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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Absolutely true James... Especially the ability of JR/PA to find gem stones, has been impressive... I see Zad maybe accepting a long term contract, as he really seems to like it in Vancouver... Joshua I'm not sure about, as I think he will be offered a better deal elsewhere... Thing is next season is fine, but after that we feel the OEL pain and Boeser needs paid too...
  2. It believed they are all attending McDivers funeral after the vicious career ending cross check....
  3. This... For the first time in years, I'm not too concerned about, who they face or not... This team face every challenge head on, and they just don't know, when they are beat... They keep going like Duracell bunny and gets the job done when needed...
  4. Just win.... I don't care if they have to slip a brown envelope to the ref or offer McD free night at every Gentlemen club in Vancouver or whatever.. Just win this game... Just can't wait to hear the whining from Oilers nation led by Whitney and Mark Spector in particular... JUST WIN THE GAME BOYS.....
  5. Thanks amigo... This is so spot on... Could give a rats ass, who plays for the other team... We are here on merit, and if they are the second coming, why haven't they won a cup yet... Screw them. Is he a good player yes, can he be tamed maybe, but we we have lots of good players as well, and if we control their PP, its in the bag... A bunch of pussies, when met with real force...
  6. Man do I ever hope you are wrong on this one amigo... He has been the best thing since sliced bread to the Canucks D-core... You may very well be right, as we have a lot of players, who are putting themselves into the shop windows... Zad, Lindholm, Joshua and even the Giraffe... Expect a few years for D-Peteys entry into the NHL...
  7. If Zad and Soucy had done the same to Kane after a two handed slash, nothing would have happened. The league protecting their poster boy.... The NHL likes a bit of violence, as it sells... As long as their superstar poster boys aren't on the receiving end of it...
  8. F Mark Spector.... he is just butt hurt that his article about the poor Canucks never stood a chance... He is such a clown...
  9. Bang on... I asked the same question a few weeks back... Imagine Oilers had hired JR and PA and Tocchet as their coach... I'd put a wager down on them winning a cup... Thankfully Aquilinis got a hold of JR first and the rest is history... The transformation of this team is nothing short of sensational...
  10. And Deb will smack McD one with her cowbell to sign off the series.
  11. Yeah lets hear... It wasn't on McD so there is always that.
  12. Yeah my point was more, that some of the suspensions or lack off seemed to favour Bruins severely... I know, we lost, because we didn't score enough goals... Injury was a major reason for that, but I seem to recall a few plays that was allowed, which I wonder would have been reviewed had it been the other way around... Yes I know, it still hurts...
  13. Cheers got you... this was also how I thought it was, thanks.
  14. Of course now that the league will hand out suspensions and fines, he is very pragmatic... Not impressed at all...
  15. Sorry please explain this, as I may not know this... If a player get high stick during the game, and the refs don't see this during the game, it can't be reviewed afterwards?
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