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Everything posted by spook007

  1. and?... half the team wasn't on course to get above 100 points for a second year running... especially while still under 25 years old... Think he is doing just fine...
  2. Maybe a season under Tocchet could reignite his fire? If Canucks can't afford to keep Joshua, would he be able to bring as much physicality as Joshua? It could be interesting... Alvin has a plan already, I'm sure... All be a part of a bigger trade (Necas)....
  3. Exactly... I was trying to find the right words for saying that exact same thing... fuck does he know about getting his hands dirty... Guess according to him, if you don't shovel pigs shit or swim in oil, you are not worthy of being a sports fan... In that case wtf is he doing in any of the arenas in his suit.. Jackass
  4. Yeah, I'd leave a few dollars on the table, for a few ice dances with these lovely ladies...
  5. Yes definitely have to agree on that... Still want another year of JR/PA before I go totally overboard, but I do love, what we've seen so far from them... What makes me happier than anything, is their willingness to change the personal quickly to accommodate the way they want to play... They have number ready in their head, for what they are willing to pay players, given their age and ability, and they have zero fear in dumping them, should they find it beneficial to the team... The first year of JBs drafting was (at least it looked like) a great success... McCann, Demko (2nd rd), Forsling (5th rd) became good NHL'er, and Jake could have been an NHL'er as well as Tryamkin,, The following year it was Brock, Briseboiis (3rd rd), Gaudette (5th rd)... But then it started to head south except for Petey, QH, Hogs (2nd Rd) and Silovs (rd 6)... not sure about Podkolzin or Kim yet... Its not the worst collection, and both Petey and QH have been home runs, but its the weird contracts outside those, that ruined a lot... overpayments and poor recruitment (except Miller)... I was supportive of Benning for a long time, just as I've been for all of them, but the change definite brought a breath of fresh air... Just hope it continues and I think it will...
  6. Is all the games not being reviewed by the NHL? If so, you don't have to stop the games for lengthy discussions, but instead give a suspension to any player caught diving in the next game, and a heads up to the refs to pay attention to that player in the future... The worst is the snapping their head back as if they've been hit, when its clear they haven't... This will stop it instantly... football did similar in Scotland, and some of the diving vanished instantly....
  7. Yes we needed a rebuild to start around 2013ish but to be fair to JB, Aquilinis did NOT want a rebuild... Gilles wanted a rebuild and got canned... so JB goy hired to do a retool.... He made lots of mistakes, but not doing a rebuild was unlikely one of them... If he had stated we needed to do a rebuild, he would likely have gotten canned too... (which in hindsight might not have been a bad decision). Lottery luck (or lack off) as well as our usual end of season morale victories, was a dagger in the heart, and we are now at the it is, what it is stage... Luckily for us, PA and his scouting team has been very good, and he has not been afraid to pull the trigger... not all has been gold, but he has on average done very good with his trades and shifting of players.... time will tell, if it is possible for him to continue moving players around... We do have players of interest to other teams, so who knows, what he does next... regardless its likely to be box office
  8. Basically the fans in Vancouver are douches.... Not very intelligent, when you live of clicks and works in TV marked... He should never be allowed to do another interview in Vancouver... Never even heard another journalist, speaking so much crap in my life... Slagging off a city and the fans??? He was quoted saying.... "There's a certain douche factor that comes with Vancouver...There's this whole we want to tell you how wealthy we are. In Edmonton, we work here. I love that. We wear our blue jeans, we work, and we get dirty. Those are my people."
  9. Yes it's almost embarrassing, how little respect the Canucks have been getting...after losing in 7 by 1 goal.... As you say, you'd have thought they got steam rolled... They had zero to say about McD high sticking Hughes twice in the face, all thought it was almost too little when Soucy got a suspension... Its the typical weirdness of it all... however, the team took the high ground and didn't whine about it... I thought they showed extra ordinary resilience in not whine about anything, and I thought at the time, it would benefit the team, but not the slightest... So f them...
  10. Would maybe, big maybe have supported Oilers, if the western conference finals, if it wasn't for all the vomit we had to endure from the commentators and paper hacks leading up to it, during it, and after it... They showed Canucks and their fans ZERO respect, and even afterward, there has been very little positive comments towards the Canucks... Culminating in that clown Seravelli committing on-line suicide... Enjoy those diving, whining crybabies losing and hope to hell it'll be Dallas in 5... Again they are whining... " we didn't get enough penalties"... "Green men are evil"... "goal posts aren't saves"... bla bla bla.... What a bunch of Ws... Thank god our players rose above that...
  11. Spot on... I expect them to be really busy again this summer... Its really cool to have a trigger happy GM... makes the offseason far more interesting... Onwards and upwards
  12. Z reportedly already said no to 4.5x5, Joshua unlikely signing for 3, Myers unlikely foe 2.25, and Lindy never for 6.5
  13. Unless they slept in team coloured duvet...
  14. Getting in Tocchet was definitely key to a lot of good here... He change the style, and got good players to play amazingly... Brock in particular (although lots probably has to do with he personal life)... Joshua, Garland, Myers, Juulsen... Hogs... etc... I think the two thing goes a bit hand in hand... Few coaches would win the Jack Adams without being given the tools, and few GMs win Jim Gregory without an outstanding coach...
  15. Well, can I just say to you all, thanks for feed back... Obviously I was not the only one getting cheesed off with that w.... Some folks have a platform to spread hate... Never mind, didn't realise he was such a sleazy muppet... One less to pay attention to I'm the future...
  16. Sorry amigo... Didn't know how else to post it ... IK'm learning... unlike that clown, I'm actually old, so I've got an excuse...I think...
  17. That's exactly it... What a waste of oxygen that man is....
  18. https://www.canucksdaily.com/nhl-team/vancouver-canucks/frank-seravalli-takes-shots-at-the-canucks-the-city-and-it-fans What on earth is he on about? Canucks have a great fan base, and I just wonder how many teams have fans so invested as Canucks fans. The Canucks made a weird decision to close down their fan web page, but within days the fans themselves (thank you @Ribs) reopened their own. Just because fans don't roll around in the streets and stink of pee/vomit doesn't make them less invested than the Oilers. They had 1st OA so many times they had to change the system, and when they finally got a generational talent, they behaved as if they had been rolling since the 80's... Canucks sucked for more than a decade, and yet they still filled their barn... Maybe I am wrong or missing something here, but I think that kind of garbage journalism is unwarranted and belongs in the gutters... What an arse.... PS. I rarely ever start topics, so....
  19. How many pucks did he shoot?... If the rest of his NHL peers thinks heis the best coach in the NHL I think he is doing just fine... If the players can't manage it is necessarily on the coach... Players not playing to their potential eaa a massive reason, we didn't beat Oilers... Petey saying, he was playing injured, was maybe a mistake not shutting him down, but other than that, what else could he have done? Mika and Hogs being ghosts obviously didn't help... If that line played to their ability, Oilers would have been toast and we would have been playing Dallas.
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