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Everything posted by spook007

  1. yeah the pages will be red hot But spot on... this year will show if it was just a flash in a pan, or if they really are that good... Guess that question is the only reason Allvin didn't win GM of the year... still surprised how it went to Dallas...
  2. Then he is done doing anything with Vancouver... He put his colours on the mast, so he can go down with his ship... fuck him.
  3. Yep, whether that be from within or from outside bottom players are always easier to find. Hence I said the big issue is not whether they are able to sign them all to contracts they've earned, but whether they can find cheap replacements able to provide the same. This is where the true force of the front office comes in play... A player like Joshua was gold. Now getting to replace him is where they'll earn their money... On that note, how the hell did Allvin not win GM of the year?
  4. Yep I addressed that earlier, saying that he obviously needed a total clear out of the people he had helping him draft....
  5. True... but we still got a 1st +3rd + Bonino + Sbiza... and that despite being awkward
  6. If MG had been given the green light to trade out the team to the highest bidder, when he suggested it, it would never have gotten as bad as it did... Kesler gave him 2 teams only, but that gave us a 1st and other parts that could be traded.. That 1st could have been Pastrnak... Hindsight is a wonderful thing... But we see regularly players drop their NTC and NMCs, when they see, where it is all heading.
  7. Tbh would much rather be in our position, having to perhaps fill in spots, because players have been so good they prized themselves out, than being stuck with 5-8 year contracts of dopeys... We all know, how that feels and looks like... The big issue here is not having to resign them all, but being able to find proper replacements at lower costs... And so far they have definitely lived up to my expectations in finding good replacements.
  8. Unless he grovels severely with an apology, I can't see how he can come back. He painted the Canucks organisation/players/fans as trash... and that's not a smart move, when its the same people you have to work with...
  9. it would be a massive gamble for him... if he has an injury, he may never get a pay day? Doubt he would risk that for an added 3/4-1.5 M/year... if he is offered $4M for 3-4 years, I'm sure he'll take it... Maybe slightly less for years.
  10. Exactly... don't hang around and wait for the "perfect" day, as they rarely appear, and you've missed the bus... We bowed out in game 7 without our stating keeper, our leading scorer and a Petey playing less than his stellar self... These things you can't legislate for... Had Oilers lost out one of their core players, McD playing less than stellar and Draisaitl or Hyman been injured it could just as well have been us playing Panthers...
  11. I don't even know if it is pure hatred... definitely immaturity issues... Its like a child that has been bullied or teased and can't cope... incredibly poor self control, when you put yourself forward... How much crap do you not think, others are getting on X or what ever they call these things... I got fed up with participating in discussions on these platforms long time ago, as there are professional shit stirrers, who manipulates everything you post, so you'll get hung out to dry, unless you follow the party line... So I did, what I preach, if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out...
  12. Lol... I know the feeling True, but I still believe Petey and Lindholm could be dynamite together... or maybe even a Lindholm with Miller and then Lekkerimaki on the RW being well protected by the other two... We'll see... I guess, you are right though, we won't be getting Lindholm at 7M...
  13. They weren't / aren't really worth the paper they are written on... Most players, drop their NTC once they know they are unwanted, but it does give them some protection as to where they end up... Don't give them NTCs or NMCs and they won't sign for the $ offered... It's hard enough to stay competitive with the tax issues, so they kind of try to draw an advantage.... Both Hansen and Burrows would likely have waived earlier, and maybe even the Sedins would...Kesler was ready to go and a few others like Bieksa would likely also have left in order to help the club... They all understood it was for the benefit of the club and nothing untoward them personally... It would likely have made us competitive a lot faster than the more than a decade of crap... add to that the amount of meaningless wins they accumulated each year under Benning, for no reason what so ever... I used to applaud them and believed it would be good for morale and belief... rubbish... It would have been far better to sink to the bottom at that stage and pick a Mathews or Drai or McD or MacKinnon etc... There is zero doubt of the benefit of drafting top 2-3 multiple years from the go... especially if you have a few 1st round picks... Imagine we in 2014 had picked Nylander or Ehlers together with Pastrnak... or even better one of Ekblad/Reinhart/Draisaitl together with Pastrnak... there's your rebuild half way done. and the following year could have had one of McD/Eichel/Marner/Hanifin together with a Barzel/Boeser/ Crouse... There is your future core in 2 drafts... Oilers did this, while fucking up the system with being so useless.... Oh well one can only imagine...
  14. Full confidence in the front office knowing, what they want, and what they'll pay for it... I believe, we'll end up with a team as good, if not better, once the dust has settled.
  15. Likely wouldn't have taken this long if Aquilinis had listened to MG, when he said, we needed a rebuild... (provided he had better folks to do the drafts for him)...
  16. Firstly (and no disrespect meant) please split up your post amigo.. Its like a wall of text, and really hard to get through... I think Tocchet left Petey with Mika and Hogs in the hope the line could reconnect... in the end he gave up on that as well during the play offs, and shifted players in and out of Peteys line. Again, as you say yourself as well, why would they spend so much money on a 3C, when they are looking at less money going forward. If they want Petey to play C, which he did, while playing with Lindholm, They would be just as well of signing a bonafide winger for Petey... Lindholm on Peteys wing didn't work (for a game and a half... small sample size), but I think they played Lindy as a C later with Petey moving to the wing and he looked better there (I might be wrong, but seem to recall this)... Its exactly as you say, they are paying premium for a C in Lindholm, so playing him as a 3C doesn't make sense (or at least not to me)... Now thinking outside the box, it could be to ensure that even in the event of injuries we have 2 bonafide top 6 Centers... But paying $7M for a 3C to play next to a $5M winger sound extreme to me? Especially with Petey having to play with black holes and worse...
  17. Late to the party... Besides struggling to get my arms down after watching Oilers lose, I can't help but wonder if a fit Demko could have gotten us through as well... Bob was spectacular... Hope they are all crying themselves to sleep....
  18. Or play him has a C next to Petey... Think they could be dynamite together....
  19. Why on earth would you Petey without a top 6 player, if you have one? Makes zero sense... 1.5 games in the regular season, when they were preparing for the play offs... They wanted him to play with Petey to start with, but A: Petey was not playing all that well (and Lindholm on his wing didn't't work instantly) and B: They didn't have the time to get them playing together... If they don't want Lindholm to play with a player paid 11.6M they'd spend the money on a winger for Petey instead. They have $2M to shave off this year and $5M next year, so they are hardly going to let Petay suck with his $11.6M contract in order to have a 3rd line C... Petey was great during the regular season up to ASG but, from then on not so much, and the question really is, would he be better as a winger, especially during the play offs? If they find a top 6 winger for Petey, then maybe Lindholm could be a 3rd C, but I don't know how they would be able to afford that... Far cheaper to have a Bluger play 3C and than use Lindholm in the top 6...
  20. Doubt he would have beem utilized as 3C. Not unlikely but with Petey in need of help on his line they are not trading for a 3rd line centre. Bo would likely be playing with Petey or Miller in the long run. Especially if Petey went dead like this year. Furthermore, why would they invest 7M in a 3C when Petey obviously need somebody to play with?
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