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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Absolutely perfect. Great D when needed, solid hits and putting the pressure on... great scoring chances...
  2. boy are playing better than in Ottawa... got to keep it up. Good PK, but unfortunately Demko lost sight of the puck.... Team looking good though.
  3. Canucks are fantastic and have the point leader in the NHL and yet the manage to speak about Nylander's goal streak... Nothing surprises, when it comes to Toronto games....
  4. Yes spot on.... Would hate to see DeSmith go the other way... But yes agree, we've got to strike, while the iron is hot.... Will he re-sign with us, can we afford to re-sign him etc. can be dealt with come spring or at a later stage, but we need to go full tilt for it... Getting him as FA in the summer might be all good and dandy, but if Petey gets an injury or doesn't't want to stay, this forcing trade, it worthless getting him at that stage.... Go for it as long as we don't sell out future...
  5. Well put.... This sounds pretty much as it was... hits and misses... When your owner want to stay competitive, and you have limited resources to deal with, its a tough job. I sometimes wonder whether JR/PA would have accepted the challenge, had we been in the same situation, when they took over, as Benning was, and being told by the owners they couldn't tank for a better draft position.... Maybe they could do better team building wise and maybe they could do better around the cap, but they'd likely also struggle to make a quick transition, rebuilding a new contender.... Nevertheless it's water under the bridge now....Lets rock n'roll and enjoy the good times instead.
  6. Thanks amigo.... That's really promising to hear. Much appreciated.
  7. How is his defensive play? Last time there was this much excitement about an offensive Dman not named Hughes was Jack Rathbone.... I just hope, he is a better defender than Jack.
  8. Biggest surprise this season? The 10-2-1 start..... followed by Brock followed by 3 players in top 10 for point leaders. And the fact there is so much positivity on this forum thus far in the season.... Just about starting to sing carols already... "This the season to be jolly...."
  9. Really love that Tocchet doesn't let them rest and believe they can get away with mot playing good hockey... keep the fire going.
  10. Remember that... what a moron. Says a lot about him, and his knowledge of the players, he is commenting on... Embarrashing really. Forced to hear colour commentators from around the league at times, and some of them are just trash fans, who only sees the game one way. They even argue against the refs despite it being clear calls in replays. Barely knows the names of the opposition players etc. Has to be said though, there are also really good and fair colour commentators. Who knows, to pay tribute to good hockey, whether its from their own team or the Canucks.
  11. This... unless the price is wild take a punt, if they think he is good enough to improve our line up. If he doesn't re-sign (wants too much) so be it. The way the team is going just now, they should go full tilt for it.... nobody knows, who will be here in a year or two, so we can't fanny about, worrying about things like will he/won't he sign next year, or can he be had for nothing as a FA player. For all we know Petey or Hronek could be traded, if they want too much money next season, at it could put an end to the push of this team. They have the cap space this season (if they can off load Beau or Garland)... so get him in, if he can improve our D. This team looks legit all be it a bit light on trulence, so sign me up for it now.
  12. it was more the fact, we had 2 high paid contracts we couldn't get rid off, and they have 2 even worse contracts, and both at the same time... Don't disagree at all that LE and OEL brought more to the table, but they played far below their contracts... far below.
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