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Everything posted by spook007

  1. Yeah true amigo... Life goes on... We need to learn to deal with adversity as fans and the team in general... I think the team is better at taking it oj the chin than we are, as you rarely hear Tocchet complain about the calls or the refereeing... (this is actually refreshing). I thought, when I saw it first, it looked bad... not malicious, but bad... Agree Manson did look concerned and didn't act as somebody head hunting. In saying that, when Z got his two games suspension, he also apologies and held his hand up for it being a mistimed hit... My main concern though, was I didn't think they only gave 2 min penalties in the NHL for hits to the head in general. Miller definitely got Manson off the hook by being a man and not a Hollywood actor, which I applaud... I was sick and tired of it around 2010-2011-2012, where everyone seemed to dive none stop. The NHL seemed to get a hold on it by regular embellishment calls, but it seems to have vanished again... But yes in the end, the team has to learn, not to play scarred when in the lead, and they concede a goal... its a simple as that... You are never gonna win all the games by shut outs, and good teams will put you under pressure.... It all part off the learning... Of course a good start would be getting the PP going again... If Tocchet can't get it going, get somebody in, who can... for a team this good, its embarrassing the PP is so poor...
  2. I get that and agree.... The issue was saying how much MacKinnon has won, and how much his production is etc... If Petey has superstar line mates, he would also likely be higher in both numbers and production...and maybe in the conversation for personal trophies.. Hence, to get Petey to actually want to play with 'plugs' you have to pay him as well... If McD had to play with these players, he's ask for a trade... same with Matthews, and probably NM as well... Hopefully in a couple of years we'll have Hogs well established (Or a bigger player) and Lekkerimaki on Peteys wing, and then see his how he fares... What we have now (season stat wise) is likely going to be, what we'll get, until we are through the toughest of CAP penalty gone ie in 3 years time (unless we see some trades involving Garland or Mika)... Time line would likely fit with Lekkerimaki and Willander... And Petey being in his prime... I do believe Petey is still evolving, as he is still getting stronger, and that will help him improve... ie making even bigger impact individually and more importantly with more consistency...
  3. Lets just start there right away... Who cares if Millers Contract goes 2 years beyond MacKinnons... Yeah right, sounds daft, doesn't it? Miller is paid 8M, does that mean MacKinnon isn't worth his contract? Or is MacKinnon paid for what has done only, and not because they hope, what he is about to do? What about McD Why did Oilers pay him $12.5M at such a young age? Because what they hoped he would do? same as Petey... By your account salaries wouldn't be rising because Crosby was paid $8.7M only... As I said before, MacKinnons contract is good for Avs, but that does not not mean Peteys contract is garbage...Some players out perform their contracts and some don't... again Miller is a great example... Lets see What Leon Draiseitls next contract is going to look like, and he is not even the best player... Maybe we let the ink be dry on Peteys contract ,before we say, he isn't worthy of tying NMs laces... As for beating the best, who says, we can't beat the best? Its a team sport, and while having the best players in world is an advantage, its not the only deciding factor... If so, why hasn't TO or Oilers won it yet? As an added bonus there is also tax advantage of playing south of the border... I think in a previous tread it was calculated the advantage was about $.7M for Mackinnons contract. Take that away from Peteys contract, its not just 1M difference... Finally, Petey plays for the Canucks, and he has earned his pay rise. MacKinnon plays for Avalanche, and I could care less if he is only $5 or $100M as it hs very little influence on the Canucks, but if you think that MacKinnons contract isn't going to be passed either next summer or the following 2 years, I'll say good luck... The Cap is rising and you mark my word, MacKinnons contract will soon be passed left, right and centre... Just like Crosbys was. The Nylander and Huberdeau contracts are on you... But Nylander is the sign that players will be wanting better contracts. Finally, Its pretty damn hard to be a stand out as a teenager, when you play on a team that suck ass for so long.... Look at what players like McD, McKinnon, Matthews etc have had to play with compared to Petey...
  4. Hola amigo. Just a quick one here, but if there's a hit to the head is that not normally a 5min major? Fair enough if its not seen, but just surprised to see only a 2min penalty handed out for a hit to the head of Miller... PS. Good to see you back.
  5. Both yes and no.... contracts are going to head north. Wait and see the value contract being signed by the top players from now on. If we only look at value cost, lets bring Millers contract in? He is unreal atm, so he should be paid better? If you compare value for what a player brings and points v his salary, then you could maybe argue Millers contract is better than MacKinnons? or at least even value? Great for Avs, if MacKinnons contract is good, but that doesn't mean Peteys is bad. can I just add that MacKinnons contract goes until he's 36, while Peteys contract goes until he's 34... The years they pay for (age of the player) matters, just like Millers contract.
  6. If you say you don't show a dislike towards our players, I'll take you word for it... I'm too old and too tired to go back and look for examples... As for Pettersson contract, maybe instead of comparing it to MacKinnon, we should compare it to other players getting contracts now after cap is rising again... Alternatively we could start to compare Millers contract to everyone else, and I'm sure a lot of contracts would look like garbage...
  7. Sure, and its not disliking Podz at all, but that line got owned v Avs, and don't want Petey to spend his talent in the D-zone... Only one way to find out I guess, but that was why I wanted Lindholm with Petey.
  8. My only feear would be Petey with Hogs and Podz would be too inexperienced (or weak) defensively. Petey and Hogs together with Suter struggled defensively against Avs... putting another nearly rookie on Peteys wing won't help that
  9. Think Lindholm will be brought back onto Peteys line once Joshua is back
  10. Nobody saying he is on fire now, but he did break the game open v LA Kings. You have an amazing joy in putting Petey down, and the team in general. Well I'd suggest in a tight non scoring game, scoring the tying goal is exactly breaking a game open... McKinnon was a 1OA and there were lots of talk in his first years about it being the wrong choice. He is now a monster, but a different player to Petey. Physically he is superior, that can hardly be argued, but the points tally can. Petey has been scoring points for fun throughout his tenure here, and that regardless of his wingers. Physicallity matters in particular during the younger years, where skinny players is easier to bully... as they start to get physically stronger they become far better players as their skills that kept them amongst the top players are still there. MacKinnon is in his prime now, while Petey isn't yet... And yes since the All Star Game... how have the other Canucks fared since the All Star Game? None of them seem to have done amazingly (bar perhaps Miller), but yes Petey has been in a bit of a funk. (Actually hated it at the time, that so many of our players went, instead of getting some rest after our crazy schedule). However leading up to the All Star Game he was brilliant... One of the reasons we are still fighting for top spot in the league, despite star players not firing on all cylinders, is because of how good he Highes and Miller has been prior to the All Star Game. PS. Don't think I mentioned anything about shooting the puck towards the bench? But since you are mentioning it, I think, it was a smart move and quick thinking.
  11. Naslund on Peteys wing drop PDH Some great ideas and names coming up.
  12. Canucks to show up and make Washington pay for the Colorado downer... 5-2 Canucks Petey
  13. Is it really? About as hillarious as somebody asking the question, when was the last time Pettersson broke open a game, only to told its a week ago, when he totally undressed a hall of famer playing on another playoff team. Your dislike of this team and its players is really starting to smell like trolling. I'm sure you aren't, but...
  14. Spot on... over the last few years he has become a monster, but it wasn't always so... definitely a lot of debate about him being taken 1OA... Goes to show that players don't react their peak until 28 and upwards.
  15. This is exactly it... Nothing new in the NHL though... it has regularly been an issue, that the outcome determines the penalty... Shouldn't be. Its either a dirty hit or it is not... frustrating... and posibly currupt as f...
  16. Is this where this is heading now? a slagging off match towards the two highest scoring players to ever wear a Canucks jersey? Amazing.... Might as well get rid of Petey and Hogs as he will be next. And trade Lekkeri and D-petey cause they all suck...unbelievable... Last 11 season this team sucked, and the first time we actually start to look good and have future, we start bitching about the players that got us there... I would never have believed hearing us starting to turn on Petey and Sedins...
  17. Issue is also, he is likely never going to get a better opportunity to cash in on a top contract... This is definitely, what his agent is going to tell him.
  18. But but but..... sometimes there are no words...
  19. Yeah... let them show they actually care... no problem at all with that... far better than the country club atmosphere...
  20. Bingo.... we have a winner...
  21. I'm sure they'll bury them, given the opportunity... Disappointed that they get 2min only for a head shot. Different if they didn't see it, but normally its 5min and the showers for head shot. Regardless, this team has far more potential, than they showed. And a few good players coming back, which would make us harder to play against. The boys need to learn playing under pressure, and that is a process... better to crumble now, than during meaningful games.
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