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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Just win baby. Win... Expect a higher scoring game, as Nashville will have to play even more on the front foot... 5-3 Canucks with Petey breaking through.
  2. He fell down all the time prior to signing his contract as well. Just because they give him a better contract, doesn't mean he stops falling down. its unfortunate it doesn't work for him, but it happens to every star, that they have to live with the added pressure of being the main man. what should management have done instead? Dealt him? Or should Petey have said no to the contract offered? it is, what it is... lets just hope he breaks the hoodoo that has hit him.
  3. Actually the best explanation I've ever read... It all depends on the eyes that sees....
  4. Keep playing.... He is the main man, and life is not easy, when focus from all the teams and fans are on you... He will get through this and be stronger for it...... cause if he doesn't we're f'd
  5. Lets get something straight here... in the end of the day, JR and PA dictate hat Petey gets paid... If they don't think he is worth it, they don't offer him the contract... There is no guarantee in sport... If there were Lui Eriksson would never have played here... There is such things as confidence... Petey is hardly the first to suffer a slump. We all know, what he can do, otherwise he hadn't been offered the contract in the first place.... And lets not forget, the ENTIRE FAN BASE and MANAGEMENT wanted him to sign asap... Petey wanted to wait until the summer in the off season. I, like everyone, am hoping he finds his mojo sooner rather than later, but hanging him out to dry for signing a contract, he was offered is nonsense. He is the future of this franchise, and he will come good... book it.
  6. Very well said @IBatch... aand on point... we have a D we haven't seen since 2011 and maybe, just maybe even better... Big Z is a Unicorn, and he wants to play in Vancouver. Its a match made in heaven. Myers have half this fan base in shock over, how well he has performed. The test knew it was there. Can't begin to say how good it is to see them take on the hottest team in the NHL and give themselves a platform to go on in these play offs. were we lucky? Maybe, but you earn your luck, just like Nashville did last game. We can go toe to toe with anyone... I've been thinking the last few days, had Oilers hired JR and PA to run their club, would they have been the real favorites to win it all....? Guess thats for another day, but the management has done absolute wonders for this franchise... despite what a few "better" desk GMs think.
  7. We've been screaming like forever about a big D man, who can play and lay out the hits... Myers was a disaster as times but has come around. Big Z has to be a priority... if they struggle with the cap, give him more term. So impressed with him showing up....
  8. Fun fact.... doesn't matter one bit. Its all about winning. They did And rightfully so...
  9. Agree... amazing turnaround for Brock this season.
  10. DeSmith DeGoalie.... Defensive masterclass.... Finally a game where Canucks won the special teams...
  11. Hilarious to hear the Preds fans booo Hughes for not bringing the puck up... morons...
  12. Well done boys... Great defensive game by the team... Frack Hank Williams and the honky tonk nobodies.....
  13. Just throwing out there, we're playing Preds in game 3 tonight.... By the time this series is over, MacKinnon and Makar could be laying in a hospital bed nursing injuries... they may not even go through against Pegs. Point being, maybe we shouldn't be so down beat, until we know, what is in the next Chapter. One game at the time...
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