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Everything posted by spook007

  1. We could put any of Miller or Boeser on Petey wing, but then we break the chemistry on their line.. They could put Lindholm on his line, but that didn't click just now... And then they could find a cheaper value winger for him... Its not as if we are swimming in extra cash with OEL penalty coming up... But of course If we got $9-10M winger for Petey, he is more likely to score more... My point was that at $11.6M you'd expect to be able to lead a line even without a star winger... I'm pretty sure MacKinnon could drive a line without Rantanen, if they wanted to spread it out...
  2. Eventually I expect Lekki to be on his wing, but not sure it will be in 6 months... Maybe, just a little concerned about his slight frame... skills wise, he could be his wing already... Its a different animal in the NHL than the bigger rinks in Sweden.. (and yes I know Petey did it )
  3. True, and I would honestly hope, that an $11.6M Players doesn'tn't need an $8M winger to be successful. If that is the case, we wasted $11.6M. Hence, its PAs job to find an affordable wingerthat would benifit Petey vice verse.
  4. It wasn't the salary... it was the cap space. We needed to 'dump' Kuz as we needed the cap space to make improvements.
  5. Difference were none of these players required the team to take a big cap player back in the deal. Had Canucks said to Calgary, we want Lindholm and we have the cap space, just like with Z, they may even have got Flames to retain some cap, but they needed to off load Kuz hence Flame didn't take any retantion. As for bidding war, there would definitely have been a bidding war for Lindholm, and Canucks would not have gotten him any cheaper... most likely the opposite... Z was had easily, as Canucks could eat his cap hit, without having to clarr cap first. Should they have had Flames retain on Z the cost would have been far higher....
  6. ... should have gotten at least 2M retension on Linholm...? How do you get to that comclusion. Its only in Vegas the mob can make them an offer they can't refuse... Calgary was in no hurry to get rid of Lindholm. They knew he'd be hot commodity come TDL, where he would be if not the most thought after player, then close to... So if Canucks wanted him they had to pay up... and lets not forget, in order to make room for him Kuz needed to be part of the deal, so I don't get where you find the idea, we could have held a knife to their throat and forced them to take retension... PS. Allvin had just bent over Flames and spanked them with a 5th for Zadorov.... They were bever gonna let Canucks get an easy ride with Lindholm.
  7. If for any reason he doesn't, it will be managements biggest job next year, to find him someone, with whom he clicks.
  8. So sorry for your loss @VegasCanuck... Just seen this now... Thought and prayers are with you and your family... all the best amigo. Hope you are ok
  9. Maybe... we just don't know... But then we wouldn't have any picks this year (of value) or next year bar the 1st... Do you think Toffoli would put this team over the top?
  10. That is exactly it.... Lets just see what this team is really made of, and than we can improve accordingly... I'd be really disappointed should we have lost Willander or Lekki.... or one or more od D-Petey, Podz, Hogs etc...
  11. I am not telling you anything... PA is... They decided that the price they had to pay for Toffoli was too much... If not Toffoli would have been here. I am not so hyped as other over Toffoli.. But I'm sure he could have done a job on Peteys wing, but at what cost? and his cap hit on $2.1M, did we have room for that (provided we would have been able to get Devils to retain half his cap hit). Not sure we got players I'd let go to make room for Toffolis cap hit... Lets see come play offs time, if he makes a difference...
  12. You think 12 years of shit was worth it? Depends on the eyes that see... Advantage here is we have a young core, and if we can find / use our prospects to fill in the blacks (cover for cap issues), then I don't see why this group can't push on for a substantial period... but we need good prospects to be able to cover the holes... Finally, PA didn't think there was anything available that would suit, what they were looking for, and definitely not at a price they were prepared to pay.
  13. As I mentioned earlier, I would have liked another bruising scoring winger (possibly to play on Peteys wing) but other than that I'm happy... Did not want to screw the team up for nothing... Remember "Roy baby" and the waste that was...
  14. 2011.... they went all in, but didn't win... the rest is history... Empty cupboard and no prospects... These core players are young enough to keep pushing... we need our prospects to cover the holes over the next few years.... so all good.
  15. All about need, availability and price.... If the price doesn't fit the need, then it is nonsense to load up... We've spent 12 years discussing the issue draining the prospect pool presents... Lets not ever go down that route again, or at least until we know, we have a big opportunity... Despite us slaying the dragons recently, I don't think any fans doubt the task ahead, come playoffs time... At least we will know, what our players can / can not do after the play offs, and should we be in the same position next season (or there about), they will be making more calculated moves... For now we are looking good as we are.... although I would have loved another bruiser forward or winger for Petey (could have been the same player)...
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