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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Playoffs baby.... it's been a long time... lets dance...
  2. This is very likely the go to line up, if all are injury free, and they need wins.
  3. I'm as skint as a church rat, but for you, sure ️
  4. Spot on Blaze. i hooe they get the PP sorted out, cause if they can't capitalize on the PP they will be going nowhere... fast. But the games have been close, both wins and losses, so think we still have a decent chance. Anyway, hope the time zone difference won't be too tough for you amigo. Safe journey.
  5. Always the best way to look at it... how would you feel had it been the other way around...
  6. Agree on all points amigo. You are absolutely right, that a high sick is a penalty (except for the occasional follow through), but if they see a high stick, they call it instantly... our team has been guilty of a fair few poor high sticking penalties throughout the season... Asking me for a clip, is like asking a broke man for a loan... Have no idea how to make clips of that... its was also shown on replays. It was missed call... it happens... I think you're spot on, that there were some soft calls being called at times on both sides... Which actually surprised me... I like that they let most things go against Flames, so to suddenly get called for border line infractions were disappointing... I have no issues regarding the result... Its was a poor PP that caused the result (or poor PK)... we lost the special teams match up...
  7. Think they tried that for short spell, when they had the break aways against, but I could be mistaken... Regardless, atm something has to change to get it going... Both Petey and Brock has laser precise bombs... Miller would fight for anything and not give the D a moments rest... As for the bomb, that is the only thing missing in QHs game...
  8. Agree... that's how I see it as well... Hopefully more than a crush though, otherwise, who ever we play, will just hire a playboy bunny to wink at him or whisper into his ear prior to each game
  9. There were a short spell, where they did rotate more, but gave up numerous break aways... wonder if that is the reason they are concerned about QH being too far from the blue line? Agree, he causes havoc when he just skates around and only few can cover him, with his quick turns...
  10. Just as an add @stawns to my previous, yes you're right... Petey Is being checked far closer than ever before, and maybe its just the fact he needs to get used to being the main focus of attention, when he is on the ice... There is zero doubt, that he he is still developing... as the super villain said ' you win with players aged 28-33'... there's a reason players like Naslund, Sedins etc really broke out at their later 20's...
  11. Either Miller or Brock on the bumper...
  12. Cheers, Yes its clear, he rarely get a sniff of an open lane, yet he still used to find them. I've also been wondering, why Tocchet is so focussed on having Suter in the bumper position and not utilising Brocks lethal weapon more... Or at least use Brock in the bumper position, and get somebody else in front of the goal... Lindholm, did great there one of the first games he played... Nevertheless, whether he doesn't seem like himself or not, he doesn't deserve the crap he gets just now... support is what he needs, not being vilified.
  13. Hahahaha... magic... Podz feeling at home....
  14. Pure speculation... While the talent and ability is still there (shows it in flashes), he rarely flashes his one timer, and when he does, it's not as accurate as it normally was. Whether its an injury, personal issues, or just a lack of confidence due to pressure, who knows... But he is far from as dominant, as he's been perviously. I refuse to believe, its him not being able to handle hard play, as he has done that before... Nevertheless, thing is he has not even reached his prime yet, so I'm sure vintage Petey will return, hopefully sooner than later... On his day he is our game breaker together with QH and Miller.
  15. And there it is.... a voice of reason... Petey is 25... not even in his prime. I do still think, he has the burden of the world on his shoulders just now, and doesn't look to quite play with the freedom, he normally does. However to hang him out to dry is pathetic... Watch him score a couple in the next game, and it'll be 'its only against the Ducks'...or silence...
  16. How did you feel, when Miller signed his 8x8 extension?..... just curious?
  17. Except the Hi Sticking on Hronek didn't... Not looking for an argument, and do agree... it was a stupid penalty, and we have had a lot of those type of penalties this season... daft penalties....
  18. Won't hang any of this on DeSmith... Agree it wasn't trash... The boys played hard. Soucy in particular was getting mean, and I wonder if he has a particular dislike to Dallas. Best I've seen from our defence in a long time... Only difference was the PP... They scored 2 and crashed the net constantly, while Canucks could have played until summer and not scored... Have to say Dallas looked good, but we are not playing as well, as we were before the ASG... Hopefully the boys can turn it around. This is not going to get easier....
  19. Too bad it didn't quite go according to plan, but at least you were in the midst of it... Safe journey home
  20. This is hammer meets head... In the end its all a question of whether they make the numbers for the 2 years of the OEL recap work... They have a whole front office working on the numbers, and if they come to the conclusion they can afford him, he stays... otherwise its so long cowboy.
  21. Cheers... nice write up...
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