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Everything posted by spook007

  1. My only concern is A: Regarding Boeser, his trials and tribulations are all very well documented, and nobody would be kore pleased than me, if he turned it around and scored 30 goals while playing a heavier game.. i'm not sure its going to happen though, and here lays my concern. Despite Kuz not being the best a playing both ends of the ice I still fancy him to give us a good return goal wise. Especially with a pumped up Petey to run the show. On this note may I add, that I don't totally oppose your idea, and actually feel positive that there are now several ways on us improving the team.
  2. You'd move a near 40goals scorer as a sweetner to move Myers and to give Podz and Hogs more opporunities? What if Podz and Hogs doesn't grow as hoped for? Than we gave up Kuz for 1 year of Myers? Sorry but trying to get my head around it? Keeping Brock, who's had I don't know how many chances and never broken 30 goals over Kuz? I'd say this is some gamble...
  3. You're leaving the 007 group.... was it something I said
  4. Life is changing fast on CDC or what used to be CDC. I've been down all day by the thought of not being able to continue chatting on CDC. A massive thank you @Ribs/Stealth, for keeping it going for all of us interested. I struggle to find words that express my gratitude, but put it like this. If I could, I take you out for a proper session of beer tasting. Thank you.
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