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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Well that was a very good post amigo. And I'm happy you and others a posting these articles on here... me may or may not agree with the articles, but we should never stop listening to others points of view.... If you do, you go backwards ( a bit like Benning). There's zero doubt, that the concerns raised are being discussed behind the closed doors. I would be foolish to believe mangement just sat back, and enjoyed a few drinks in the present environment. We do have to have secondary scoring, and it remains to be seen if we get that from the bottom 6, however I think the discussion won't really surface until around game 20-25... Joshua scored a good few last season, and Hoggy looks to have found an extra gear. suter has had grade A chances, which surely is going to materialize into goals at some stage. Maybe Podz will get a look at some stage as well. Mean time I think its very important to remember, that while they haven't been finishing their chances yet, they have stemmed the flow of goals against, and that was the first priority leading up to this season. We definitely look like another animal defensively now. And the D has begun to chip in as well, which was also sorely needed. Finally, wonder if the could find a local retiring player, who fancies to play a season or two on a low cost contract, for a team that could go far in the play offs.... A Benn type of player on the 3rd line? Now that would change the dynamics. Some of the contenders seems able to find a few of these.... why not us...
  2. Thanks for posting these articles amigo. A lot of us would see them, unless they are being posted by your good self, so cheers to that
  3. I am personally more concerned about Beaus prodution and general play. If he doesn't score or create he doesn't really help the team much. Suter hasn't scored yet, but he has been in the thick of the action, and generated grade A chances... surely the bubble will burst soon.
  4. if he continues like this, it could maybe be argued that he should start in the NHL like Petey did?
  5. Cheers amigo. Yes seemed to remember the yalk about whether he was too skinny to play C in the NHL.
  6. Cheers amigo. I just seem to remember, there were a lot of talk about whether he coukd be a C in the NHL, which Benning and co saw him as, when he first arrived. Obviously the rest is history... My thought were more towards if Petey could make the transision, maybe JL could as well.... If Petey doesn't want to sign or want ridiculous money, could JL potentially be next in line? I don't think so, and certainly hope Petey signs long term with Canucks, but there are no guarentees in this game, so who knows....
  7. Didn't Petey go from Wing to Center... maybe my memory is wrong?
  8. A 7th round draft pick..... Our pool of prospects is immense tbh.... almost like when we had Petey and QH cooking.
  9. Very likely... think a lot depends on what kind of offers they receive for either of them... Can Lekkerimaki possibly play C?
  10. Its a process and they need to learn to be mentally tough, when they are up against it, and yesterday was a big step in the right direction.... They keep that level intensity and this easily a play off team.... and a good one at that...
  11. Thanks for posting. Tocchet comes across as very humble and down to earth.... its really surprising. Like a proper Gentleman. Its his way or the highway, but he is not deaf for suggestions or having meetings with players. There is zero doubt that the players are buying into Tocchets ideas, and it really looks like they play for him. More importantly he keeps both feet firmly planted on the ground... He doesn't take a battle with the referees this early in the season, which is a clever move... The refs will be told from all corners, if they are making a mistake, and will likely appreciate Tocchet not losing the plot with them... It also likely means that, when he eventually is going to lose the plot, they are more likely to listen to his complaints... Tocchet definitely has my support. Very impressed about him, and how he talks up the players....
  12. Very true... in OT a third of the players are removed, so it should be a lot easier to keep an eye proceedings...
  13. Don't really think it calls into question the integrity of the game itself... Refs are humans too... and humans makes mistakes. We all do... its part and parcel of life. The big problem now a day is the incredible focus of the decisions being made with 20 camera angles, slo-mo etc... And to be fair on the refs, they may actually need a bit of a helping hand.... I actually agree with Stawns, that too much stoppage of the game ruins it, as hockey sells as being a fast game. I'm sure we could live with the mistakes being done during the game, provided it doesn't get too one sided, but at least at sudden death time (the correct decisions have to be made, if possible).... It should be allowed to challenge the game winning goal, if there is any issues... Could go with the notion, that a lost challenge means starting the following game down 1-0? or something in that line... maybe lose the 1 point gained, and go away with nothing if the challenge is lost.
  14. That I do agree on... That's the main issue I have with VAR, the time it takes to make decisions... for goals in particular. But I find it disappointing at a time where 'next goal wins the game' a refereeing decision (a call so blatant) is missed... They only have 3 players to pay attention to at the time, so it should really be easier to make the right calls at O/T... Yes I think you should be able to make at least 1 refereeing challenge in O/T, it could be limited to the play that results in a goal....
  15. Spot on... find a solution to the problem instead of accepting mediocre... VAR was brought into soccer because the refereeing was considered inconsistent. I'm not a total fan of VAR, but certain issues should be allowed to be challenged...
  16. Probably not, but then the way games are being refereed should be maybe be changed... Its was not a hard penalty to spot... so slashing can be called/missed or interferences etc... but a blatant incidents that decides a hockey game is poor... It took two replays (1 from each angle to clearly spot the trip).... They have people sitting watching the game on monitors everywhere, so there really is no excuse for not getting calls like these correct... To say poor decisions are ok because other refs aren't any better, doesn't make sense... I don't think the refs were poor in general, although the 5 on 3 because of the too many men was a bit dodgy at best..... although correct'ish by the letter of the law
  17. Does anyone have a chance tom post the after hours on here? Can't see it but sounds box office... Please
  18. Why are folks so worried about eastern bias? F them.... they'll be bending over for us in 6 months...
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