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Everything posted by spook007

  1. What a whine.... how about you focus on your own shit team. It'll make it so much more fun, when the boys beat them again on Saturday.
  2. Hirose needs seasoning, but thought he looked composed and will be an asset going forward. He did get caught on the pick a few times as the speed is higher, than what he'll be used to.... PS. Not a bad game to attend. Happy for you
  3. And Bubble Demko is going to lead this team into the promised land... playing like this while being hit withy the flu... Fabulous
  4. What a magic game.... So pleased for Brock... if anyone needed a bit of cheering up. This may be start of something special for him this season. Besides the top lines playing like top lines and scoring for fun, it was great to see all the newcomers play like they've been on this team for years. Great pick ups by FA... PK massively improved. Finally, Hirose could turn out to be something magical... He seems so composed in his play and except for a few times. Keep this up, and they will still be playing come play offs time.... Great stuff
  5. No pussy for @Dumb Nuck tonight...
  6. They want top get bigger, faster and harder to play against... They want cap flexibility They can't move Brock... Its hardly science, if they try to move Garland and his $5M cap hit....
  7. This.... I like that they take known commodity... They know what he brings and also the flaws in his game... Don't understand the negativity amongst some. Surely we want any of our lines to improve, even if its only a few %...
  8. Drafted by Pens, so they know all there is to know about this player... 6'2 - 205lbs... maybe brings some sandpaper to the line up.
  9. Canucks win 3-2 Petey GWG Miller first Canucks goal Cheers @Goalie29 good job as always.
  10. Correct. When Quinn signed his extension, they should have dangled Rathbone...
  11. No way they get rid of Willander for a maybe good fit for Hughes.
  12. I have no doubt, Lekkerimakki will be a decent player, maybe even a good winger for us, and I'm happy for both him and the Canucks, that he has continued to improve. The club needs to hit on their 1st round picks.... However, this doesn't change the fact, to me at least, we are desperately short on quality players with a bit of size in both end of the rink. I was very happy with this years pick, but fear we'll continue to over pay for FAs with a bit of size and nastiness to them. Myers and Guddy standout like sore thumbs. Letting go of Schenn was somewhat disappointing to me. Not that I saw Schenn as the saving grace, but he did bring something to the table, that I fear we will shown up on....and at a decent price. Time will tell, but I don't see, who will do the dirty work, should it be necessary. Hope I'm wrong...
  13. Spot on... we may have a ahooter on the team, but are still without some big boys, who can play.
  14. I was somewhat surprised, as I thought next summer Myers will be history, and it'll only be one stinking contract to carry, for 3 years. I also thought one of the 3 wingers were going to pay the price, but they obviously weren't able to move them and their cap. i am sure all avenues were tried before they let go of OEL. @Elias Pettersson called it, for that very reason (as far as I remember)... buying him out gave the team two years to figure out, which direction to take in the future IE are they good enough to make any noise. Also think the owners may have a few things to say atthis stage. PS. As you rightfully say, the cap is going to rise to cover the OEL cap hit, but in the grand scheme of things, its like fighting with one arm tied behind your back...
  15. Spot on... If he doesn't want to sign longer than 4 years, its not the end of the world. if we look good going forward they got 3 years to talk him into an extention. If we don't, he'll be a casualty anyway in a rebuild.
  16. Yes we need to push now, for two reason. They cap penalty will come into play soon, and the management needs to see if the team is actually going places or not... if this team can make the play off, with peteys extension coming up, Kuz at that stage going into his last year etc., I may also be in the team blow it up. Hold on to Huges and maybe Hronek, and start a fire sale. But for now, I want to see, what the team assembled can achieve before, its even being discussed.
  17. That is true, and we can all hope he can stay injury free, which would be a huge start. I personally would probably hang tight, until next season, when Myers is gone regardless, and so will Beau be, so a lot of room should open. If Brock and Podz etc has shown improvement, we cam ship out Kuz. I do however get, that if we wait a year, there are contracts that may take a good slice of the cake, so it depends on PA and if he can swing a trade that make is worth while for us, to let go of Kuz... they need to push on now, as they have a salary break just now, and need to make it work, while the oppotunity is there.
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