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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Game 2... 3 things stand out Great 3rd period by Canucks despite result Incredible amount of blocked shots and shot attempts by Canucks... They will NOT miss as many chances in the next game. There is a reason why Nashville was the hottest team going into the playoffs... this was never going to be easy... Hopefully Demko will be back sooner than later, but this was not on DeSmith at all... On to the next one. The boys will prevail....
  2. I know amigo, actually wrote it first, then deleted it.... but I don't want him to remember this shite... bad enough that we'll be talking about this the next 72 hours...
  3. FFS Petey.....open net... Talk about snake bitten... Stay well clear of Mika, change you stick, sacrifice you PS4 or whatever...
  4. I am the first to be supportive, so I am right behind them... I've just convinced myself that DeGoalie DeSmith is going to steal it, and now they say Myers is out as well.... We'll now see, how good they really are depth wise... But yes you are right amigo... They've been better than expected all season... Lets keep it up.
  5. He did @tas, but that would be too negative for me to say... I'll be honest, that without Demko, I am concerned... But it is, what it is.... LFG.... Win the the game.
  6. Tough break... JR said a lot had to right so do some damage in the play offs. We'll see, how good we are now.... Still see us pulling through, but D has to be even better and forwards too.... Lets do this.
  7. And thankfully so... old grudges is a waste of time.... Had you asked me 5 years ago about Kesler, I would have said a massive NO.
  8. If a player want out, and tells the club he wants out, he gets traded. However, if a player wants out, and limits the trading area to 2 teams, then its not just about wanting out, but to have a cake and eat it.... He had agreed to a contract, so either honour it or keep it private and take, what you get...
  9. On the fence with this one.... Kessler was a warrior for us then. Similar to what Miller is now, but probably better in his best season. So much so I thought, he should have been the Captain. Still remember him taking the team on his back v Nashville and carried them. And as @IBatchsaid, he dropped them with Iginla, and was a fabulous shit stirrer... and a fantastic hockey players and selke winner... its not as if we have had too many of those... The return easn't chopped liver neither. A good first, a player who went on to win the SC and a throw in... And yet.... Kesler burnt his bridges behind him, and couldn't care less at the time. It was Kasler first and Canucks and their fans second. Seeing Burr, Bieksa and Hansen (the class he came through with) all still being loved up here, will hurt him no end. Nobody cares about him in Anaheim. They had their stars and cup winners there... Had he kept it private within the group, the fans would not have complained, as they all knew a rebuild was needed. In saying all the above, if FA had allowed Gillis to make a total rebuild, when he said so, this would never had been an issue. And we would have had to wait 12 years to have a proper team again. So would not be upset (used to be) if he got included, but would definately also understand, if he didn't.
  10. Lindholm will be too expensive to sign long term... he is a rental, and a good one at that. The year after next, we need to find $5M of savings + pay rises. It is, what it is... 1st world problems though, as the only reason we have these problems, is the great play by the team.
  11. Kudos to Miller.... its the we are all in this together, that may bring it home... and it all as a tighter unit going forward.
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