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Everything posted by spook007

  1. True... they got nervous... it is a process... Being amongst the big boys isn't easy, but they will learn from all of this... and get stronger...
  2. Remember, they never won the cup... it take all kind of things to align to win the cup... its the first time in 11 years we are pushing the big boys, and first time for a lot of the core players. They'll learn from this and get better... its a process...
  3. Hmmmm..... Only thing to say after that is... its still not play offs time... Better to screw up now and learn, than to screw up during play offs... Let's not forget nobody saw us in this position at the start of the season. Boys are learning on the job... On to the next one....
  4. Good thinking... It might very well be on the cards... Could also be they just want to show Johnson they value him highly.
  5. Could care less if they are girls, boys or sailors with wooden legs... anything and anyone that makes us a better team all the way through are more than welcome in my book. And who cares if they have 4 AGMs more than any other team? If they feel it helps the team/organisation keep hiring...
  6. Think we will give him a good offer, but if he gets gready, they'll sign his qualifying offer and then trade him. I think he is a good player, and I am delighted that we signed him however, with recap penalty upcoming, we will need to be wary of how much we pay the players. Hughes has shown he makes everybody better, so they'll be able to find another rhd, if they have to.
  7. It won't be from the Canucks... we simply can't afford handing out overflated contracts left, right and centre. If he gets gready Canucks will find Hughes another partner... so far just about anyone put on his pairing har succeded... Tan man until Willander is ready
  8. I freaking love Tocchet... he is such a breath of fresh air... Good honest pressers, without the need of throwing anyone under the bus...and yet he still gets his message through... No drama on the bench, no challenging every decision but instead building the team to get better. And he has a great understanding of what makes players tick... Petey, our most prized possession sign an extension, so he must be satisfied, Millers leadership qualities has been brought to the front under Tocchet, Boeser is suddenly a positive commodity, etc etc ... (Not naming Hughes, as he would fit in under any coach)... but the list is endless... It all stems from JR through PA and all the way through the system... They seem to be one happy family... long may it continue.
  9. Probably true though... no doubt you're more likely to go to war for a person you like, than a dirt bag you despise
  10. Just hope the trend continues
  11. yeah, we are lucky its not for another year.... The coaches have done wonders with a lot of the players...
  12. There you go... at least there would be parity... A lacerated spleen is nothing to be making fun of, but it feels odd that its the same team make use of it leading up to every playoffs... we'll see if he returns. If he does, I will not be the only one smelling a rat... They fact there's talk of the league looking into suggests, others are non too happy neither...
  13. With all due respect... to tell somebody its legal (by signing it off) and at the same time warning them, suggests that we accepts some teams do funny business, circumventing rules to their advantages, and other teams we'll nail... In the end its about somebody getting an unfair advantage... whether its by league overspending or by increasing (theoretical) spending of one team, regardless of it reducing spending by another... its getting an unfair advantage. If this carries on, you'll teams in general dropping a few players (Canucks with their lead could have done so with Soucy etc...) and then load up for the play offs... Team with lots on money will easily that, other teams less so... I don't see any difference... I understand, why the rule exists, but its being used in a way, I doubt, the league was intending it to be used.
  14. Well..... maybe... So where does Canucks being hit by the Luongo rule compare to this? As far as I can see here from the cheap seats, Canucks were twisting the system as much as they could, by finding a loop hole, to their advantage... There was nothing illegal about it, when the contract was signed, but because the league found Canucks to have used a loop hole to an unfair advantage, they hammered them retrospective... I don't see much difference in using the Luongo loophole and the way they use LTIR by using the rules to their advantage... Of course its Bettmans baby doing it, year after year, so....
  15. Can we just take a time to remember Juulsen is here for another year at $0.775M.... what a freaking steal...
  16. Yep ... the point % yawn..... Had a few discussions about the points % thing.... some thought that they would win all their games in hand, and while it was possible, it was more than highly unlikely... and as happen to all teams, they didn't... You can't beat having points in the bag.... the rest is hope and maybes...
  17. Think the whole team was running on empty... especially the show ponies... coming home and getting settled in their own time zone has been massive.... And now they get to be rested, practice time, and for Lindholm to get settled as well...
  18. Soucy played a great game last night and have been brilliant while being here, but lets not down play the added element Zadorov brings to the table... He hits like a truck and the entire team is lifted by his toughness... He can skate like the wind and even joins the rush now and again... There was a lot of talk at the start of the season, that we didn't really have 3-4 dmen and they were all 5-7 d men... Doesn't look like that anymore... Both Z and Soucy can play the no, 4 roles (and by default the no.3 role)... so they are both definitely playing to their pay package... Z will likely come in around $4.5M depending on how much we can afford... and Soucy's play would also warrant a pay rise, had his contract been up at the end of the season... We should be able to afford Z... And lets not forget, how much we missed a big hard hitting Dman who can actually play hockey as well...
  19. Absolutely + Hughes is also likely more interested in staying, if he knows, who his playing partner is... However if Hronek don't like Canucks offer... in the end everyone has a cap number in the front office plans, but whether that fits in with the player himself is the question. I hope they can come to an agreement on a long term contract... It's better for all involved, if we know approx, what we have going forward... I normally hate too long contracts, and would rather lose a good player, then having to pay 7-8 for less than stellar play, but Hronek and Quinn has been a good combination, and you never know for sure, what you'll get next... Better the devil sort of thing...
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