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Everything posted by spook007

  1. This.... this is what winners do.... As Sean Connery said.... loser whines about doing their best, winner takes home the prom queen...
  2. They'll hammer leafs.... book it. If playing the media darlings won't get them up for it, nothing will... Time to show the eastern media this Canucks team is legit
  3. True... We are gonna get games like this during the course of the season, but the fact we win them instead of losing them, bears testament to individual quality within the team. I think they'll give Leafs a hiding Tomorrow night... I think they are waiting for the chance to show the eastern press (ad themselves), that they are legit and can go toe to toe with anyone. And yes when I said two superstars, I was thinking about what level Miller and Demko comes into, but I do think they are still a level below Oetey and QH, although the other two need these players as well...
  4. Yeah exactly... when people starts to compare Petey to players like Dadsyuk, it shows they are starting to open their eyes... Allvins 'We don't have a superstar' is actually starting to be true... we've got TWO.... I don't think I've ever been as excited, watching the Canucks over the years, as I am just now.... so flipping good...
  5. On a day, where its a little stale, they score 5 and Petey returns to lead the league in points..... What else could make this better.... 5-2 Canucks Miller GWG Yes baby..... get in... Now it's time to clean up the leafs....
  6. Think we all do... in the end it's the GMs job to assemble a team that can challenge for the cup. And so far Allvin has done a great job. But it does help immensely, when you know that the entire team pulls in the same direction and share the same vision...
  7. I also ways like your takes on thing James, as you are always rational and considerate... However, Benning did get Demko drafted (that was his scouts pick), He did draft Hughes, and most importantly, he did trade for Miller... Those moves were signed off by Benning... He also signed off on drafting McCann and Brock... That he did a lot of garbage in-between is undeniable... But the Miller trade was really good. I am chuffed to bits, that Aquilini finally saw sense and changed everything. That we are seeing under JR/PA are light years away from what we saw under Benning, and the coaches they brought in, are all experienced coaches. The way they went about their business to build a massive front office seem to have worked massively in our favour, both with drafting and with Pro scouting. Its just disappointing that it took a decade for the owners to wake up and install a POH, who actually knew, what it takes to build a contender, instead of a rookie and and rookie GM that didn't share the same vision.
  8. Is that, what they call throwing Benning under a bus? Nothing could be further from the truth... An honest opinion about viewing things differently... Very very diplomatic from Linden. Thanks for posting.
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