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Everything posted by spook007

  1. now we know the refs again... Miller getting roughed up behind the play no call, but garland getting called...
  2. Fuck off... now we know the diving pricks again...and commentary not calling them on it... there you see the little stab...garbage
  3. Even the refs are tired of listening to Craig Simpson...
  4. McD didn't get pushed into Silovs... Save your tears Oiler fans... you'll need them later
  5. Glad the boys got a quick goal back... Chances both end... tense... we got this...
  6. Rotten to the core... and then they wonder why folks don't support other Canadian teams... tossers
  7. Dick head.... CBC and they are already expecting a game 7 before the puck drops... So disrespectful towards Canucks its shocking...
  8. After tonight he'll have plenty of time to juggle on the golf course...
  9. Cmon Canucks... put the Oilers out of their misery tonight.... Let go
  10. On a side note, don't let Zad slip away... he would be very hard to replace... The rest are replaceable My list would start with Zad followed by Lindholm (have been immense during playoffs)... Lindhom doesn't have to be a 3rd C, but can centre a line with Petey on his wing... we'd have two very good top lines After that it would be a mix and match of numbers and how interested players were to stay.... Joshua Bluger Hronek... Garland and Bluger with hopefully Joshua, but think PA can find another piece to that line... making 3 good lines... Who ever they find, they need one with strength... And then we have the issue again of RHD.... Myers will be resigned... for a couple of years... (choice will be between Myers and Hronek) What I think will happen is Mika won't leave and We'll resign Hronek, Zad and Bluger and Lindholm and Joshua walks... Alternatively, they swing a deal with Garland as the main piece (his value has never been higher) together with Mika to free up space for Lindholm and maybe Joshua..
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