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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Yes probably, but unlikely Makar would react these numbers so fast had he played on a struggling team.
  2. Which is quite remarkable considering, he has been playing on a struggling team... One have to wonder if Maker would have reached the same numbers so fast playing for Canucks...
  3. Its a process... biggest problem last year was the PK and goalie until Demko came back. Those issues seems to have been rectified... Now we were hardly going to go through the season 82-0... Did we expect a win, yes, are we shocked we didn't? No, not on that performance... On to the next one. Onwards and Upwards.
  4. Benning did make some odd decisions, bit agree on two fronts, he was already doomed. The owners didn't want a rebuild, and Covid creating flat lined cap. As you rightly say 'Do you want to be a HM or not...' Reallity is that very few GMs and coaches gets to see the whole process through, although Aquilinis did give Benning a lot of rope... If it had worked out with JV on OJ we would likely had been further ahead in our process, but its a game of what ifs... nobody knows what would have happened. Now we are clearly running with Quinn, Miller, Demko and Petey (if he extends). This is the core now. Its then up to management to find all the conplimentary pieces through drafts or screwed dealing.. And so far so good for PA, despite the team laying an egg yesterday. Still think there's a couple of missing pieces, but things take time... happy with progress so far.
  5. Thanks @Canuckle That was a good listen... Kinda what I expected. The rebuild should have started in 2013-2014, but the owners didn't want to accept it, and here we are... As Chris Gear says, both Toronto and Edmonton haven't won anything yet despite winning the drafts, however, I think it has more to do with the supporting cast than the players they drafted. If you have forwards scoring 50-60 goals, they are generally not the problem... I think, Both teams would do fantastic, if they sold off some of their scoring for defensive reinforcements, but that's another story.
  6. Happy for Rathbone... he was done here in Vancouver. Just doesn't fit, what they want from a third pairing D. Doesn't defend well enough. Believe he's FA next summer, so we were likely always going to see him move along. Nothing to get too excited about. If Friedman ends up even just in the conversation for a third pairing role, its a huge win. The forward has got some size... time will tell...
  7. I love seeing this too... I feel a few of the boys will accept or at least understand, which school of hard knocks the coaching team comes from... I don't know, but have a slight feeling that the locker room slowly was turning into a country club. You don't have to be a goon to play hard, but show you have a freaking pulse at least. Miller was always going to buy into this, and a few of the others as well. If they don't, I thing they will be history... I applaud the way they've been playing so far, but also accept, that we are only 2 games into the season. But seeing the old footage of Tocchet definitely is an eye opener...
  8. Yes, problem as such was not selling the farm for a proper push (it almost worked)... The real problem was when the music stopped, they didn't strip it down but kept flogging the tired horses instead.... MG wanted a tear down and got canned, Torts said we needed a tear down and got canned... The real problem was the lack of vision. Benning drafted well enough with his hits (and yes misses), but we would likely have been further ahead, if we had been stripping it down.... morale victories to end every season didn't help much, and neither did the lottery (god I hate Oilers for being so shit, they had to introduce a lottery)... Allvin has done well though since entering the scene... I find it hard to see anything, he could have done better, than he already did... Needed to get a RHD, needed to find a solution to the OEL anchor, needed to keep player costs under control (Bye Bo), get a better back up keeper at reasonable cost, needed to find useful supplementary players at low cost for the two bottom lines... For now I definitely like, what I am seeing from the management team... solve the Garland/Beau issue of overpaid players and improve RHD even more, and its an A from me (provided we become a play offs team )
  9. Yeah, you are either part of the group or part of the problem. Win or lose, show some heart, and you are part of the team.
  10. Yeah noticed that too... i like he walked the walk before preaching to others, what he wants to see. Commitment, determination, aggression and in your face hockey. Its good to see us show some emotion again, all be it in 2 games so far, but definitely like, what I'm seeing.
  11. Thanks @-AJ- Didn't know that. Had a quick look, and yes it is actually quite easy indeed.
  12. Is there any chance, you could post the top 20?
  13. Cheers Amigo, just trying to stay on top
  14. You had me at 'He and Petey'... he is going to be part of the solution for OELs cap hit Gentlemen. Lekki and Willander... the future is rosy again.
  15. NOBODY put babe in the corner.... Petey is an alien
  16. Agree fully. Trust PA/JR to do the right thing with the young ones. Pens used to let them mature until they were ready. Hopefully that continues here.
  17. Willander (if he continues developing into a top RHD) fills a organisational need far more than Benson would... Its not even debateable... Ever since 2011 (and probably prior to that as well), there has been the usual talk about the total lack of Dmen (RHD in particular) in the system, and the only way to obtain them, without selling everything, is by drafting them. Problem is, there rarely have been a quality RHD available, where we pick... We simply needed Willander more than Benson.
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