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Everything posted by spook007

  1. With @Roberts in the driving seat for GDT we are golden... We'll win tonight. Book it...
  2. Magic... good for you Deb. Envy doesn't even get close to how envious I am of anyone going. Get that cowbell ringing...
  3. We're all the same... But there is simply nothing we can do about it. Am I pissed off, that the one player we've regular been riding is out of the series, you bet I am, but as you say yourself, you come to the conclussion, worrying about the things we can't change, brings us nothing and nowhere I understand the frustration of every single diehard Canucks fan, that when we finally reach the play offs again, one of the most important players on the team goes down injured. Hopefully Silovs can hold the fort, and if there is a silver lining, we'll know if Silovs is out guy going forward. Just like we had with Demko and Schneider before him. Have a few beers amigo and lets send Coilers into darkness
  4. Without sounding cocky, what's the point of worrying about things we can't change? If Silovs and DeSmith both lays an egg, it'll be game over, but there is not a thing in the world, we can do about it... Its a no brainer that Demko would make us all feel better, as playing without Denko for us, is like taking out Draisaitl for the Oilers... But maybe, just maybe they all rise to the occasion, and maybe they actually show, they are better at containing McD, than folks seem to fear... In the end, it is, what it is.... Lets just hope, Silovs steps out of DeSmiths and Demkos shadow, and play like a superstar.
  5. Just a stand out guy... That locker room with Sedins, Kesler, Burrow, Hansen etc must have been so good... The fact a lot of them came through together from Moose will undoubtedly have made serious bonds already in their early years... And man is he ever good on TV...
  6. What exactly did he ever win himself? He went to the Cup finals and LOST.... imagine to be so empty im the head... What an embarrashment to be an athlete and slag somebody in pro sport off, without having achieved anything... Sounds like a good sales slogan... "Drink Pink Vodka, and don't just get dumb, but get Ryan Whitney dumb"...
  7. What a d head... he is not even saying anything funny, just a lot word vomit. Ram it down his throat please... with an iron bar
  8. FIFY Tbf the odds shown, are to win it all... If we beat Oilers, we will play either Dallas or Avs, and then the final.... Lets be honest, it won't be easy, but it rarely is... 8 of the top 9 are in the final 8... its definitely cream to the top, so no wonder the bookies are giving the Canucks little chance... we were not really on fire at the end of the season, and weren't scoring for fun or dismantling Preds easily in the last round... However, that means little as we start this round, and although Oilers have the best player since sliced bread, we all know, that if Petey catches fire AND our 2nd and 3rd string goalies can produce the goods, we'll be a match for anyone... I think commercially, a western conference final between McD and MacKinnon would be gold, but both Dallas and Canucks will have something to say about that.... And just as an add on, all the pundits predicted Leafs to progress v Bruins.... I still fancy our chances, but losing Demko made a dent in our chances... zero doubt about it, and the bookies will have taken that into account.
  9. Very well spoken, Sir.... And very true... We're not a bad team, when we're the under dogs... I can see Miller and Petey both upping their game. And Garlands line is going to drive the Oilers nuts....
  10. Game 6, when we send Oilers packing up for summer, and empty their lockers is on a Saturday, so there's always that
  11. Bookies are rarely wrong, but it happens... let this be the one.
  12. Can't wait to hear them all eat Crow, and explain why it dodn't go as they predicted.
  13. So by that account we should be happy with his prediction
  14. I'd even suggest Garland is just about as good at it....
  15. No arguments from me on that one King. It is so frustrating so see the same year after year... Some refs call it like the regular season, and some put the whistles away. But its when they start to mix it up during the game it gats frustrating. it is, what it is...
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