed how we got Hronek.
  6. Yeah let just hope, this doesn't happen again. So much to like and look forward to amongst our prospects.
  7. Yep... Myers got 2min for less than a love tap... followed by Juulsen
  8. Plays like it as well... Soon he will be overtaken by Petey. who do we have that's better in the wings? Anyone?
  9. Aye recall it very well... the drama over trading our 1st away for a 3rd liner.... It was amazing how some folks spewd the lack of knowledge over Miller, and went beserk... He is the type of forward you just don't get... a miniature Iginla or Kesler... All heart and takes you into the battle. and boy can finish as well.
  10. That would be a massive win, if we could get Podz to play strong enough to be in the line up... Not just now, but next year in particular, to control the cap... He definitely has the size and ability... just need to put it all together.
  11. There were 2 missing pieces to make this team complete... a tough rugged winger and a top 4 Dman.. Problem is, we don't have more cap space... but it will always be like that... we always need more... Yes, when the inevitable injuries start to occur, it's good to have capable players available, but darn would I love to have a big rugged winger in there, and more importantly another no. 4 Dman.
  12. Probably still folks waiting for him to slow down so they can complain... $8M playing like a top 15 in the NHL... freaking steal
  13. Very likely... Lets be honest, he didn't have a great season prior to this (many didn't) and probably knew, that with $5M contract, he as well as Beau and Brock would be the players, that they would look at, should they need funds for contracts or new players... Maybe a bit with Tocchet as well, but he has embraced his position in the team so far, and without doubt increased his value bot to the team and to any other interested parties... Did he/ didn't he... only he and his agent really knows....
  14. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/garland-trade-request-questions-canucks?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar
  15. Was actually going to mention that as well... now that screams team mate to me.... PDG does a lot of donkey work on that line, and it's great to see him rewarded. He was possibly in a better position for the EN, but yes a more selfish player would have take the accolades himself... the team is rolling and they are buying into it. Magic...
  16. Yeh agree 100%, anything that can speed the process up... and then if they think there is n issue with the AI call, they can challenge similar to now...
  17. Benn too busy reading other posts so didn't get to make my own comments... Garland was an absolute monster out there yesterday... everywhere on the ice Boeser,... is this really the same Brock, who has been wearing the no. 6 shirt the last few season? I see the flow, but man is he ever invested. Great on the boards, positionally sound to break up plays and still getting into scoring positions... Magic. And finally Hronek.... The boy is worth everything they gave up in the trade for him... What a great trade.
  18. If he keep this kind of number up, he will likely be too expensive... Can see Oilers phoning Canucks already.... let alone offering him a fat check in the off season.
  19. Can't really have it both ways though... Its really frustrating to lose a game, where, you afterwards see, its a clear off side... I know, I have lamented numerous refs for calls missed In soccer it's the same. It's created by fans and press alike, and the focus on referees and missed calls. Now they get the calls correct right down to where the question is did he cut his toe nails this morning.... And its so annoying sitting waiting for confirmation for 2-4min, while they figure it out... It actually takes out the spirit of the game, I think, but you can't have it both ways....
  20. Would be cool... Just want this dream to continue
  21. We have all the things he wants... Even going to the bottom doesn't guarantee us Bedard or similar... We've got the corner stones, or as good as we were likely to get, if we dropped there. Tbh the morale end of season victories, while frustrating at the time to many, didn't change much... Unreal to hear somebody complain, while the team is at the best run like forever... talk about bad timing or lack of awareness...
  22. Maybe.... there is normally a bounce back after a coach change, so very likely...
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