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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Agree on all points... Hopefully they get it sorted prior to play offs, as there are lots of questions to asked, but the good part is, we haven't started the play offs yet, so there is time. I didn't think Petey was bad against Yotes, but knowing how good he can be, he is probably playing at 80-90% atm... He will figure it out, I'm sure of it. The PP is a bit of a mystery, and I am a bit more concerned about that, as it has been poor for a long time. Regardless, we will be good come play offs, the team will be rested, and ready to go... If Demko and Lindholm are back by then, I fancy our chances... After round one its anybody guess, what will happen... But I'm certainly not the glass half empty type... life is simply too short...
  2. Here the answers to you questions... as I see it... I think the top 6 will be fine, if they reunite Lotto line, and Joshua, Bluger/Suter and Garland... After that I think the bottom 6 would benefit from having Hoglander back in the bottom 6, and hopefully have an injury free Lindholm in the bottem 6 as well, should easily give us a decent checking line with Mika, Lindholm and Lafferty. As for defensive gaffs, the f would I know, if they do that or not... all teams do, not just us. Too many penalties? Do we really have that much more than other teams? I agree some of them are frustrating high sticks or too many men, but again, do you think we are the only team that has them... I'm sure Tocchet would love see us play hard fast hockey with zero penalties, but that is just un likely... Z's 5m major was ok but in other games it would not have been assessed to be a penalty or max a 2min. Pettersson is in a funk (or what for him is a funk) he had an assist yesterday, and I don't think he played badly... he just wasn't a game breaker... set up a few good chances. The PP suck.... I have no idea how to fix it, but I'm sure they are trying their hardest to find a solution... Hopefully they will or I could be a short play offs... What I do know is, that despite all the bitching, the players on the ice all want the same as we do... Whether they can achieve it, who knows... I remember 2011 team, which was best in all the categories failed, and Brunis last year also fell flat on their faces... so nobody knows what the future brings... I think its been stated numerous times, this team is still learning, what being top dog means... suddenly nobody takes them lightly anymore, and that is a hurdle that needs to be jumped... Will it be this year? I sure hope so, but am fully aware there are 15 other teams hoping for the same. But one thing is for sure from now until play offs, doesn't matter much beside perhaps between the ears... Let wait and see, when the puck drops for the playoffs...this my honest answer to you question? PS. Forgot that we've been running with our back up keepers for some time now, and that obviously haven't helped defensively... Demko back changes the dynamics some what.
  3. Firstly... it was the 2nd game away on b2b, and they outplayed Arizona... Secondly, there is f all they can do about it. Petey is in a. Funk atm, it happens... and The bottom 6 barely scores anymore. Watch Tocchet change the line again come play offs time... I can't look into Tocchets head, but I think, he is trying to figure out which formations work, and which doesn't. Injuries happen and he may need to alter the lines. if he was really desperate to get Petey going again, he'd reunite the Lotto line or at least put him on Millers line. Defence is nowhere bear as bad as you suggest. Think it was mentioned we were one of the best teams defensively since all star break. PP sucks atm... tough. They are trying to work it out. When they lose in the first round, we can start to complain, until then it won't matter much.
  4. Good game by Silovs. QH is the star, and good to see Miller drop them, when Petey got hit... On to the next one.
  5. You do realise they haven't started the play offs yet, right? This was the second game in a b2b away from home... they won and mostly outplayed the Yotes, just didn't find the back of the net. at the end of the 2nd period Canucks outshot them 23-7... Lets not go overboard just now.
  6. Yeah it would be great if they broke the reasons down, but they likely don't even know the reason, an d if they do, they don't like to wash their dirty linnet in public.... Do get what you are saying, butits often emotionally just after the game.
  7. Mic drops... thank you... have the same feeling time and time again... Not moaning about missed calls, just when it seems very one sided...
  8. Poor 1st no way around it... Need to start better against a Vegas team that clearly was more up for it than us to start with... Must admit, when it became 3-1, I just wanted the boys to go head hunting... I know Vegas is a tough team, but the shocking embellishment by Pietrangelo made me so angry... Its like 2011 DIVING CRAP... Seeing the refs huddle up after the high stick to Miller or after a none event off side, but a blatant dive was just accepted.. total bush league... Well they didn't so had to look for other positives, so Podkolzin is a wrecking ball and actually hits to hurt... Great to see.. Hope to see Lafferty do more as well... Starting to wonder if Putting Hogs back to 3rd or 4th line would be advantageous in order to get some scoring from the 3 and 4th line. Load up on 1st line, and then (if Lindholm is back) put Garland and Joshua together with him... Need to get some scoring going from the top lines... As for the overall concerns raised from various posters about resent losses... Yeah its not perfect, and it would be nice to start getting some wins under the belt again to grow a bit of confidence, but as have been mentioned several times already, teams tend to back off a little, once they clinched their playoffs spot. Still think the boys could have been done with the rest instead of participating in the circus show ASG...it is, what it is...
  9. What do you expect to hear after defeats...?
  10. Won't do much difference sitting in the press box... Tocchet didn't want him on this team.... get over it.
  11. Maybe to test his 3rd line against the best to see what he has... now he knows. Better now than during the playoffs.
  12. Nope, you likely keep very quiet....
  13. And I now see you pick and choose in my response... Although its not impossible, he is now unlikely to hit 100 points this season... But he is only 25 years old, so yes, baring injuries, he will hit 100points multiple times Fun fact, our president (who has won 3 SCs) and GM thinks EP is good enough to give a $11.6M contract, and that is good enough for me... And this conversation is starting to get as boring as the moaning about his contract...
  14. I think they unretire A.I. "Short circuit", who they draft in 2091... They find a loophole in CBA, which allows them to draft and play an A.I. player as long as it carries human hairs, and can say "No.5s alive'"... 5 Years later the 4 Stanley Cups Canucks win with "Short Circuit" leading the league with 2045 goal scored over 5 seasons, are being rescinded in a modern version of the Luongo rule, and all the Cups are being taken of the list... A Statue raised in front of the newly names "Sci fi Arena" next to the Roger Neilson statue is being blamed, and "Short Circuits" number "98" is being unretired and taken down from the rafters.... As a penalty for playing "Short Circuit" although at first being allowed to do so, means Canucks are forced to draft 7 of Lui Erikssons descendants and play them for 7 years... Dark times over the horizon....
  15. Imagine drafting a player of Crosbys calibre... !9 seasons a point / game... unreal..
  16. Yeah that's one way of looking at it... Another way would be, that the club decides how much they'll pay any given player, on any given contract. They obviously believe a player, who is NOT even yet in his prime and still has a 100point season and are going to be in 100 ponits club several times in his career is worth the kind of money offered. One thing I do know is, moaning and bitching about him at every opportunity won't change the size of his contract one bit...
  17. Hope they hammer him so hard, he'll miss the play offs for real... disgusting how Vegas bends the rules...
  18. Amazed at the stick he is taking from some quarters...
  19. If you had to bet on one poster to have a moan about Pettersson after any given game, would you bet on: 43isprime? 43isprime? 43isprime? That would be the Pettersson whose stats are 33-51-84.... Imagine a lousy player having these stats...
  20. Another brilliant interview with Tocchet... He is magic... so humble... never forgets he co-pilots in the coaching staff... Pays homage to all the greats, and always has a quick one-liner... Love listen to his pressers...
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