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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Fact is, while it was a cross check, it was not aimed at his head... He went down because of Z's cross check in the back, so there were no intend to hit him in the face... He may get a game, which would only be because its McD, as have been said before Hogs got his nuts handed to him, and nothing... I hope, I'm wrong, but I'm starting smell a bit of 2011 here... Hope its not so... TSN all calling for suspensions, and I wonder if the league wants a McD v. MacKinnon Western final for show case reasons... If we have to go through that shit one more time.... not sure I can handle it... Hope the bury McD next game... I don't even care if they lose the game, just nail his ass once an for all...
  2. Oilers have less goals conceded/min with an empty net, than with Skinner in net
  3. Goes on the same shelf as Myers hit on Keith... Magic
  4. Its exactly the right way to play the Oilers... Hammer them as much as possible... They are getting fed up with the treatment dished out to them... That they aren't winning makes them concerned as well, and they will be close to desperation next game... Finally, the fact we are starting to control their PP and actually scoring on our own PP are really making them worried, as that is their main weapon... McD and Dryfish will be be sore all over, and it won't stop... Don't think they fancy much more of this... McD got his ass handed to him at the end of the game... It will teach him, that for every action there is a reaction... As the saying goes, We are free to make choices, but we are not free from the consequences of those choices...
  5. They are all pissed off that their bets at the bookies are ready for the bin...
  6. This is it... There no I in team... They are totally in this together...
  7. Bam .... ^^^^ There it is^^^^ Playing this Canucks team hurts......... and they are pretty good too
  8. Spot on... its clear he pushes his stick forward just to keep him at bay. He already started the motion, when McD went forwards...
  9. Its works, no? While we like to play on the front foot, McDiver and Dry fish are pretty good hockey players. When the boys get a commanding lead, don't play too offensive and let McD get a counter goal like game 2... If we did lead, I'm sure we'd have a lot more shots...
  10. While I think, I know, what you mean, it worked treat. got a comfortable lead and protected it. why unhappy? Why open up and risk suckerpunched? They Kept McD fairly quiet again.
  11. He was really unlucky on this one. Did his job.
  12. Makes it so much more sweet that the Oilers are getting beat by a 3rd string goalie... Just unreal...
  13. And the little bit of pay back on McD after the final whistle.... Priceless.... Good night Ladies and Gentlemen.... Life is good again
  14. And what a nice one by Zad on Kane... Magic
  15. Incredible performance by Silovs... Remember 2 years ago, where we couldn't keep the puck out of the net Brock and Lindholm are playoffs beast... And F McWhiner....
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