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Everything posted by spook007

  1. I'm not sure about trading Demko, but without doubt this conversation will be had, as his value is at peak just now... It's a bit like @KesLord suggesting to trade Brock now... His value will never be higher than it is now... or Garland for that matter, however I am not sure about any of them... One thing we all do know is, some changes are needed as we did NOT win (as Allvin rightfully pointed out), and the dreaded cap is starting to cast the stench over us, so some thought of money ball is needed to be done in order to get better... or different way of thinking, as we just can't afford to keep, what we have and improve at the same time...
  2. Yep exactly... they don't hang around. Bo as well, and when the opportunity arose they got Hronek. They were quick with Zad as well... I think, its wonderful to see a management team, that acts instantly, when things are needed... Luckily most of their moves has been excellent.
  3. INHAO (I...hairy ass off) please tell me what N is (I am a relic amigo ) My question was just because I feel its going to be a very expensive d-core? I thought folks wanted rid of Hronek, as they felt he was going to cost too much...(7+ to anchor 2nd pairing sounds pricey) Not sure what Dillon would come in at, but would have to be substantially less than Z in order to make it worth while... I would be disappointed to see the tower of strength leave, as he represents everything we have been dying to get into our line up... Just watching the Dallas v Oilers match up, and Dallas D is nowhere as punishing (so far) as our D was... I'm actually a bit disappointed that they don't see to nail McD as he will be very tender from the Canucks games... Hughes - Hronek (on somebody else, if they can't agree on numbers) Soucy - Myers Zad - Juulsen (do like the nastiness of Dillon, though), just feel we could get a bit more out of signing Zad, who is 2 years younger...
  4. Who would be our second pairing RHD? and if you think Hronek, who will be our top pairing RHD? That will be a lot of money spent on D...
  5. All the fans should bring in signs next time they meet Oilers...
  6. This organisation under JR/PAs leadership don't hang around... Shear joy as there is always something happening, and most of it is definitely positives... Love the hire of Manny...
  7. May I ask, where you get that info from? Just really curious.... Edit... see you kind of answered my question to Crabcakes, so...
  8. No worries amigo ... Good man... hope he continues his progress as it could solve a lot of issues over the next few years
  9. Aye, but not for being jolly ... Think you need all kind of personalities in the dressing room.
  10. Of course there is... and of course there should be....no hard feelings either way... For me its just the way some of the questions comes out... If you want honesty and feed back from players, you are hardly getting it by implying they've been shit the last 6 month true or not...
  11. I don't think Hronek warrants an $8M contract neither...
  12. I am sure that is the case... But if I was looking for a new deal, I might not be so forth coming neither... He was more moody than the rest, but was pushed by J Pat, and he was having none of it...
  13. There it is... exactly how I saw it as well...
  14. Hronek didn't use injury as an excuse... Agree, he shouldn't be paid $8M...
  15. The 'we gave you space all year'... indicated that they should have ripped him apart... No wonder he got hostile to this question... He actually started the interview ok, I thought... He looked and spoke like a person very disappointed with the outcome... I also think, he feels under pressure for not producing better in the second half of the season, but again as he said, if he knew, why he didn't produce better, he would have fixed it... And the J Pat up'd the stakes, and Nronek got angry and defensive... At least that is how it looked to me from the cheap seats... I think the journalists/ reporters struggle to balance the fine line between getting players to talk and hanging a noose around the players necks... Its piss poor as the journalists needs feedback from the players, and I'll be surprised if anyone within the organisation will have been impressed with that kind of statement/question.. Furthermore, we or the reporters are NOT entitled to be told anything... The players are being polite towards the fans, and sometimes they tell of injuries sustained and sometimes they keep it to themselves... Anyway , long story short, if the journalists wants something from the players, they should treat them with respect. I know its wishful thinking, cause in the modern world of sports reporting, its more about, who can be the biggest arse or come with the wildest stories... Its in the press every day, speculation and 'insider' information...
  16. Allvin... is really interesting to listen to... Doesn't blame any of the players, but are honest... They lost and he is not happy about that... I could listen to him and Tocchet all day long... they are simply box office...
  17. J Pat is a prick... "We gave you space all year"... who the fuck does he think he is? God... Just ban that fool... No wonder Hronek gave him a dirty stare... He answered the question asked, what else does he want? Hronek to ask him for forgiveness?... Can't believe how daft a thing to say that is...
  18. The way they dealt with Horvat was a lesson to everyone... They are not going to do anything, they don't feel is right...
  19. Like this, but Lindholm reportedly wanted around $9M (I believe was mentioned in Calgary), Hronek wants $8M...
  20. Spot on... hindsight at its finest... If we brought back all the players we traded away hoping they would turn into gold, we'd have a reason to look forward to the draft lottery... Its the same for all the teams...
  21. Hopefully hoisting more than a $10 towel on a stick...
  22. Yes as you say yourself, problem with this is zero RHD... they cost more than any LHD and are harder to replace... It might be that they end up having to find at least 2 RHD (Juulsen can play bottom pairing) but we also need room for Tom, when he is ready... And we also need some strength in the line up... Joshua will not be that easy to replace, although Management has show a good talent for getting in the right players... they may still have a few aces up their sleeve... Not sure we have a replacement for him in the system (hitting and dropping the gloves as well as being a goal threat... Yep somethings gotta give...
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