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Everything posted by spook007

  1. If he nails him like he did Keith, he can clown around for the rest of then season for me...
  2. I'm totally onboard with the locker room having to be a fun place to be, although it often comes with winning. I would think the BANANA boy would be a good guy in the room, but outside him, I'm not sure.... My concern would be based on the team needing more strength and as far as I remember, that's not what hotdog was known for. If we were short of a shooter on the top two lines, or had a strong 3rd line, then I'd probably be all for it as well, but I feel we have bigger needs just now. I do, however agree with your point, that a happy room, make players wanna come to play, and probably also easier to retain.
  3. Not really a fan of Kessel to Vancouver. He is not, what we need atm. we need 1 or two winger that can compete and another rhd. We have decent firepower, but struggle to compete physically... No smurfs or soft players please...
  4. We have a few waiting in the wings, Podz, Bains, maybe Willander and/or Lekki, Raty, Klim, Karlsson, Sasson etc... If a few, just a few of these can come in on ELCs it'll go a long way to help us out.
  5. Yes you answered the question yourself... They can't rid themselves of the contracts... Last year they tried to off load Brock, but no takers, This year they've been trying to offload Garland but no takers... Beau is 100% gone next season, and so will Garland most likely be, so they are addressing the issue. If Kuz don't find his scoring soon, he will also be in the firing line... however think he'll come good, once we have Mika back... Rome wasn't build in a year, unfortunately, hopefully we can get this team turned fully around faster than that.....
  6. I'm not sure, why you got laughed at for wanting to trade Garland. I think, its been known for a long time, that the 3 players likely having to go in order to make funds available for players that we need, was 1 or 2 of Brock, Garland and Beau, as they are the high earners. Mika is PAs man so he is likely safe. Hogs was always in the picture to take a spot on the team either now or later, so I think Garland going would be very likely. We are short of beef in the line up. Fast players that are hard to play against. And our D was/is still not perfect, so the money they had to find, would come from 1-2 of the 3 winger mentioned and/or 1-2 of the Dmen. Whether it was bad business remains to be seen. I think they felt it had to be done, while they still had Petey on a reletively good contract.
  7. Fair enough... Regardless, I already felt at the time they traded for OEL, that it was a bit odd since the future was Quinn to run the offence. I didn't really have an issue with OEL except like Myers he was paid too much. Again, in order to change the dynamic, they needed to find money somewhere, and they were obviously none too impressed with OEL and Myers high salaries. Time will tell if we are going to regret it, but it gives us a 2 year window to actually see if Petey and QH can get us challenging or we need to rebuild. standing pat was never going to be any good for anyone, except get out from the OEL cap sooner. Lets see what happens. This is where we are...
  8. Been there a few times. Thank god for chemistry... I have in general always been fine, bit tended to put too much pressure on myself and take everything to heart. In getting to the free bus card age, so I don't feel the need to pressurize muself any longer, and my life it much easier for it. And yes the feeling of one morning wakening up and feel glad the sun is shining or hearing the birds singing again is amazing.
  9. I know, and I used to say that myself. However, $13M for a second pairing shut down pairing is obviously looked upon as being too expensive by management. Quinn Hughes will run our offense for as long as he stays here. OEL forte was as an offensive Dman, but 5 -24-29 +5 and 2-20 -24 doesn't exactly scream out 1-17 +15 followed by 1-16 -16 doesn't really look good value for $13M Management likely felt at that sums, they should be able to carry a pairing themselves or generate more offense. I'm sure Myers would have been out the doir as well if the oppotunity had presented itself. I'm sure we could find a shut down pairing that doesn't generate much offense at a lower cost than $13M... if not then we are really in deep shit. Reality is, somethibg had to be done, or we would have been continuing like this in the mushy middle and like miss out on playoffs again. Standing pad until OEL retires wouldn't do much for us, and they want to start winning. Not just the owners and management, but the players too... I'm sure this is how management saw it, and I agree with this.
  10. spot on... the country club mentallity has been identified by the management group as a problem, and very likely a coach like Tocchet was brought in to break that up. If results don't go their way, I don't see them lasting long, however if results change, I see the players buy into it. The 1st player, who seemed to buy into it was Miller... The transformation on him was massive after Tocchet came in, and he is now more of a leader, than any forward on that team. Making Quinn captain was a smart move, as it stopped any potential envy between Miller and Petey.
  11. Sorry bud, not going into this discussion, however just wonder why you don't put him on ignore, if what he says riles you up so badly? , while I haven't ever put anyone on ignore, if I had had enough of a poster, I'd just ignore the poster. Just like I'm sure a lot does to my posts, if they don't like, what I say, or how I say it.... We don't all have the same opinions, and some are more elegant in voicing their than others, so kind of live and let live... Anyway have fun and see you around.
  12. Not so sure about that. In the long term yes, as his cap hit would end in 4 years, where as we now will carry his dead cap for a lot longer. However, we were garbage defensively with OEL and Myers as our no 2 and 3 and even if we could have them as 3-4 it still would be way too expensive. I think, they know, that in order to turn this franchise around, they need results now, or Petey is likely gone, and very likely Quinn too, when his contract is up. If the stars align, we will have some influx of youth ELCs over the next 2 years, which could counter the cap loss from OEL. I'm concerned about OELs caphit goi g forward, and definitely concerned about Garland and retaining cap. But in saying this, if getting rid of Garland, while keeping 30% of his cap hit for the next few years will be enough to get us Tuch type forward or a better Dman, them I do see the point. Atm Garland is wasted here... He doesn't fit on the 1st line and with the 2nd line set he'll be utilized in a limited role on the 3rd line, and to be honest both he and Beau are too expensive for the 3rd line, and son't bring, what Tocchet and management seems to prefer for the 3rd and 4th line. So while the dead cap is on this management, the issu was created by Benning for trading for OEL and Garland in the first place.
  13. I think the fact that he had McKinnon and Ava core players in their prime to play with has been a massive help. But yes its guess work, who knows
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