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Everything posted by spook007

  1. More than anything, on top of his amazing talent, he will make the locker room a joy joyous place to be.... He is definitely one of the personalities needed in any room... just so flipping jolly
  2. Screw the East coast.... They'll be kissing their asses by the end of the season.
  3. Man oh man.... Where to begin.... Sharks were really poor....but, Quinn Hughes is really something special. The boy is getting better and better, and to watch him skate is like watching a swallow fly... he turns so effortless its unreal to see compared to others. He is in a total league of his own. Also his unselfishness is almost too much. Sets up chance after chance.... If Hughes stays healthy, this team can do some damage... zero doubt about that. Petey the magician, Miller the engine, Brock the shooter, Kuz the happy boy, and Hronek the sidekick... this team has all the pillers needed.... backed up bu Demko. Its been a long time since rhis team has been this good.... bring it on. onwards and upwards
  4. Canucks 4-2 canucks most shots Petey GWG
  5. Don't know if Isles won or not, but we got a RHD that can play with Hughes, and that is far more important to us than a good 3C... Even if Raty doesn't work out, a top pairing RHD or even a top 4 RHD, is more valuable to us than Bo. So maybe it turns out to be one of these trades that is good for both sides....
  6. A OEL and LE contract at the same time.... almost feel sorry for them lol
  7. I agree, except I won't let go of Lekkerimaki... atm he is following Petey's path. Who knows, he may have to take over after Petey, if he decides to leave. On the other hand, I am sure Petey is aware of Lekkerimaki as well and can see a way forward, with top talent coming in to support him in the future... His agent may also advise him that Vancouver could be a nice place to continue his future, if he wants to win, as the pipeline is promising....
  8. I stated earlier that the two untouchables for me are JL and Willander.. If we can get Anderson for a 1st, Beau and Podz or anyone not names JL or Willander, sign me up...
  9. I know, and its interesting, but unless we have decent ELCs coming in to take up roster spots in the next 2 years, we'll have major cap issues, and it may hinder the continued success of this group... But never say never.... I just fear we will regret letting those two prized assets go.... a top 4RHD and a 1st line Winger on ELC....
  10. I'd be surprised, if that's all it takes to get Anderson... Beau has zero value except cap, Podz is a maybe, and a late first.... If he can swing a trade like that for Andersson, sign me up... and I like Podz...
  11. Yeah I hear you... Not sure tbh... I think, it very much depends on how hard JR/PA and Tocchet are on other players... I'm sure, they don't want to shake the apple cart, especially while all is dandy, but you get the best value for players form, so its not out of realm to believe it could happen. Last year we could likely have gotten something for Beau, while he was on Petey's line, now he most likely has negative value.
  12. I feel the same, but I think Petey learnt its a business, when Dahlen was cut... It's a tough one, as they are likely very good friends. Nevertheless I think JR/PA are ice-cold, when it comes to build a winning side. Its a tough one... Is Petey prepared to walk away from a team, that may be contending soon, because a team mate, he likes or even cares for, is being traded?
  13. Never..... Just about got out of one mess with the OEL contract, don't want to end up with another... $10.5M for another 6 years..... Andersson isn't worth that.... wouldn't do that for anyone not named Bedard or Jack Hughes... and even then I might hesitate.... Myers and Beau are gone in the summer Garland at worst in another year.... just no.
  14. Pretty much agree with everything here, although for me, the only 2 I wouldn't trade under any circumstances would be Willander and JL.... But yes we'll need good youngsters to come in a cover the $4M+ that the OEL will cost between 2025-2027 (gives them this season+next if needed to become players for us). I think Miller will become the babysitter for JL, just like Petey had in the beginning. With Kuz signing another deal, Brock will be the odd man out, and that's why I believe they may be feeling the waters, now that he has scored some goals... Beau is gone in the summer and so is Myers likely, if not before, so its only Garland and Brock, that would move the needle cap wise long term. I would be great if Silovs could continue his progress, if not the replace Demko, then at least be able to be a back up. DeSmith will cost substantially more next season, if he continues performing like this, so I doubt, we'll see him coming back... But yes the most important thing is to retain Petey and Hughes (Think signing Hronek long term will help with that).
  15. Agree... and yet... The one thing speaking for looking trade partners just now, are teams, who expect to be in the playoffs next spring, and have had a poor start to the season. They may be looking for firepower, before it's too late.... god knows, we know how it feels to see the train vanishing in the distance, and playing catch up... Maybe a team are prepared to give something valuable for a goal scorer right about now?
  16. He would be perfect, but I doubt they can find enough to send the other way to facilitate a trade. Andersson would be great.
  17. Great write up Rocket.... might wanna change it to "the sharks bench" in the media section (I think ) Thanks for doing the GDT...
  18. I've been having those kinda thoughts as well.... They've tried to off load Beau, Garland and Brock before with no takers. Beau will cost to move, Garland may bring something back, but with Brock having scored a few goals and points, maybe there could be some interest now? Or Kuz?... If they want to improve their D in a meaningful way, they need cap space. Other teams will be wanting the moon to take Beau or Garland of our hand in a trade for a top 4 RHD, so they may try to create cap space, by off loading Kuz or Brock as part of a trade or maybe a three way trade? Not that I want rid of either, but it looks a bit like you gotta give to get.... Lekkerimaki may be able to play on Millers wing next season, although that would likely be wishful thinking.
  19. He is really gonna cost... if Flames have to rebuild, he'd be one of the few, that would fit into a rebuild... Think the costs would be too much... they'd ask for a 1st + one if not both of Willander and Lekkerimaki... don't want to let go of these two.
  20. They definitely should be untouchables... They are (hopefully) going to be part of the salvation, when OELs dead cap comes into play. It just magic that we finally have a RHD in the system, that has a proper chance to become a top 4 RHD. And JL is really starting to make a name for himself.... if only..... Imagine a second Petey. We'd be golden...
  21. No to Lekkerimaki.... The boy is doing in the SHL, what Petey did atm... don't let a gem like that go.
  22. Yeah you probably could. Studnicka is at minimum pay... he is fine as a 13th man at minimum pay. He will be in the AHL once Bluger is back again.
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