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Everything posted by spook007

  1. How can anyone not just love O'Brian? He takes ownership of the good and bad... I especially like him saying, fans has a right to complain, if the team suck. He knows, how passionate the fans in Vancouver are, how much they care for their team, and he applauds them for it... On top of that, as a 6th defence man, he just like Bieksa had the rest of the players back... Knew his job, and did it... Good lad.
  2. An open top one so he can hear the Doves Cry
  3. Hopefully he won't break out in 'purple rain' during a game...
  4. Sometimes it doesn't quite feel like it reading the comments, but gotta say more and more folks seems to realise this team is for real...
  5. Solid game by the team... Gave Habs very little, and when they scored their only goal, we didn't look like we were going into a panic... Very pleased... a few more like that, and the team will be ready for the play offs... If they aren't 100% ready for it already. On a side note, Petey has been starting to dangle the last few games... good signs that he is getting the feel back...
  6. Join the club amigo... Thank god for replays without knowing the score... Try to get up for games, but sometimes too hard with work.
  7. We can agree I think, that there has been games where we looked less stellar than we did prior to the ASG... I just the team to get back into the feeling, that conceding a goal when leading doesn't mean the team turn into panic chaos... On top of that I just us to get over the guaranteed play offs line ASAP.....
  8. Yeah likely... maybe they did offer something else... Or maybe Podz or Hogs was part of the conversation... You may very well be right, my point was just we don't really know for sure... I'm willing to give management the benefit of doubt, as they have been good while they've been here... Its definitely normally a lot easier to squeeze teams at TDL, when they are loading up....
  9. Yes and no.... If you've got something several other are inquiring about, you can afford put out proposals and see what sticks... If somebody offers a 2nd and a 3rd for a player, why would you not try and squeeze another bidder? you've already got the 2nd + 3rd, so try and see how hungry the other bidder is...? We don't have a 1st this round, so maybe they wanted either one of our top prospects (could be Lekkerimaki, Willander, Podz, Hogs or who knows or next years 1st)... especially since cap would have to be retained... So yes you are right, any GM would go for the better package, and that could be the package they asked Canucks for...
  10. Sorry.... meant Eddie Vedder
  11. There it is... We got to play somebody, and there isn't any easy teams at this stage...
  12. Spot on... If against the odds they decide to off load Garland during the summer, they will NOT have any problems doing so... his value has sky rocketed this season, from where it was at the beginning...
  13. Sound a lot like myself, except I try to stay close to Canucks related subjects... Simply don't have the time to go too much into other issues, but yes, I get so much information through CDC and now CFF about what goes on within the organisation, rumours etc... We can't agree with everyone, and we may see things differently, but at least it gives us a chance to broaden our horizon, and there are many good points of views being put forward... I wouldn't change it anything, and have had many a good discussion here... only 'sad' thing is, being located in the UK, means not being able to meet up with some of all the fab posters here for a few pre game pints...
  14. That is exactly it.... If Lindholm fails to impress, he is history... no retention, no trade for additional cap, all for the cost of a late 1st, a player who didn't want to sign for us, and a $5M player who wasn't in their plans going forward. With the cap rise, Kuz/Lindhiolm cap vanishing and Myers cap vanishing, there are more than enough for pay rises, to Petey, Hronek, Bluger Joshua and Zad should they wish to do so... (or close to...), makes it a lot easier to navigate over the summer.
  15. indicated and indicated.... None of us knows, what the price was gonna be... And they could have waited, not made the trade and ended up with nothing? Or even worse, the SC final winning goal could be scored by Lindholm, and we'd be sitting saying, he could have been ours...?
  16. 20 years now with ups and downs that has followed.... Part of the enjoyment is actually being part of these forums... Best bar none.
  17. They do have the potential though to have an exceptional D in a few years...
  18. Still think we'll get to see Lindholm on Peteys wing again at some stage... Either with Garland as he looked good there yesterday, or to united the Joshua, Bluger/Suter, Garland 3rd line...
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