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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Hope they run him over big time.... to see how he gets to dance through 3-4 players without anyone nailing him is astonishing... BTW good job refs... a nice dive for Oilers first PP, and that dirt bag Craig Simpson shamelessly called the play afterwards, despite it could clearly be seen that Tanev never touched the skate of Hyman the diving prick. This matters enormously, when you know, how good the Oilers PP is... so much for cracking down on embellishment. In saying all of this, Dallas was crap, and didn't deserve to win... 5 million PPs and can't score on Skinner... and we moaned about the Canucks. Here's hoping Panthers can knock them over... If Oilers win the cup, they'll be the most underserving team to win the cup in a long time... Guess embellishment doesn't matter as another generational talent, and a Canadian club at that, gets a cup, and its good for marketing... wait another 20-30 years for it to happen next time.
  2. Cheers, That makes it even less impressive... Matheson, should have been pulverised during the game, AND again the following games... Your future star, who is only the size of a big pee wee player getting body slammed head first into the ice should not have gone unpunished until the next meeting.
  3. This is where management has to help limit the minutes or even better games during the season, if possible... Petey could easily have taken a week or two off leading up to the play offs...
  4. I would love nothing more than. to see either (or better both) come to help Canucks in a low few low cost deals, just like a lot of the other old timers have done at various clubs... Been on the 3rd line? He been tough than most of the top 2 Centres in the league, and far tougher than most of the bottom 6 players around the league... Damn that would be a dream scenario... Do I think it'll happen...unfortunately not... Players have a tendency to stick around the areas they have set roots, or at least BC boys seems to do so... But nothing would make me more happy than to see Benn in Vancouver colours... Then we'd have a proper line up...
  5. Draisaitl is 3 years older than Petey... and solid build... I think, we also all remember Petey hammering them in from the same spot regular up to this season... Lets see... Yep... and both Petey AND management are to be blamed for this... same as over playing Demko...
  6. The only embarrassing part above hammering a 23 old into the ice, was the total lack of response from the rest of the team... This would not happen to the team of today... maybe see what happens this season, before crap all over him... still only 25... maybe you are right, but way too early to write him off...
  7. Benn later apologised for saying it...
  8. A hell of a lot more than me or you on these fan pages.... you know that....
  9. ....and Calgary Canucks.... they like to take our ex players...
  10. For real...? Have you got any idea, how much power the press has...
  11. Hope you are right in that scenario, as getting a big mobile D has been a revelation, a long over due one... would hate to go back to a D similar to we've had the last 10 Years...
  12. At 28, if he can get a 4 year contract around or close to 4M, he'll take it... he need to make a killing, if he can, and worry about line mates later... He may never get another opportunity.
  13. Not for Toronto ... And back to the world of small or plugs on defence again?
  14. They were all slagging him off during Canucks series.... now they are riding his d!ck... press at its finest...
  15. Kind of irrelevant... healty or unhealthy... Petey on 100% and Demko in net definitely gives Canucks a far greater chance of knocking this Oiler team out...
  16. We're not press.... just ordinary fans...See the difference? btw Oilers forums are that way
  17. Not just They've been rotten all along... their favouritism towards the Oilers, when they played Canucks was not short of disgusting... expected, but disgusting nevertheless... They picked and chose every opportunity to down the Canucks, all jumping on the Canucks when McD got cross checked in the face, but silent as mice when Hughes twice got high sticked in the face by McD... Don't care if the refs didn't see it... millions of views did and so did the press and the NHL DOPS... After a terrible dive by Oilers was discussed, TSN showed a clip of a Canucks player going down after a cross check across the chest + another, where a player was looking towards the refs after an infringement, and said "they are ALL at it..." protecting their little diving swines from Edmonton... I've never liked/disliked Dallas, found Benn and Sequin to pathetic, when they slagged off the twins (something Benn later apologised for), but damn am I hoping they knock the living shit out of Oilers... And should they not be able to do so, I would love to see Tkachuk absolutely destroy either McD or Drai.... and then see the press reaction... fuck them and the bunch of diving losers...
  18. Been think the exact same thing... All well hitting 3rd and 4th liners, but Oilers without Drai or McD are toast.
  19. Thanks Kev.... about time somebody stops blowing them.... big balls...
  20. Looks very good... and definitely far stronger than this year... If they don't get Lindholm signed to a good contract, that is definitely wort going for... Strong top 3 and and strong D... good call...
  21. Maybe, but isn't it the same for all teams? If Oilers lost McD and Drai or McD and Hyman, they'd be a lottery team as well...
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