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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Cheers @Roberts for making the GDT... That should mean we do the job in Nashville... Let go boys... finish em off...
  2. Yes and it a disgrace, because its so obvious.
  3. Football players are an embarrassment... I can't stand diving, whether its by opposition or by my own teams players... I've been standing the terraces booing United players at Old Trafford, if they dived... Ashley Young was bad at it for a time being, and even Rooney did it... Lately it has been Fernandes and I struggle to watch them because of it... Unfortunately it has now become the norm, and almost as if you beat them, join them attitude... Hate it with a passion. If the NHL doesn't step up to the plate, it is just going to get worse... Remember in 2011, how much diving the Bruins did (yeah I know Kessler and Burrows were not angels neither)...
  4. Sad that re NHL hasn't clamped down on embellishment more... It stops it instantly...
  5. Or Myers hammering him, like he hammered Keith.... I would defo fancy our chances against Oilers, although I do expect them dive all over the place... they've done it all season.
  6. Well it was stated by nummerous outlets they were the hottest team going into the playoffs, although they did slow down at the end. https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/6ALG9wlh
  7. Been saying this since before the playoffs started... Preds came in as the hottest team in the NHL... THE HOTTEST... So to expect them to just roll over and play dead dog was never realistic... That's not to say we shouldn't be doing well against them, but teams coming into the playoffs with wind in their sails do tend to do well... Kings and Blues springs to mind.
  8. Thank you... after reading the first page its like we are facing elimination... Wonder how much stick Mashville players got after losing the last game 4-3? Give the boys a bit of breating space. They've earned it.
  9. Win game 5 and we have already surpassed my expectations for his season... Doesn't mean I don't believe you can do more, it just means that we have already achieved huge success... The younger and unproven ones on the team now knows, what it takes and how tough it is to play in the play offs... The trade for Lindholm was excellent... He showed, how you get things done. Both defensively and offensively... The biggest surprise for me nevertheless has been Brock... He is far stronger on the board that I remember, he has found his mojo infant of the net, and taken the responsibility of s coring from Petey and Miller... Easy to play against never 30 goal scorer has burned the house down... long may it last. And as a side note here, if Brock can find his mojo again, maybe Petey can as well... I think, he can... Bring it on....
  10. Schenn is still a Canuck at heart.... He has been really calm and relaxed during the series... If it hadn't been Canucks, he would have gone to war... Once a Canuck, always a Canuck.
  11. Magic.... looks like you all have a blast... brilliant.
  12. it was my first thought as well, when I saw it.... zero difference
  13. Maybe not all the time, but there tends o be extra cover... I don't think Petey is scarred at all, but yes something is definitely off with him... As for dumping it in, it could be part of, what Tocchet wants... the entire team plays a lot different to how they used to... Also maybe give Preds a bit of credit here. They were easily the hottest team coming into the play offs... Regardless, luckily we have been able to get results our way, without Petey firing on all cylinders and playing our 2nd and 3rd string goalie... This has to be really good news...
  14. Great result... only winning matters 1-0, 10-0, 4-3.... we're cooking. Shout out to Brock Boeser obviously, but also to Lindholm... 2 game winners now. Finally a shout out to management to getting in Lindholm... they deseve massive credit for that alone.
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