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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Just win the damn game 1-0, 10-3, 7-6 doesn't matter... just win the game. No more negative talk. Lets Go.
  2. I said the same thing a few days ago. Now we'll see how good the team really is... We were never going to go through the entire play offs without injuries... Now let JT pull one of his famous locker room battle cry's and lift them the additional 5% needed....
  3. Excatly... you nailed it to a tee... Too much 'what have you done for me lately' going in around here... He is still only 25, for the first time in his NHL life he faces problems, and he need to figure out, how to overcome these problems. I could give a rats arse for, what his earning are, are going to be or for how long. It smells of envy going towards public flogging. He may or may not be better. We've all seen, what he can do... get behind the kid instead of hangi g him out. Wasn't that long ago Miller was public enemy number 1 with a lot of fans.... Talk about fickle fans.
  4. Fair enough.... second best... He will be in the top 2 once he finds his mojo again.... Still only 25...
  5. If Brady is anything like his Brother, he'll be off in 3-4 years... is this, what we want? Also, are we throwing our best player out at the first bit of adversity?
  6. What.... its a fucking sport. There is no guarentee, what happens next. What the point of competing, if you know the result in advance. Canucks played a good game, but didn't have any puck luck... its how it goes. If folks are going to throw in the towel after a bit of adversity, then good riddance... I tell you this, if Canucks goes on to the bext round everybody will be screaming for tickets regardless of a few shit results. if folks can't take a defeat the should find another past time.
  7. Fuck him/her whatever and the horse they rode in on... That is not supporters but folks who just want to say, I was there... Its a blessing folks like this stay away... the boooo brigade.
  8. This.... keep hammering them... they will feel the pain, and it'll only get worse for them. Canucks were by far the better team, and it wasn't even close. Canucks keep playing like that their puck luck will change and they'll win.
  9. Miller took a pay cut as he was being shipped out other wise.... Lets see how much hate there will be on Miller once his game declines (if it declines)... Petey is being paid for being here throughout his Prime, which he hasn't even entered now... If folks are so upset about the money he is being paid, maybe take it to management, that offered him the contract. The Petey hate is going totally overboard here... How many goals has Miller scored? Where is Brock? Mika? Hogs? etc etc etc....
  10. Totally..... Just like Petey requested at the start of the season AND throughout the season...
  11. Where/when did he make his demands public? As far as I remember, he didn't want to discuss contract until the off season, but the Fans and Management alike wanted the contract done and dusted... This is not on Petey...
  12. You are not being annoyingly optimistic... The team played great and had more attempts than I can remember in most of our pre playoffs games... no matter what, you need a bit of puck luck, and the boys didn't have it... I bet you, when Tocchet and the coaches goes through the game, they will have a lot of confidence going into the next games in Nashville. It would have been diggerent, had they not created anything, bit that was hardly the case. in the 3rd in particular it looked like we were on the PP most of the half, and Nasville were fighting for their lives. Just keep smashing them and hammering pucks at them, and they will fold... we are not going to miss chances like this again... Miller has an extra gear, Petey was starting to warm up in the 3rd and should, despite all the moaning, have had a goal, which would have stopped the unhappiness about him. Onwards and Upwards
  13. Need to win 1 of the next 2.... get home 2-2 would be fine...
  14. 100%..... Just get one win there and get back to home ice... People also tend to forget, these players are learning on the job... that's the problem of not being in the playoffs for o long.
  15. So absolutely we have... Petey missing an open net was unfortunate as was Suter missing two big chances... and Dakota... and... If we hadn't been creating chances, I'd be concerned, but we created enough to win a game or two... Credit where credit is due... Nashville fought for their lives with blocks and stick etc... Brunettes team reminds me of the boring Wild teams we used to struggle with... only one way to kill them is to keep pounding them with shots on goal and get rebounds....
  16. Since his rookie year, the opposition has zoomed in on Petey.... Nothing will be easy from here on in... To everyone who find it amazing or surprising that we are having a hard time, its the f'ing play offs... This is why teams rarely start from scratch and win it instantly... Welcome to the real world. All the talk about who would be the best opponent in the play offs were nonsense... you play, who you get... they all have a reason why they are amongst the last 16... and any team coming flying into the play offs with a record like Preds did, have to be paid attention to... I'm sure we'll go through. The team knows it laid an egg, just like Nashville probably felt after game 1. We just need to start on the front foot and pound them like we did in the 3rd period, and we'll be fine...they won't be able to sustain that pressure over 6-7 games.
  17. I actually think he played far better in the 3rd... Maybe him having the pressure of being behind the 8-ball helped him... All the carry pom about having to be the best in the world for his salary may also be part of it. He tries to be too cute at times... I definitely think part of it is between the ears... If everything else fails, maybe its time to put him back on Millers wing instead... the Lotto line looked good, when reunited, and the thirst line, could easily cover the 2nd line duties. Getting Hogs further down the line up, may actually help him as well....
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