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Everything posted by spook007

  1. If so, Benning should be hammered for that alone...
  2. Cheers, appreciated.... What the story doesn't tell, is the ask from Florida to trade him back? There would have been a price to pay, and I wonder, what it would have been... It must have been big, otherwise it just makes no sense, why you wouldn't take the contract back? Never mind, water under the bridge now... Thanks amigo for finding it.
  3. Spot on... play who we get, show them respect and destroy them...
  4. Sorry, but who reported this?... Just find this really hard to believe...
  5. Tells me, this an old dog, not getting caught up in rubbish and scaremongering... He knows, what he thinks is irrelevant, and won't make it better or worse... so why worry... Correct answer from him
  6. This going to be too much fun, when they commentators starts to get themselves in a muddle over this...
  7. Eddie Vedder was right ... Brock is not a 30 goals scorer.... He's a 40 goals scorer... Way to go boys for not folding despite going behind twice. Onwards and Upwards
  8. I agree on everything, but think the contract is fair (provided he finds his mojo again). Yesterday was a step up from the last few weeks so there may be light at the end of the tunnel. Lets hope so...
  9. I think you solved the equation.... It very much seems to be the case just now... maybe the ASG show went to their heads, and they just don't know how to properly stop the slide down the ladder.... They are learning on the job.... It may be a costly experience, but they'll hope fully be better for it, and better prepared next time around... This is the first major adversity this group has had since they started to be a good hockey team... now they need to learn, how to turn it around, when its not a bed of roses... Hopefully they can.
  10. Just make a save DeSmith... And poor PK to start the game set the team back... Again rubbish penalties to take.... Gotta find a way... Oilers are getting close... Still think we can beat Kings in the play offs, but need Demko back....
  11. What the alternative? trade him and see him take it to the final level on another team? He is in a funk right now, and yet still above a point per game... Let that sink in, above a point per game, when he is in a bit of a funk. I though of all the things, Vancouver fans would know that most star players don't hit the top till late twenties... Over 100 point age 24, was en route to replica that season until the resent funk hit him. How much do you suggest he should be paid? or should they trade him? And in the end Peteys agent says, what he wants... then its up to PA to decide if he is worth it... Only time will tell, but in a 2-3 years $11.6 will be the new $9... Wait and see what Rantanen will be demanding next year or Draiseitl, or McD in 2 years time... Peteys contract will look good or at least fine in a few years, and at the end of his contract maybe even like a steal...
  12. Sounds like a great guy to have around, speaks with a smile on his face and wee positive dig to his fellow Scandinavians... Really hope he makes it... The kind of jolly fellow you need in your dressing room.
  13. Within the next 2 years several players will have past him... in 4-5 years it may even look like a very good deal.
  14. This is very true... only 22pm in 53 games... is solid, when you play a hard nosed style of hockey...
  15. So happy to hear this... he typifies everything perseverances and dedication can bring... He has brought him self from the bottom of the pile to the forefront as a hard-nosed stay at home defence man.... Been needing those forever, and suddenly we have him, Zadorov, Souzy and Cole, who can all stand their corner.... and Myers is obviously able to play hard nosed hockey as well... Without doubt my unsung hero of the year (fighting it out with Hogs)..
  16. This is very true... While all the focus has been on Peteys funk or lack of production, Boeser has also dropped down a gear... Whether its from playing with Petey or in general is anyones guess, but the ASG has screwed up everyone not named Miller or Hughes... I have a feeling, that if they can find a trading partner for Brock, he may be gone... He may still fetch something in a trade, where as Mika wouldn't get us much bar cap space. Agree that they want to hold on to Hronek, Joshua and Z, but Hronek may be pricing himself out if he want to be the next Carter or Erhoff. Bluger is a good player, but not ne all end all... yes off season will be interesting... and we all know JR/PA doesn't hang around.
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